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Everything posted by Bucky92

  1. I like TROGDORs 2 door version with the longer bed....I could fit a dirtbike in it then...to me thats the only downfall with the brats and the bajas...need more bedspace. I love these concepts though!!
  2. I keep missing the good stuff on freecycle...A 92 Legacy...a 90 Loyale..never at the puter at the right time..by the time I see it its gone.Plus ....my boyfriend told me last night that his sister-in law. drove a Subaru..he thinks it was an Impreza older one..it just stopped running so she bought a new car and sent the Impreza to the JY..just because it had over 200,000 miles on it!! Said she would have gave it to me:banghead: :banghead: ....and it sounded like all it had was a broken timing belt ( it was gen 1 impreza so it has non-interference!) You are so lucky!!!
  3. All I can say is:slobber: :slobber: :slobber: ...And thank Goodnes I got DSL last week...I would have never waited to download a video like that with dial-up. Still :slobber:ing
  4. Paul.... See I still exist!! It was great seeing you again...and your son too....he is a cutie!..Still drooling over the 73:slobber: ....shame we couldnt see it better under the cardboard but I understand you are keeping it warm.. Tom says you,Melis and Dave are cool ppl ..he likes you guys and is serious about going to Pine Barrens(spelling cause I am an idiot) as long as no one picks on him about using his Toyota truck...I will put a Subaru sticker on it just for fun though.
  5. I surely hope that Laura is OK...I was in a very similar accident years ago except it was the drivers side that was hit and then the passenger side was wrapped around a telephone pole. As hard as it seems to say...1 less Gen 1 brat is better than 1 less Laura. Just another reason why I love Subarus though....Lauras Brat gave its life to protect her....They always seem to take care of those who take care of them.
  6. Pauly Pauly Pauly!!!! I am still around... And I am going to be seeing you today....Melis called and talked me into coming down....and I am bringing the BF cause he doesnt believe that there are more ppl out there as crazy as me about Subarus. I cant wait to see the 73...
  7. LOL..The only thing about the Loyales that I dont like......I use the "wedge it between the parking brake and seat" method..and never get anything without a screw on lid. For coffee....I have a natural instinct now that when ever I brake or turn to automatically instead of down shifting may hand goes to the coffee cup:grin:
  8. Thats the stuff..POR-15. Thanks guys!! Gotto try it.Then dig out my jumbo tube of silicone. I was told that Bucky is jealous cause he is no longer the only man in my life;) and that leak is Subaru tears. Well..I told my other man that I very soon need to spend some time with Bucky but he is more than welcome help and do some bonding.(otherwise noted as Bondo-ing:brow: ) Thanks again!!! Oh and grossgary...Thats what I would really like to do cause I want to keep Bucky forever...but in reality...I want to keep him till there is nothing left of him. Paulyburger!!! Bucky is not like the ppl I live amongst....you know he is littlebit redneck..just like me!
  9. My baby has sprung a bad leak!! He has had a bit of rust around his windshield but it has officially gotten bad...Sitting nose down on a hill at a red light in the rain today I had a small river coming in from the top of the windshield....into my lap! When I got him home I looked at the outside frame around the window and the rust on the top has gotten bad. I dont want to just throw some silicone around it without doing something to keep the rust from spreading underneith. I can't remember the name of the stuff someone suggested to spray on there since I can't pull the windshield and do it the right way. Any help would be appreciated..I want to keep Bucky around for awhile longer and want to keep as little moisture from getting to the inside as possible. I mean this isnt a little drip..I tried to dry it off with some towels I had in the car and it didnt stop the flow at all..It was a constant trickle. But only when he is pointing nose down.
  10. I always look for previous owners service records...if there it gives you an idea if any of the routine maintanence was done...IE timing belts. If they arent available then be prepared to change them before doing the trip.There is also the Tick of Death thing which isnt a major problem but for the price I would want to know if it does have it and what the extent is (how long it goes before it stops). The radiators are known to block up also so that would need to be looked at too. Underneith check the front unibody frame rails for rust.Also....typical axle shafts. As for the oil leaks..these cars are the Gods/Goddesses of the oil leak and can be very hard to track down all of them..but not to bad to fix them(thats coming from someone who has had my Loyale for a year and a half and hasnt done a thing to calm mine down). I personally sware by these cars..My 92 is my second one and has been the best,most dependable car I have ever owned. I love everything about them. Granted I paid $600 for Bucky but found out his KBB is $1400. These cars seem to have a way of taking care of you...even when they shouldnt. I would not be afraid to drive Bucky from coast to coast (after I do the timing belt change which is WAY over due)with his 187,000 miles.
  11. Hey Melis!! I said we drooled....not what we really did:eek: ! Ummmm....I just noticed something new in your sig????Hummm...do I see 93 Impreza?????Spill it girl!!You got another addition and didnt tell me???Or Did I miss something???
  12. Hey Paul....Sorry I found a new boyfriend...but honestly..I am trying to convert him from Toyota to Subaru:grin: .He has heard all about this North East group of Subaru ppl and wants to meet y'all. Doesnt understand us though..but what can you expect from someone who has never had a Soob. I have a deal for you though...I have a large basement...if you need too you are more than welcome to store some stuff here. I am still dying meet the 73......and sit in it and drool...kinda like Melis and me did secretly to your 78.
  13. Awwwww Paul!!! Hope you are feeling better soon! Take Care of yourself!
  14. I fell in love with Subarus awhile back with my 88 GL wagon..needed a delivery car and dog hauler and there it was cheap...I love everything about them...they handle well..great in bad weather (even my FWD ones ..which was all of them) easy to work on...specially since you dont have to often. Gas mileage is terrific and they will go when they need to...before Subarus I had stuff like my 71 Mach 1 Mustang 428 CJ,70 Mustang Coupe 289,86 Daytona Turbo Z, and a bunch of VWs for beaters...and my Subaru have always been the best....now I can't see myself driving anything but a Soob. I think it is cause they love you back....they first win you over and then absolutly love you back...I have seen Soobs take care of ppl when they really shouldnt have..me included. Out of my 3 that I have had my current Loyale is the most special...dont know why but he is. Yes I want another one either newer or older but I want to keep my Bucky around till there is nothing left of him but some parts to become doners to another deserving Soob..that way he will live on. Thats what it is about Soobs...they are just special!
  15. Ahhhhhhh..The Ford Maverick...what a piece of cra-----garbage:lol: . I remember smoking a built up one w/ a hopped up 302 with my 70 Mustang coupe 289...title for title (grudge match between neighbors).I didnt take the title to it though..didnt want to insult my mustang with that thing parked beside it in the driveway. I dont think the name Loyale is bad....at least it fits mine...Bucky has been very loyal to me and me to him:brow:
  16. I got in on this kinda late (been away for the weekend). I will defend a Loyale to the death!!! I absolutely love mine.Just like I love the DL and GLs..I just prefer that body style.My reason for being so happy with less is cause..its less that you have to worry about breaking! I looked at a 2001 Impreza not to long ago and was suprised at how much more room I have in my old Loyale.Plus I get 35+MPG (FWD)and it has been the most dependable car I have ever owned (and I owned alot of cars). Even with stuff wrong they just seem to keep going and going.I laugh at other ppl at the gas stations....as I put $5 in the tank I know I can drive all week on it....so what if its slow..it will get up and go when I need it to. Loyales Rock!!
  17. I tried something different with Buck tis-morning...and no smoke..But I couldnt get him to kick down below 1500 RPMs until I shut him off at the gas station about 20 minutes later. But it was 3 degrees! LOL Matt..he if Bucky wants a smoke break thats fine with me..I just dont want to know what he is smoking and I surely dont want him to share.
  18. Cool thanks!!! I was thinking something similar to Flowmaster about the vents but my thought was they might be clogged cause I didnt clean the car off yet (snowed last night). And I can understand what Qman said ..I did kick him down but he was still idling at 1800 (he races at 2300 at first start-up) for between 10-15 minutes. Thanks for easing my pain:grin:. Over protective of my baby.
  19. This morning I went out to do my usual warm up of Bucky and when I came back out 10 minutes later the inside of the car was loaded with smoke..smelled like burnt oil ( I just topped him off the day before and did get some on the exhaust so that smell is understandable) I am just curious why so much of it ended up INSIDE the car..comeing out the heater vents... Once again..am I over reacting or is this a common occurance or an easy fix..or what would be causing this???? Thanks to you all in advance
  20. Hey nkx! technically I am a local too ya know....I grew up outside of Harrisburg and then lived for 10 years in Perry County:drunk:.I still have to send my registrasation in..been kinda busy....trying to convert the new boyfriend into a Subaru lover...its been a hard task too..at least he doesnt drive a Honda.
  21. Turbone....I wanted to put all three:grin: but I put the center one up.If I had a good color printer.......or even a printer...I would have printed all three out and hung them on my wall!!Actually I saved all of them on my puter so I can switch now and then. Thanks again!
  22. Thanks Turbone!!!! One of your beautiful coupe is now my wall paper!!..I am jealous though..I want one SOOOOOOOO bad
  23. I have been searching for a good pic of an early 80's GL coupe to use as wallpaper on my puter...since that is what I want ..I want to keep reminding myself of what I am working for. So if anyone has a really nice shot of one I would really appreciate it.
  24. At least you are OK and thats the important part..Dont forget a Subaru will gladly give up its own life to make sure its loved ones stay safe.
  25. Way To Go Paul!!!! I cant wait to see her!! I feel bad about not being able to get down there last night but....diner and a movie with a hottie..I just couldnt pass that up since its been a long time. Keep me some EA81 parts handy though...Melis and Dave are "researching" something for me:grin:. Its a little bit outta my price range but you never know.Plus Melis emailed me saying they want to go over it better yet. Tell Pat sorry that we didnt get to see the glorious moment but he was in our thoughts...and still will be till we all know he makes it safe and sound back home.What an amazing man and an amazing journey.
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