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Everything posted by Bucky92

  1. using my 235K mile motor..the 116K is milkshaked. Mine is just exhaust fumed..and its a recent blow
  2. Step One: Tuck the baby in the back of the garage....Check! Step Two..wait for parts to start arriving.
  3. We are just going to directly rewire ....probably not use any or much of the exsisting stuff..but the whole prject has been put on back burner until I get finished with the headgaskets
  4. Parts are ordered ..no turning back now..something is getting new headgaskets ..not sure what yet
  5. I talked to John and Jess..and looks like I will be using thier 116k mile motor..I am going to start ordering parts today and I WILL learn to do this. PLanning on re-arranging the Garage this weekend and getting LB back in there.. Going to back him in to the back and move the motorcycles and the tractor to the front...they will be easier to move out of the way. I am motivated to do this now..so ..I want to get to it as soon as I can before I lose that motivation.
  6. Could be your windshield..and leaking down behind the dash..feel the base of the window for wetness..and also around the bottom of the dash..feel along the firewall too...it could be going behind the carpet
  7. well... I have my mind set now on...I am going to attempt this..now its just which motor..Mine, Johns..or take Subaru360 up on his offer on his ( unassembled...wont learn anything if someone does it for me). Planning on starting to order parts tomorrow. Like GD said ( sometimes I could strangle you BTW for being so damn supportive) I was leary about the disk swap..sounded worse then it was...and I plan on doing that again soon on my coupe.
  8. Yea..that frikkin Bum...:-p;)..Things I do for him. Let me talk to John about the 116k motor
  9. All this leave me more confused and frustrated then ever..:confused::confused:
  10. The motor needs pulled either way..it leaks like a siv...and something is up with the clutch..thinking the flywheel may need turned. This car is also getting Weberized..but I kinda ( Dont kill me Jerry) loaned out my Weber set up to someone who needed to use it desperatly bacause their hitachi..took a nap...while his Weber set up is being rebuilt. And his car is needed as a Daily driver. LOL GD..you dont know me very well..I have a knack of turning the simplest thing into poo..without trying. I hate this...had my mind made up to go with a new...but now.....
  11. my GL-10 ..just has the one stash spot due to having the factory cassette deck: My old GLF..had 2 cause..it didnt have the cassette deck: Since both were FWDs ..there is nothing interesteing about that part..cept the GL-10 has high rise console and the GLF had low rise
  12. Steve I will take a pic of mine and we will say its a before shot of yours...but explaining the blue might be interesting:-p
  13. Not messing with a 235K mile motor... I am in talks with CCR for a new motor.Then it depends on sourcing out a good tranny...not one thats been sitting for years and years in weeds in unknown condition..I only want to do this once. After all the headaches and BS I had with my XT6....not to mention the HUGE loss of money invested in the POS ( I am so happy its gone and cant wait to see the pics of it chopped into little bits). I want known good..not questionable. It took one 600 mile trip to take this motor out.It was fine before the Carlisle show...after the trip the oil leak was 100xs worse and it seemed to run alittle hot. Basically.. if I hear what I want from CCR then thats the way I am going I am working a buttload of OT to be able to afford this ..I want it repaired right. on a side note: I am suprised my husband is even agreeing with getting the CCR over repairing mine
  14. Probably going to find it in the for sale section by then end of the week...didnt want this big of a project
  15. GD..I dont have a hoist or a stand or half the tool needed...and its a known fact that everything I touch turns to poo.. I am still up in the air if I am even going to fix it right now
  16. The car didnt start running hot until after its trip to the Carlisle Import Car Show ( 600 miles round trip)..It has classic symptoms..plus it has a new OEM T stat. Here is the deal...took radiator cap off to do a test for hatchsub.....started car...ran for a good 5 minutes before T-stat opened..no bubbles...t-stat opens..starts as a couple bubbles..then progressively gets worse till it lookd like it does in the pictures..and starts dumping out the overflow. Kept dumping even after turning car off....total coolant loss= half gallon When it did have a working guage..it was running between 5-6 bars on the digi...for those who dont know..6 bars is one before going red.
  17. No mine is a FWD 5spd. Waiting to hear back from CCR about some things before I make my final decision. All I know is I am not wasting any effort on a 235K mile motor and for what CCR charges which includes shipping and return of core shipping..it is probably the best way to go. Thanks for the offer ..who knows I may take you up on it. Looks like ALOT of OT is in my future if I go this route. Not very happy ..this wasnt supposed to be this much of a project...definately bit off more then I can chew on this one.
  18. I just emailed CCR...think one of those is going to be in LBs future...but then again...knowing that the tranny is on the way out and the digi dash nightmare...this whole project may end up being a complete wash
  19. I was following hatchsubs thread on his possible head gasket failure..he asked me to check mine to see if I had any bubbles in tha radiator....well I wish I never would have looked...I dont have bubbles..mine foams. So needless to say...mines done for a long time now.. guess I wont be in a hurry for my digi-analog swap edit:...lost over a half gallon of coolant in 5 minutes
  20. I dont have a Yakima but a Thule...and we had to do some slight mods to make it work on my 08 Imppy..Fabricated our own rear bracket and slid the whole unit forward. I have the Thule Sidearm which locks on the front wheel and nothing touched the frame of the bike. Here is a pick of how we slid the unit forward. Dont know if it will help you any with the Yakima but it might give you some ideas.
  21. If you would have posted this just alittle earlier I could have helped you...just sent my XT off and could have easily pulled a window quick with as stripped as the car was:-\
  22. I am way surpassing the estimate on my 08 Impreza...21/27estimate...I get 28/32 ...more on a solid 30-31 ..mixed..hills ..lights..construction..the most I got was 34 and I am working with my dealer to try and get a solid 34 out of it.
  23. I noticed the same with mine.. R134 does not blow as cold as R12 first off.... It will also blow colder if you set it to recirc. I ended up having to have my AC compressor replaced due to noise ..and now it seems to be colder...but I dont use mine much..except to cool the car off from the initial heat blast. I am not an AC person and told them if it didnt come one the car standard..It wouldnt be on the car Ask them what the temp should be ..or take it to a different dealer. I love 08 Imppy...16K miles with the only issue being the AC compressor.....and I am getting 31mpg mixed driving...
  24. I was going through the pictures from the Import show we did last month..and found these: http://www.carlisleevents.com/ce/gallery/photo-archive/index.php?imgdir=Import-Kit%20Replicar%20Nationals%202008%20General&page=5 Thats the sign njsubaru made..and 2 Pics of LBs engine compartment...along with a member from the XT board and subeman90s Baja. I am stoked...thats all I have to say
  25. Thanks for that info GD:) Yup I got the scans and they are on my desktop
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