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Everything posted by Bucky92

  1. bh... I found a fantastic solution to the temp gauge issue.. just have to locate one..accurate to the 10th of a degree.I am actually planning on doing the same mod to my Imp. So this is all in the works . believe me..I am tired of all this now....but ~someone~ keeps yelling at me.
  2. it iS HERE!: ( woke up for a sec ..bathroom run ..dam Shane and his potent drinks) ..oops pic wont work cause of what i titled it as ..LOL..wil fix that tomorrow pic of the other cylinders didnt turn out. These marks were not in the motor before BTW..And from rebuilding enough dirt bike 4 strokers..you see this its means its time for boring and replacing. Along with having to redo the heads AGAIN..I am done with this motor. I have almost enough into it that I could have had a CCR...and now that is out of the question. I was Glad Neo was here cause I think that kept me from going into tears about this or pushing it down the hill into the creek never to be seen again. And we were also discussing possibly saying screw it..EJ22 and 4WD swap. which the 4WD might be in the fututre cause this car also has a bad tranny. Going back to bed now,
  3. I have been in contact with him njdrsubaru will most likely be picking it up for me Sat.:banana: But ..we did get the new ignition switch in..and think he know what was causing the fan not to work. Had a great time...and have some pics...but a weeee bit too tipsy to post right now.
  4. Well...we have desided ...that the motor is toast..we found scoring and marks on the cylinder walls ..also found a bad spot in the head gasket .. Neo said its not worth fixing so I am in the market for a new one.
  5. Got to run to walmart and get something just a weeeeee bit less expensive..but extremely accurate. Neo is on his way and will be here shortly...will update as we figure out the problems
  6. Some of my best cars were "cheap heaps" my 92 Loyale Bucky..now owned by backwoodboy in NY.still going strong and has been just as dependable for him.( $600 but when BWB needed a car..I gave Buck to him just so I new my baby would be going to a good home)..my 83 Accord ( $300) my 82 Prelude ( $300) and my 90 Justy ( $500) and the 2 Subarus I actually bought at a dealer
  7. Sweet!!!! Nice pics!! but I have to say...made me go stoke up the wood stove more...looks flipping cold!!!!! ( I do not like being cold)
  8. If they dont show up tonight..they will be here early tomorrow morning...so its whenever.
  9. Who you think gave me the idea!!! LMAO..you coming over tomorrow??BTW
  10. I have run many engines without caps for observation purposes etc ( how else would you be able to see the bubbles in it from a blown headgasket ..on a car that doesnt have the reservoir?) And 9 times out of 10 running without the cap makes it take longer for the coolant to get to temp. Remember the oldd trick when you have a pin hole leak somewhere..and HAVE to get the car going..loosen the cap..dont let the system pressurize ..so it takes longer for it to leak out. This whole cooling system has been flushed ..replaced..burped ...right down to hoses and even an OEM rad cap. It was excessive steam coming directly from the radiator..and the erupting coolant ..while being kinda cool to watch it. was alittle more then typical bubble over...especially for being in the 10 minute window run time. If I have time today I will pull the T stat and test it... But I am still kinda leaning towards there still being an issue with the headgaskets...This is 100% worse then it was before I changed them.Just really stumped..and would jokingly like to choke the person who said " Its easy":) I want to get my coupe back on the road!!! Want to go around following Prius's yelling.."I am undoing your good!!" ( for those who dont know ..weberized EA81s dont pass emmissions..but luck me its 25 years old and is exempt) Next will be replacing the exhaust..maybe 2 in catless.
  11. It was more like a fountainous eruption.. complete with smoke billowing.
  12. LOL..kinda...like the parts to finish building my awesome new puter... and getting new rims for my Imp....but nothing for coupe
  13. This is all true..but we still have to pull the motor to put the new flywheel in and rear main and clean up the clutch.. So I will probably wait till Monday and just wait till I have a hand from someone who knows more about these motors then me.
  14. I just dont get why it took only 10 minutes before it sent coolant flying. It was only 42 in the garage..and still..the fan never kicked on. Well..Neo said we will tear it back down and see whats going on..If it takes a few weekends then it takes a few weekends..( I never knew how close he was to me )
  15. Since my Murphy's Law thread was closed for some unknown reason I have to start a new one.... After blowing its top ( 83 EA81 GL-10 coupe ..for those who dont know..complete engine reseal including new head gaskets..new front and rear mains..new water pump oil pump and OEM T stat along with a new radiator and new hoses) I found that LB had a loose belt and that the fan wasnt coming on. I tightened the belt up and played with relays. Started the car a couple weeks ago and no problems..the fan still didnt come on but it never overheated. Move forward till today..I desided to start him up just to make sure things were charged ,,its been cold and he has just been sitting. He started up very easy and was running realy nice...I left him run and checked him every couple minutes.I go in the house to take a phone call..come back out about 3 minutes later and he is spewing coolant from the radiator!! I never even had the cap on trying to keep the system from pressurizing. WTH??? 3 weeks ago runs for half hour no problems..then today runs 10 minutes and blows his cool again. I am so happy njdrsubaru is coming monday to help me pull the motor again and dig into this further..cause if he wasnt I think I would be sending the car packing.( Actually thats who I was on the phone with so he witnessed my small freak out ..LOL)
  16. I am sorry to hear about this...were you able to get a licence plate number..or even a partial?? did you call the police also?? Hopefully it is someone close by so you can locate who did it.
  17. The only problem I had was the other day when it was 0 degrees out...my tire pressure monitoring system on my 08 Imp acted up ( which I hear is normal) but now I have a grinding noise in my back pass side wheel... And my coupe is nice and snuggly in the garage..havent started it in awhile but Monday we are pulling the motor again so really no need to. It sucks for those who had the accidents. I have been reading about the snow and stuff you west coasters are getting..To me it all sounds normal for around here..but it can be horrible if you arent used to it And I can also say Salamander ( turbo ) heaters FTW!!!!
  18. Dual Range...Hi Lo tranny 88 and 89s GLs usually have it..some 87s..yup ..the one in the add is what you want
  19. I wish I still had my Ghia..it was a great car...I did the Porche swap with it...back in the day..it was the thing to do ..direct bolt up. Used a 914 motor. The 5 spd swap is easy really..best would be to pull a D/R tranny from an 88 or 89.. and then its just the pedal box and the cables...its done frequently on this board and I think there is a step by step write up on the repair manual section. Like Durania said...the EA82T can be very picky..if taken care of its good..but they do tend to like blowing thier cool.
  20. I used to be an air cooled VW nut myself..my baby was my 65 Ghia convert. anyway..not sure whats wrong with it but it would be worth doing a spd swap...or just send it to me...I would happily give it a good home...been looking for a clean white wagon for a few years now
  21. Sparky!!! See you old koot!! got out of meeting up with you again when I was out there in Oct.
  22. How old is the battery in it?? My 08 will do the same thing though if its really cold...thinking on going with a redtop to see if that fixes the problem. As for the door weather stripping..I used to use spray silicone every couple weeks on my Loyale
  23. Awww Shawn...Kinda hate to see it go too. But sometimes you just have to. And I am with you on slushboxes!!! ( hehehehe we all know I am sooo anti AT) I just saw a good deal on a 5 spd Imp up here too..under a grand and a 2 door.. But I also found this ..its an AT but they dont have the issues that the old 3ET do http://hartford.craigslist.org/cto/957709475.html. also a few cheap Legos up here too. Something will come along... I feel for ya though...been in that boat far too many times. Shame we arent heading down your way this year for Christmas..I would have been happy to bring something down for you.
  24. Could use alittle more info..did it run?? How long has it been since it was running?? Did you go out one day and it just didnt start? Have you checked for spark? Is it getting gas to the carb? Have you checked to make surt the ditsy is turning...When was the timing belts done last? Thats a start for us...there are only a few reasons it wont start..so if we cover the basics first..we can go from there
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