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Everything posted by Bucky92

  1. I just got in from doing some shopping.Bought a new jack and picked up the Marvels Mystery oil for my Tick of Death. Dumb question of the day...How long should I leave it in for..regular oil change time or should I run the car for a week or two then change it out?? See???? Like I said ..Dumb question right?
  2. You guys are right...this is a great group of ppl.Newbies are welcomed into the club with open arms and made to feel like they belong here..which was so helpful to me personally. The knowledge of this group is unsurpassed and noone is made to feel stupid even when a simple question is asked. I know I couldnt believe the ppl who were willing to help me out when I was feeling overwhelmed with the problems with my baby (Bucky) both with parts and thier time. When Moosens, Brus Brother,and Scoobadooba were under my car trying to hang the exhaust it about made me want to cry.People usually dont want to help me out specially when it comes to the car thing since they know I dont mind working on them myself but seem to not care that I dont know how to do alot of things. You guys dont enjoy seeing someone fall on thier face and that means you all have big hearts and thats rare in this day. And for someone like me that all needs to be repaid back. By that I mean I will do my best to return any favor in anyway I can no matter how small it is. You guys are the best...And being a true Soob nut is a good thing...good cars make good ppl in my book.
  3. I am always game!! Guess a shower would help that though:grin: .Sure beats sitting home alone all the time...Plus I love hanging with others with the same interests since it seems we are so few and far between. Good friends, good fun,,and I always seem to learn something new. I just need to get it in my schedule cause I have a truck to do some paint,rust,and body work on if the person ever gets the stuff needed!
  4. I had a 90 Justy...it was the only Soob I wasnt to happy with..Bought it with 80,000 miles on it...motor went at 88,000 ..couldnt find a replacement motor anywhere close to PA.So I gave it to some kids to finish it off out in the woods.
  5. It helps out alot if you have the tires good and warm...the stickier they are the better the launch (X drag racer at Maple Grove Raceway in PA).The rest is just practice. I havent dragged in years but when I did I had a big heavy old Mach1 Mustang with a 428 Cobra Jet with blower...5 speed. Its all about practice and knowing the best shift points on your car.Once you get the launchdown ..then you want to work on reaction time. But sticky tires is the key...smoke them good before the launch!!Sometimes too by adding a heavy duty clutch you can get more grip with less slippage. Good Luck!! keep practicing.
  6. Start simple..Check your brake fluid level...might be low.as breaks wear the fluid level drops due to the plungers on the calipers expanding..Could just be some air in your lines..Try bleeding them first. Check for a leak in a wheel cylinder also. Hope that helps. Welcome to the board!
  7. Hopefully I can join the ranks of vintage ownership (or close to it at least) once I win the lottery. I have 12 more years before Bucky becomes vintage..hope he can hold out that long.
  8. I like the green and the gold personally.Sure beats the refridgerator white;) (see what you guys started)
  9. Hocrest is right..we are a friendly group in PA...even though I transfered out back in April..the goodheartedness of PA still lives on. On another note...I used to know a great JY in E-Town..the prices were terrific and they always had what I was looking for..I spent most of my teenage years there. Wonder if its still around..wish I could remember the name of it.
  10. Mary, I am glad you are flattered...I absolutly love your Brat,I think its the color or something but she is a beauty. I cant wait to see her at the import car show!! Thank you so much for the invite! And on Toms comment..I get the same thing from my one neighbor..he always asks why I keep working on my Loyale..why dont I just get rid of the POS (Bucky can't hear me right now).I say its not a POS,its bought and paid for....always gets me to where I have to go.And I keep it because I CAN! I look at it this way..its worth more to me than any dollar amount.I try my best to take care of it to the best of my ability..and he takes care of me in return. The heart of your Brat knows what you are doing for it.And when time comes ..all your efforts will be paid back 100 fold.
  11. I just went out to try and get a pic but mine is hidden under the spare and its still raining.I will try again later after it stops ...already got a few strange looks from my neighbors ..walked out with my camera around my neck,wearing a tank top and shorts and slippers..in the rain and its like 42 degrees out...oh the dedication. Maybe someone else will have a pic already handy. If I had a scanner I have a microfiche of the set-up that would probably help but I dont. And yeah...welcome to the wonderful crazy world of USMB and congrats on adopting your Soob or better yet..on your Soob adopting you
  12. Try the Junk Yards first for the drums and the dipstick. But if you do want to use new drums its worth the money since you will probably never have to replace them again. I used my old 88 GL wagon as a newspaper delivery car and the brakes both front and rear help up great..better than any other delivery car I had. I could run out and take a pic of my clutch cable for you...but dont know if it will help cause I dont have hillholder on mine..but it might be the same..will do that shortly..its too dark out right now and my cheap digi camera doesnt have a flash. As for the ticking lifters..common problem...lots of easy ways to fix ..always try the easy stuff first...Marvel Mystery oil is one way..freguent oil changes,heavier weight oil.And the Mickey Mouse gasket on the oil Pump are all common ways to quiet the noise. The oil leak...if it isnt to bad dont worry about it till you have something else to do...like timing belts.These motors like to mark thier territory.
  13. And I missed it!!!!!!! ...like the toes though in the first pic! You know what they say about big feet.......big shoes.
  14. Thanks guys!!! I have never looked at my fridge..oops I mean loyale... and thought of it as an appliance until now. But one good thing...how many fridges can actually haul another fridge at the same time? On another note..I stopped at the Snobby Soob dealer here yesterday (just for fun) and looked at a 2001 Impreza wagon..I couldnt believe how much more room I have in the old boy. But the salesman actually gave me a compliment on Bucky..saw the decals and then shook his head..asked if I was one of these crazy old Soob freaks that will do about anything to keep it around. My reply was...Of Course!! Then I noticed 2 spots of rust that need my attention ASAP...so once the sun comes up and it dries out a bit ..thats what I will be doing today.
  15. Congrats!!...And I have to say...you are pretty talented to take the picture while still driving at 65 MPH:grin: . I have 15,000 more to go before mine hits the 200K mark.
  16. Way to go Mary!!!!!Pretty soon its gonna be going like a champ! I hope you dont mind ..but I kinda stole a pic from the photo gallery of your Brat and used it as wallpaper on the one puter at work.
  17. Its because I am special Paul!! Plus I sent some money to McBrat..kinda like a trade you know. If you really nice....I happen to have an extra one that I might be able to contribute to the FSCofR.
  18. Thanks guys! I have never thought of my car as a little white refridgerator..but now that you mention it..
  19. What is it???? What model?? some of us might be interested in it for parts or even to fix. Have you tried to sell it here? I am originally from PA and I know ways around the inspection.... Where did you take it?? Some places try to rook you into getting the whole thing when you dont need it.Plus if you need the Y pipe you can always look in the JY for them. Mine broke at the resinator pipe and I got a quote of about $700 to replace it...there is no way I could afford that..but I am not to proud to run a used exhaust until I get the money saved to get new.
  20. Its official!!! Got a nice little suprise in the mail today. I or should I say Bucky..is wearing it with pride too!! Thanks McBrat!!! And I tossed in a complete pic of my pride and joy,Bucky, too. I think I am insane cause I spent 20 minutes sitting outside looking at him thinking what a good looking boy he is.
  21. I hope you didnt get rid of your Sube!!!! I wish you would have posted you needed some exhaust..I could donate a decent muffler and tailpipe if it was a DL,GL,or Loyale. It was all we could save from mine when I couldnt afford a new one myself....but instead of getting rid of my baby...Some ppl from this board helped me out..So now I could return the favor. I have owned a few VWs and they are ok but really expensive to fix..they are definatly no Soob thats for sure.
  22. None of my Soobs were to much of dogs ..for what they were..88 GL 2WD wagon and a 90 Justy 2WD and my current 92 Loyale...if you read my sig..it has 185,000 miles on it and just yesterday I toasted an older Honda Civic ricer and a Focus. I tach out at 3300 at 70-75 and somehow get 38-40 MPG. The gas station/garage I go to loves me cause I love pulling up next to some rich person filling up their beasty road hog and put my weekly $5 in the tank and when they go to pay I run in hand the cashier my $5 and say see you next week and the look on the face of the SUV owner as they hand over $50+ is priceless. Of course the garage's mechanic is in on all this ...great kid...he is another Soob junkie...did a gorgous job on a frame up restore and mod on an 84 Hatch..I been bugging him to email me the pics to post. I would still say....if you can since you have the parts ...do the swap, I think you will be happier in the long run
  23. Granted I never had a AT Soob.. But from what I have read..there might be a decline in gas mileage. I know the area you are in (Originally from Harrisburg Pa but drove 81 a billion times to Albany NY and here to CT) I would say..do the swap!My old Toyota P-U (82 SR5) AT would die big time on the mountains around there..even when with the manual overdrive turned off and the only thing in the bed was my dirtbike. Sad to hear about the loss of your Loyale (being I am a big DL,GL,Loyale wagon fanatic).
  24. Just checked the auction again and it has been sold:( again.Bummer Bummer Bummer.Oh well...Guess I should get my rear in gear and start working on Bucky.
  25. Paul, You know I will be there to help ya out.You know I am not afraid to get dirty. Hummm..maybe I can take a small road trip and pick up Melis for your entertainment for the day..we know how much you enjoy our company and we are both pretty handy with tool!! How many other women you know ask for power tools for gifts??? No seriously ...you know I will give ya a hand...no problem
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