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Everything posted by Bucky92

  1. I used to run my 92 Loyale with 200K all day at 75-80... without any problems. but I can tell you ..on mountains the car will dog. .. These EA82s are not known for thier HP. Now my Loyale wagon was just a FWD 5 spd SPFI ..and I could easily get into the 40 mpg range with it. and just so you know ..in 87 they werent called Loyales..it was either a DL GL or GL-10 ..Loyales werent badged until 90. Those interiors are extremely tough ..so I am not suprised to hear its flawless...most are ..they hold up well Also..the AC will make the car feel like its dragging and anchor...best bet is to only run it on the flats . But the car should do fine...Mine always did...and still does for its current owner. Just go over it well. Sometimes low mileage is worse on a car then high. As for price..well thats hard to say without seeing pics of the car and depending what you are going to use it for. But for that price you can pick up a newer Legacy or Impreza with the more dependable EJ18 or EJ22. Just so you know
  2. with everything hooked up its back to .003 But I am going to have to call it quits for the day to get some sleep so I can work tonight. But hey..some progress was made ..at least I think. And I appreciate everything ..really ..honestly I do.
  3. I fixed the ring and seperated the 2 wires that go into the plug...I still get the .003 with the plug :-\ but will get 1.0 when it is unplugged
  4. WE HAVE A WIENER!!! plug to the Alt is the culprit!!:banana: When I went to remove the wire on the back ( with the ring connector...the wire fell right out of the crimp
  5. I got out my FSM ..and if I am reading it right..it has to do with my ign switch.. That was just changed during the motor swap. the unit on the steering column And I stated that my ign is funny cause when you turn the car off it doesnt shut off till a minute later
  6. Yes the AC was removed ..and I believe all parts associating with it. Like I stated ..I didnt have this problem till this motor swap...and I removed the AC when I pulled the original motor to do the head gaskets. That motor had a good 7-10 hours of run time on it before it went belly up after the reinstall.
  7. OK did the fuseabe links ( cause all the other fuses were already out.) Pulled the green .. still had the 0.003 pulled the center red and got 1.00 put the green back in ..tested again and still had 1.00 pulled the 2nd red and had 1.00 ..put the center red back in..and was back to 0.003. There is a thick yellow wire coming out of the center part of the fuse block .. OK so I think I might be getting somewhere
  8. Basically a month to go ( tomorrow) and there doesnt seem to be the usual excitement:-\
  9. Excuse my asking a dumb question...but ... did you plug in the 2 connectors to have the ECU read the codes?
  10. Last night Neo talked me into pulling all the fuses and reconnecting the battery...just to see if it is one of those circuits ..came home from work and Batt is dead...so it has to be something in the main harness right? How many times can I let this poor battery get fully charged then fully discharged before its toast..they wont honor the warranty again on it. BTW..I had left the batt disconnected since sunday and it didnt even drop a .1 in voltage... I went to work it was 12.3 ..came home it was 2.2. The car does have one oddity ..we put a new ign switch in it..well the lock cylinder..and since then..when you shut the car off it stays running for a second before it shuts off. I took the meter to the connections. I also ..while the batt was disconnected..I took the DMM and set it to the upside down horseshoe ( how stupid do I sound?) put it on the 2M spot and touched the cables..the reading I got was 0.003
  11. Ed ..thats my weber set up that was also on the old motor. I just found it awefully strange that after sitting for an hour and a half...disconnnct the battery and then the carb starts sucking something
  12. One last question...is it normal to disconnect the battery and hear a sucking noise come from the carb?
  13. $250 for my 95 Legacy LS wagon 182K ..with a bad tranny but still moved...very very very minor rust some bumps and bruises . Dropped a new tranny in it ..did the outback strut lift conversion and I drive it more then my 08 Impreza now. Smooth and quiet...almost a shame that I offroad it too:-\ and a free 93 Impreza AWD sedan...230+k ran good had some rust and needed a gas tank...should have kept it and turned it into a rally car..but sold it cause I just couldnt get used to NOT having a wagon
  14. I dont leave the digi installed since I have a working one. ..its also the second brand new battery to be put in the car. I dont care ..its going in the for sale section.. Fate just tells me I am not supposed to have one of these coupes..first my 82 GLF and now this one. Not intelligent enough to deal with the "simplicity" of the EA81s Going to move it outside and free up the garage which will make my husband happy anyway. Maybe I will be lucky and it will pop gear and the e brake wont work and it will roll down the hill into the creek
  15. Not messin with it ...dont care about it anymore...just figuring out if i am going to part it or sell it whole ...what a frickin waste of money...now about $3500 in the whole on it
  16. I GIVE UP!!!! I HATE THIS CAR!! I have no clue what you people are talking about testing resistance etc etc.. Talking electronics is a foreign language to me..I only build the crap ..dont test it. I have no clue even where to set the stupid meter ( OK my true idiotness has come out and I hope many of you are happy) I dont mind mechanical ..dont mess with electrical All I know is the battery was at 12.8V an hour and a half ago and down to 12.3 5 minutes ago. Neo tested out the fuse box ..the output from the alt ..etc. we are getting nothing. Anyone want this worthless waste POS can come and get it
  17. Thanks Ed... I am going to toss another alt on it if I still have one or 3 around here. This is a brand new battery I picked up the other day. And..it had been on the charger and was fully charged before we started doing anything yesterday. This is bad because I cant send the carb to Jerry until this drain problem is fixed.
  18. Well..No Go...battery dead again...we tested everything..in the fuse box, alt, relays, checked all the grounds. UGH!!!! I hate electricals. Just when I thought it was almost safe to start liking my coupe again. I dont understand it...I did not have this problem until swapping this new motor in and replacing the ign switch..which I already swapped that out again to make sure that isnt the problem.
  19. I wish I knew the mileage on my coupes new motor ..the car has 236K from the last motor...but from the way the new one moves...:slobber: I would have to say its pretty low or at some point someone did something else to it besides the reseal that subaru360 did. That little sucker MOVES..I mean impressively too...even powers up a hill that my Legacy will dog on.
  20. We think we found the problem in some relays that went to the old AC...after disconnecting them we werent finding any live draws after. But will know in the morning ..going to leave the battery hooked up and see how it is in the morning. Took it for a spin today too and ...I remember why I love these stupid coupes. Also Edrach rocks !!!!!!! his exhaust he sent me is a direct bolt up!
  21. Started looking for stuff...My hubby brought home a tester that electricians use to track wires and look for broken ones etc.. Started up the car and let it run for a good 15 minutes to finish charging up the battery. I then shut it off and disconnected the ground. took the wire tester over the wires and it was just beeping like crazy...no beeps from the Alt wiring ( this is good) but a bundle of wires to the pass side of the carb..many are unplugged because I believe they belonged to the old carter/weber carb...and the AC and the cruise. It does appear to me that something just isnt grounded. I did find that the O2 sensor was unplugged but that wouldnt cause anything.
  22. If we like you ( hehehe) you can just pop a tent up with our groupe..2 of us already paid for a sight and we know as a fact you can fit easily 3 or 4 tents per sight . There are those of us who drive further the 2.5 hours ..its about 4 or so for me. Looks like I will be meeting up with njdrsubaru in Jersey and going with him on Friday..Most people show up Sat though
  23. Well..if things dont start looking up for it after tomorrow I will be putting it up for sale or for parts...this is getting to be crazy.
  24. Naaaa... Bucky was always an Angel..never gave me much grief at all... he behaved pretty well...well you know..you have him now..... ROCKY on the other hand was the demon spawn...but I think LB has surpassed Rocky fully..and is soon going to be dubbed the Lord of Darkness
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