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Everything posted by Bucky92

  1. not going...I dont need anything anyway...and since I am done with the whole car thing..ruined the coupe so that was the final straw.

    Hope the finger gets better soon..did that myself with my middle finger back in April..hurts like a MoFo too for a long time.Finally have a real nail their again.

    Have fun at the barrens

  2. OH My..I dont know how many times I have to say it...sigh... motor was completely resealed..entire cooling system has been replaced..water pump.radiator hoses and OEM T stat..I know about burping the system and had done that also....if anyone actually reads what I type..car was being run every day for at least 20minutes for the past few weeks..there has to be 5+ hours run time on the motor ( probably more)...and not just at idle...I would check the coolant and oil before EVERY start and I would also periodically watch the coolant upon warm up ( with cap off) to check for flow and bubbles. This isnt my first time dealing with Subaru cooling issues ( dont forget I had an XT6 that drove me nuts) This whole project has been a waste...I did the math and I have over $2300 into this car total..and dont forget..I am NOT modding it..this has been just stock repairs..It will most likely be getting parted out after the beginning of the year so I can pay back those people who donated parts to the cause. I am through with all this too...no more cars ...no more projects...I will leave it to you people that know what your doing cause I seem to FAIL at everything I touch. After which I will be leaving the board ( that should make some happy) like I have from 5 other Subaru boards
  3. upon wake up inspection...refilled coolant...nothing leaking ( didnt put cap on though) all coolant on floor came from overflow. belt to water pump is loose...will re-tighten tomorrow. Car started right up..no wierd whining noise...and I should note..when it was overheated and whining..the noise continued for a good minute after shutting it off. Also..this motor has about everything new on it..that you can put...new water pump..OEM T Stat..radiator..new hoses..all gaskets..oil pump..etc etc. Will drain the oil within a day or so..it was clean and very hard to see on the stick to tell if anything is in it.
  4. Motor is toast...Beast is right..it all went out the exhaust. I have about $800 into that motor and now its scrap. Should have never brought that car over here. Not bothering with it anymore. And there is a select group of people on this board who I know are laughing thier heads off. They can speak up if they so choose. I know exactly who you are. Done with this all....
  5. I have been trying to run my coupe everyday..for a good 20 minutes half hour or so..without any issues...its been running well...starting right up....until today. LB started with 4 pumps of the gas pedal and vroom vroom. warmed him up..and left him to purr..checking up on him every 5 minutes. Go out to shut him off...and he is making a terrible whining noise...spewing coolant out the overflow...fans not kicked on..and once I got him shut down..and the whining stopped...you can hear the coolant gurging and bubbling basically through the top of the motor. So much for my new head gaskets....I think the motor is toast..will check better once its cooled off enough to touch. If it is..I am through....Just when I was starting to be happy with the motor and feeling confident about what I did....Well..guess I was right all along...everything I touch turns to poo. So those who were looking forward to me failing....you got your wish Update...just checked on him...bone dry on coolant...and not enough on the floor...doesnt look like any in the oil...radiator is cold..cant tell exactly where all the coolant on floor came from...but it wasnt leaking before...and it was full
  6. I have riden with him..and have to say...he DOES know how to get an EA81 to really move...and move pretty well too
  7. You just need to find a Turbo car either GL or XT with the rear disks...make sure they are from a 4wd..and pull everything..calipers backing plates rotors hard lines.. Its easy from there..should only take about 2 hours to do the first time..TheSubaruJunkie did a great step by step instruction page ..should be in the repair manual. I have the parts here right now to do the swap on my 83 coupe..its FWD but its the same concept
  8. You can do it without pulling the motor...but is is much easier out..and it really doesnt take long to pull the motor and put back in
  9. I tried the moth ball trick with my XT6....it didnt help..but then again it was outside. All it did was make the car smell like old people;) . I havent found any evidence inside of the car yet...but have found some along the wall of the garage..I have traps and decon down. I did notice yesterday that one tire has a slow leak and is just about flat.. It never ends. I wonder if Psyko should worry..I did some body work on his Brat when I was out there last week..his Brats bed will probably fall off now :-\..Its the Tidy Bowl touch I say! On a side note..30 degrees and LB started first try with very little coaxing
  10. After a pretty frustrating and upsetting ordeal with my 83 coupe ( head gasket repair, weber update, alt update) I ended up with a car that wouldnt run..and when it did it wouldnt move cause on its maiden run..the new OEM rear main decided it didnt like sealing and it leaked ..I believe all over the brand new clutch causeing slippage. I couldnt then get the car to run for anything..and it would backfire through the carb..diesel upon shut off. I came to the conclusion that I have the Tidy Bowl touch...everything I touch turns to poo. I tinkered with the carb..tossed a whole can of Seafoam in the gas tank and now LB is starting pretty easy and running good..alittle rich but still good. The parts have been coming in..another new OEM rear main, newly resurfaced flywheel..thanks to Jerry ( bratsrus1) rear disk brake swap parts ..thanks to Rob ( turbone ) a new ignition switch and brand new cut key ..Thanks to Backwoodsboy...and lots of other little stuffs. So it seems I will be digging back into the coupe again soon..doubt it will make Carlisle in May for the Import show though since I doubt it will be ready for the body work and new paint job by then. Not to mention the nightmare digi to analog swap I am trying to go out and start LB and run him for 15-20 minutes every day go get everything lubed and warmed up..and to hopefully keep the rodents out.
  11. Steve ..I have 2 or 3 of them around here..And I believe the answer is yes
  12. Nice!!! Congrats Mick... I fell in love with the 09 as soon as it came out...I never wanted a Forester...until now...almost wish I would have waited ( but I adore my 08 Imppy) That New Subaru Smell is like a drug huh?? Congrats Again...great choice :banana:
  13. I agree^^ I adore the EA82 wagon body style terribly...And I am on the look out for one myself ..but its true about the motor...I am very comfortable working on them..more so then any other Subaru motor...but that still doesnt say its a great motor ( even though mine was the most dependable car I ever owned) But I have been watching the price of these going up lately..I mean way up...( I blame it on the fact I am looking for one) But that price is ridiculous..no matter how good on the outside it is..and the interiors hold up extremely well ..so I never even conssider that a factor. But for $3700 you can get a mid 90s loaded Lego.
  14. Fridge was dead..I just had to dish out almost $1000 to get a new one but at least its new and no worries now...well at least with that. May be doing a harry's run sometime..just for the hell of it

    Just a couple more months and you can tell that school to stuff it...after you graduate top of the class

  15. 5 more weeks till trip to Seattle ..Trying to save some money for that..Bleh. Had to buy a new fridge..yes Tommys precious monster died. Now dealing with my disasterous attempt at repairing my coupe..BTW ..backdoorboy works for Subaru..gets OEM parts..at cost.

    Just think ..the externship is the final step towards new life!!! What every happened with your apt losing its section 8 status?

  16. Yea ..its cool...never use it though. Kinda reminds me of myspace with the damn friends request. All is OK...just been working 6 days a week...well nights.Trying to figure out how to heat the house. Stressed and in a bad mood 98% of the time.

  17. Just a friendly reminder...for you guys to run and hide...5 more weeks till I curse y'all with my presence again
  18. All is not well... Clutch slips aweful..and no its not the cable...and I found a massive oil leak..Rear main...that was changed...so car is down for the winter:-\ I dont have the patience right now to pull that motor again. And those who feel they must..can laugh
  19. True but dont forget EA82s and early EJs are non-interference so timing belts are not a huge deal.I think just about everyone here would recommend putting new ones on right away regardless...Its not a hard job...couple hours...plenty of write ups on the4 board on how to do it too.
  20. Hey Steve...might have to do that sometime...Right now I want to try and get that clutch gripping better...then its into the wiring for the dash...eww.Right now I am just thankful that you guys got it running again and I can at least move it around. We started it up yesterday morning..didnt even have to touch the gas pedal:banana: Speaking of Gas...How much of the food we sent back with you made it to the apt??
  21. I am going to see how long and how bad the dieseling actually is but I may go the route of that AD valve. But only because ..it too nice a car to show up at a show with it and have it do it.Too many are unaware and will look down on the car. Like I stated we did adjust the valves this morning...Backwoodsboy showed me how and we actually wrote the specs on the underside of the hood for easy viewing. It might clear up once its driven abit more...and the break in oil is changed. This poor motor was sitting dry on the garage floor for a couple months..immediately after being opened up and hosed out ..scrubbed and hosed again. Cant wait to work the slippy clutch out and take it for a good spin...but so far I am extremely happy with the difference the Weber makes. And makes me love that little car even more (like that was possible) And I am thankful for all of you that wouldnt let me give up.
  22. Thanks Tim...I will separate the motor and tranny at some point and pull it out and try again. We also adjusted the valves this morning ...still tapping good so tossed some MMO in and will run it abit and change the oil next week.Definitely narrowed the tapping down to valve train...And best of all...I now know how to adjust them myself I am just happy I can move him around now...Still alot to do..ign switch is a screw driver right now..going to have to swap the hard way...too much damage to the tumblers and the cylinders. And the wiring for the analog...but the biggest hurdel ..to me...is done. Couldnt have done it without the help. I feel like I didnt do anything honestly.But I did learn a bunch..and no longer feel intimidated by Head Gaskets. This widens my search for the right EA82 wagon now too.
  23. Well ...thanks to many for not letting me give up..my little 83 coupe is alive again after his bout with a small head gasket leak. As some know...this was my first attempt at pulling a motor and basically...1 step short of rebuilding it...solo. I did pull the motor ..then took it apart to clean it all up and assess what that 236K mile motor was going to need. With the emotional support from many board members ( and much cursing on my part) my little EA81 now has...new headgaskets,oil pan gasket,front and rear mains,resealed completely, oil pump, water pump, hoses, brand new radiator, clutch and pressure plate,fuel filter ( both ) and a couple of smaller mods..XT6 alt ...and a Weber:grin:. Because of the mods I got over my head with trying to reinstall...and with the help of Hatchsub, Backwoodsboy , and Darlingchip...we got it back in and late yesterday afternoon... LB fired up for the first time in 3 months. . WOW did he smoke!..but after a good 10-15 minutes that stopped out the exhaust...but still smoked whatever was burning off the engine.Took him for a spin then ..and OMG that weber makes a HUGE difference. Steve did some fine tuning and it seems to be running sweet...just deisels when turned off hot ...but I loaned out my set up for a few months and that member told me it dieseld for them too.. This isnt a perfect world though..there are a couple issues :-\..the motor has a nasty tap on the #4 cylinder..but the more it ran it did quiet up some...and the new clutch is majorly slipping....so obviously I screwed something up ..on both matters.We are hoping that the tap stops when I change the oil out and try and adjust the valves.The clutch ..well...thats going to require moving the motor again..but they guys think maybe somethng is on it and could burn off it I heat the clutch up good a couple times...or mybe the flywheel wasnt turned right buy the PO. ( that thought came from looking at the old clutch that came out..which was actually a new one also). BWBs also came bearing gifts..some OEM parts such as .Oil Filter..Fuel filter...and on original Rad cap..complete with the little paper in japanese..Its all these really cool OEM parts that make such a difference. OK enough blabbering..pics and a link to a video I made. OEM NOS Rad Cap: More can be found here: http://s50.photobucket.com/albums/f335/Bucky92/LBsHead/ And the video of first run: http://s50.photobucket.com/albums/f335/Bucky92/LBsHead/?action=view&current=LBmotor027.flv
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