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Everything posted by Bucky92

  1. Alot is how you drive it also...I have gotten 34 mpg out of my 08 Impreza 5 door 5 spd..took nursing to do it...but now I am a regular steady 30-31mpg.
  2. Here ya go..the link to the step by step I used to do mine: http://www.ultimatesubaru.org/forum/showthread.php?t=49975
  3. Yes they will.. I have done the swap myslef and printed out a step by step that is here in the repair manual ..I think.. Its super easy..I did a FWD drum to disk swap in about 2 hours total As long as the donor is 4WD its the right stuff..4WD to 4WD,..FWD to FWD
  4. Like I mentioned..this is basically called off.. Cause after June ..some of us will be saving ..or trying to save...to make it wo WCSS.. Backwoodsboy is coming in June to pick up the XT6 and thats the only reason for the June idea. So this thread can die or be deleted by a Mod
  5. Sounds like a timing belt to me. Congrats on graduation
  6. Robs the bomb!! Without him and Briggs I would have never been able to get another coupe..let alone one in as good a condition as mine..especially here in the east coast.
  7. Well.. Its not looking so good..but then again I didnt think it would .I can understand with the cost of gas ..and the fact I pissed a few people off. Mods you can delete this thread if you would like
  8. I should mention...Sundays are out for me cause I have to work that night ..
  9. Well..since coming up with a "healthy" digi dash is looking to be as hard a job to find as finding good side badges for these coupes...I am seriously thinking on doing a conversion..as much as I hate to since the rest of this cars life is planned to be a show car...But I dont feel comfortable not having any guages. GD..lets see if I am reading you right..are you suggesting making an adapter harness..that would basically plug into the exsisting harness..but convert to the analog?? I plan on later today spending some time with my FSMs wiring diagram and seeing what the differences are...But wont I have to add such items as...speedo cable? Now I really wish I had an analog dash cluster set up sitting here to look at ....I wish CT had some real J/Ys and close by too. I am thinking again...and its too early and dangerous for that
  10. Tim.. sounds to me like you have already answered your own question...sometimes practicallity overrides. Right now you might think you will never find another in the future...but if things are ment to be you will. You mentioned the advantages of going with an Outback...and ..the new ones are OMG drop dead sexy. Thats what I really wanted when I bought the Imp...but couldnt afford one. You seem to have already made the Pros and Cons list. I know you will make the right choice. ( OH! I feel bad now..I put way more miles on my Imppy in 6 months then you have in 2 years..14K)
  11. :slobber::popcorn::popcorn: Think that about says it:grin:
  12. OK..well here's something...since that voltage regulator is the weakest link on the old digi dashes...Say I actually find a working one....remove that old VR and install an new VR..and updated one per say...could this be done?? Just seems when the old VR goes..it takes a few things with it.So maybe..to update it before it blows anything else out would be an option?
  13. Thanks joost..I already have alot of time into the car. Thanks for the suggestion..I did look up in the FSM about cranking up the torsion bar...But you can only do that with 4WD ones..not FWD. But I did get my answer on the Alt...it will toast a new digi dash:-\
  14. I just had a thought ..and we all know its dangerous ..people like me should never let our minds wander...they are to small to be left alone.. But anyway... I still have a spare XT6 Alt here...and ...Isnt the alt from an EA81 only something like 60 amps....and the XT6 is 90?? I have heard of people modifying and upgrading to the XT6 alts. If I can ever find a working digi dash..would this kind of upgrade hurt the digi dash since they are so derned moody and like to blow a voltage regulator if you even look at them hard?? Its just one of those things I thought about since I will soon be delving into new territory ..once my Weber is ready ( No hurry Jerry...never rush the master:grin:) I am going to be doing my first motor reseal..solo..and swapping carbs ...(I have never messed with carbs except on my dirtbike) and maybe this minor upgrade may be an idea since I am planning on putting in a hidden updated stereo and speakers and my Sirius Sat radio which will require adding some extra cig lighter thingys ( I got a nice set up in my Imppy ..even looks nice too) for the GPS and all. Also...any suggestions on getting LB to stop looking like he is draggin his rear around?? He has all new shocks and struts..but still ended up slamming my new mountainbikes front wheel into the ground once ( and I freaked cause my bike cost more then the car:eek:) and ended up scrapping the beautiful new mudflaps ...no harm was done to those. So plans are so far... engine reseal..new Weber ( Mark and Jerry so rock for this) ..new tranny mount ..maybe motor mounts too..Scotties Cocktail..fix leaky exhaust..ball joints and tie rod ends.. Any other things I can find..then hopefully..next years income tax check..if I an not too far in debt...off to the body shop to have the drivers door fixed and entire car repainted. First real adventure with an EA81..didnt do too much to the GLF..still most comfortable with EA82s and know my way around an ER27 pretty good.. Have FSM thanks to Edrach ( who also rocks) Sorry for the novel...but.. I LOVE my coupe ( spoiled little garage prince):
  15. Lil Rocky JR looks amazing!! Makes me want to cry... Thank You so much Paul...you the best!! If you want to take Lil Rock to show at the Dragon...that would be wonderful since I can't make it. I cant seem to post on the XT board so I have to here. The Rock lives on!!!
  16. Some of us discussed this at carlisle... My yearly cookout ...Because of the cost of gas I wanted to leave it up to those who want to come... Backwoodsboy is planning on coming and hauling the carcass of the XT6 out and taking it back to NY with him...and we thought about having the cookout around that.. He wants to do this in June sometime....So You guys work out the Date..and I will work out the food etc. I am thinking about your wallets for the gas..so its up to you. Anyway...here is the post ...lets see where it goes Just rememebr..Bacon Jalapeno Cheddar burgers...cook right and not flambayed:eek: I promise Oh!! Side note:..There have been some changes... We have added a patio between the 2 big trees in the back ...and added a small fire pit. Also I have plenty of yard games...horseshoes..crocket..HILLBILLY GOLF!!! And deadly Lawn Darts. Fireworks are also available ..for the usual flame fest
  17. I was actually wondering if the cocktail would help my crunchy, grindy, pops outta gear...tricky third gear in my coupe.
  18. That looks sweet...what did you use?? Claybar?? I am lovin the claybar technique now
  19. John ...NO!!.. I will find one or have mine rebuilt in time
  20. Its alright Steve... I didnt turn my phone on until I was in newburg NY..plus it was raining...no worries
  21. Thats MoodyBluesrs Molly... She is as gorgous in person as she is in the pics. We liked doing the photo shoot with our Gen 2s. I think we have about every angle etc of them... I know I have one shot as my new desk-top wall paper. As for the pictures..Carlisle Shows are the biggest in the country ..draw people in from everywhere.. I happen to have grown up there so I know... You will see cars there you have never seen before and probably never will. Most members here appreciate a nice car regardless of what it is.. USMB members have been meeting at Carlisle for many many years..its our East Coast thing...and every year we get more and more. And we do get alot of attention there...people come up and want to talk to us..and we bring back memories for them...they also thank us for trying to save what we can of the old ones..And they love how we bring our DD's out not just garage queens
  22. Thanks Randy.. I need the Digi Dash out of that GL-10...even though there is no way of telling if it works..but might be lucky:)
  23. I got the call about the GL-10 while on the way back from Carlisle..But I was already well into NY at the time I turned my phone on to turn around for it..or to see if they had time to pull it. If any of the locals are there and have the time..Can someone grab it?? Not a big deal if not..it would be pot luck if it worked anyway. But if someone grabs it I will cover expenses.
  24. For now here is the link to all my pics ..BUTT maybe one.. http://s50.photobucket.com/albums/f335/Bucky92/Carlisle2008/ and some of my favs: Rally pig FTW: MMM EJ22 Goodness
  25. Wow!! doesnt look like the same craptastic beast it once was... Looking great!!!!
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