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Everything posted by Bucky92

  1. Thanks for the offer..but I already paid for a new one..and a new clutch kit..suprisingly when I dropped the oil pan ( that was loose BTW) it was actually really clean inside for the year and the mileage. Right now the block is sitting outside soaking in degreaserand brake cleaner...I saw a shimmer of silver..so I think there may be an actual EA81 block under the pile of muck
  2. Sorry to say it this way..but I am not made of money..just spent another $250 today on parts for this..that I dont really have.Seems everytime I turn around I am wanted to spend ALOT more then I have...and this is why I get frustrated cause almost everyone here makes it look like there is no end in sight. Started out being told it would be about $200 in parts...well I am very close to $500 now
  3. Took the oil pump apart...and it looks pretty darn good if you ask me...what do y'all think??
  4. I havent been having any luck finding a new oil pump listing..any ideas?
  5. Al the parts that originally were ordered showed up today...Of course now more are needed...but I have...upper and lower rad hoses,new water pump,head gasket kit,exhaust manifold gaskets,oil pan gasket,front and rear mains ( OEM). and pics of the now NOT oil dreanched parts: even the oil pump cleaned up nice...it was black under 1/4 inch of crud: I work tonight then have a 3 day weekend so..we will see what happens and if you dont want to go back to find it..here is the link to the nastiness that came out of the car: http://s50.photobucket.com/albums/f335/Bucky92/Head%20Job/
  6. Well mines an 83.. It doesnt matter..since the new clutch that was installed in the car is already toast ( by PO )..it just went over budget and this project is now on hold..maybe indefinately by the way I am feeling right now about it. Easy job ...yea right..screw this thing.
  7. Well..the clutch needs replaced anyway cause its glazed...someone did not know how to drive stick..Just trying to save me some money here..I am already tapped out on this project..now I need to dish out for a clutch kit too. I am already ready to throw in the towel on this project...Anyone want an 83 coupe in a billion pieces??
  8. I dont need to know about the clutch.. I need to know about the flywheel..because I have someone with an extra flywheel already resurfaced but its from a 4WD
  9. So Far ..its 10:30 am and this is what I have done so far..the passenger side head is off...clutch removed flywheel removed...Not the prettiest in there...Flywheel was missing a bolt and the clutch has some funny wear. Anyway..linky to pics http://s50.photobucket.com/albums/f335/Bucky92/Head%20Job/ Question..are the Flywheels the same between FWD and 4WD??
  10. I have a pressure washer..and stuff..used to own my own detail shop many years ago..I am fine doing it here..plus I wanted to do the engine bay ..without the engine there...its just that nasty. I am just more a body/cosmetics person..minor mechanicals..the major stuff I usually leave for someone else..and to me this is a major mechanical
  11. Thanks Steve...you know I have no life ...so scheduling something isnt too much a problem. I took a break from it today...well..cause I need to get some degreaser...Lots of it..like maybe buy stock in it now. maybe start the ripping apart and cleaning tomorrow after work. Oh the power steering...why I was cursing...what was failed to mention is the 500 bolts holing the derned thing on...Everytime I thought I had them all...there would be another..I know as a fact every curse word in the book ...and a few new made up ones..came out of my mouth:grin:
  12. Steve..you are gonna help me get the Weber set up hooked up and tuned once Briggers is done with it right?? BTW I know I cursed your name once ..or maybe twice yesterday:-p;) Had to do with the power steering pump:grin: I ordered new front and rear main seals today...I hope they are here by Thursday when the rest of the parts are supposed to ... I think I am also taking BWB up on the offer of another Flywheel..already resurfaced...this one doesnt look like it was done when the new clutch was installed.
  13. Must be that time of Year..its another B day..this time its our favorite Redneck... Happy Birthday John... and since I know you wont see this until tomorrow... Jess got you an awesome gift!!!! Thanks for all your help with all my projects...I think the Coupe is going to be the biggest one yet.
  14. I wish I still had my XT FSM...but its all here online somewhere. You plugged the ( I believe) green connectors together right?
  15. GD..the copper pipe is still on the pass side head..it was easier to take it off the manifold.. Since its emmissions exempt..I plan on doing away with all this EGR crap...too much confusion for this clueless idiot Also already have the smaller filter...like I stated..my Weber is in use on Psykos Brat right now..while his unit gets rebuilt and stuff
  16. I already have the hitachi manifold..and adaptor..and weber..its just being barrowed right now. This is whats going on LB once the punk who is barrowing it is done;) I was having issues moving the power steering pump out of the way..drew blood a few times...and kept finding more and more hoses that needed disconnected...Easy my big fat rear:lol: .. The night mare is going to be getting it back in and running... I did discover the ditsy was loose and the rear main is blown..( oil in bell houseing)
  17. when the ECS light comes on..run the codes..see what its telling you.You know how to check the codes on an XT right?? ( its in the trunk if you dont know )
  18. Step 2...remove motor:banana::dead::dead: Tomorrow..start to rip it down and clean it up
  19. Ben..it was already planned to do a complete reseal..it leaks like crazy.. But I have to say one thing... ITS SO NICE WORKING ON SOMETHING THAT ISNT RUSTY!!:banana: I didnt have to break out the impact gun or the air tools once...Just my trusty 18inch breakerbar. I am going to need help getting it back in and running..but thats not going to happen right away cause I am waiting on my loaned out Weber set up to come back and thats in no hurry..my "Lil Bro" needs his Brat to run daily ..so until his weber is ready..he is using mine. I dont even think all the gaskets will be here till next thursday..
  20. Its seperated from the bellhousing..and ready to come out...waiting for husband to finish mowing the lawn ..and then going to try and pluck it out.. BTW..this has not been a fun adventure so far...:-p
  21. OK ..what else???? This is where I am at now:
  22. Do you guys think this Radiator is salvageable or should I try and find a new one?
  23. You better run and hide.. I just got a weber for it:-p
  24. Fans off..exhaust off...oil drained...found that the petcock on the rad is broken..so i will pull a hose tomorrow after I find something better to catch the coolant in..going to remove the radiator and flush it.. Confused with all the hoses etc since the car has every option known to man in 1983:rolleyes: ..needless to say...some wont be going back on. Only broke one bolt ..and that was one of the lower fan bolts..no biggie. Might take the FSM with me to work tonight so i can research some more at work.. I AM going to do this
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