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Everything posted by Bucky92

  1. if it does it again..start it in gear with the clutch in and see what happens...its under warrenty if it grenades ( I always start in gear.BTW.)
  2. Stopped at the dealer today..to show off LB...he was out stretching his legs...needless to say..they went GaGa over him... And then I took this pic with my phone: LB Meet STi
  3. :banana: WhoooHooo..So much to do ..so little time. Banner looks excellent Neo!!!
  4. Thanks for the replies and explaination...I had to run out the door for work. I know they can match the "original" color paint ..no problem..But its faded pretty bad on top..Thats what i am worried about. As for the XT6..I have been working on breaking the attachment to it..going to make it easier to go to the crusher...( I really havent called it by its name in at least a week)
  5. It will not be getting repainted till next year...and I know about the not waxing etc before a paint job.. Jeszek..the frame is bad on the XT6..its getting stripped this weekend and sent to the scrap heap..Not a safe car to have on the road...too much rust.
  6. Thanks guys... I so love this coupe..Jeszek..I have been repairing some "imprefections" in the trunk area around the rack..causing the use of rust bullet and primer....Ideally I would like to spray a coat of blue over the primer so it wont be as noticeable. Car goes to detailer Friday to be compounded and buffed and shined..Just trying to make it good for the Carlisle Import Show...after that the real work will begin... Did I mention how much I love this coupe??? Dont know if I told anyone yet.: Shame to say.. I am actually looking forward to the yellow tetinus carrier to be GONE!!!
  7. Its something electrical..the 08 Imps all computer driven..Thats why it takes some getting used to from the older models..( Example when the rpms "hang" ) Mine doesnt let me downshift if the RPMs are too high ...usually from 5th to 4th....So I am laying money on an overheated electrical component. It could be a fluke thing..might not. Keep an eye on it.Next time IF it happens..call the dealer and have them get it...dont do anything... Also...You said you could get it into the gears when it was turned off...Did you just put it in first ..clutch it and start it?Then have it pop out? Or do you start in neutral?
  8. Anyone who knows anything about restoration..knows its the little things that make the biggest impact.. So far I have been working on the trunk on the car..mainly the trunk rack..Faded wooden slats..rust bubbles under it..One bad spot where the main rack attaches.. My husband ..a carpenter..looked at the wood and said there is absolutely nothing wrong with it but its just sun faded and weathered. So ...4 coats of cherry stain..and here is a taste. Going to water seal them yet. Too bad my coupe will look like it has silver chicken pox by Carlisle ..but..the paint is so faded that I wont be able to match..so it will be getting a complete repaint at some point. Anyway..small taste ( these were pretty much white from the weather): I think you can get an idea from this shot how they looked before:
  9. Remind Mrs Whirly to write down the recipe for her vodka induced bean dip....yummy!!!!! That stuff was the best. It appears like this years turn out is going to be really good!
  10. Just got an email from Carlisle events..If I read it right...today is the last day to pre-register or its an extra $10..just giving y'all a heads up.
  11. Thanks Frank..once I cleaned the green off..he really is a beautiful car..I polished up the chrome..and cleaned the rims..really brought out what the futer LB is going to look lilke..once the minor body work is done..and fresh paint:slobber::slobber: I want to take him to work tonight but there is rain in the forcast and he wont see the elements again.. And Ben..hubby not jealous ....yet..but everytime I walk into the kitchen I open the garage door to take a peak and get a smile everytime:)
  12. I honestly dont think there will be much arm twisting need to get me back out there..But with LB?? Maybe after he gets his CCRInc new EA81 ( That is what I may do with next years income tax check:grin:). I have some big plans for this little car... I really like opening my Garage door and seing him sitting there though I want to drive him!!
  13. Personally..since you have them out and the parts are available..why not just rebuild them..better safe then sorry..I would think that now that the inner is strong and healthy..the weakest link would be the outter older parts. Would hate to see you a month or 2 down the road have to pull them back out cause the outters went..Just my 2cents ..and we all know thats worth nothing:grin:
  14. And just to give you west coasters some peace of mind about letting one of your own go to the rust belt..I was out at 5:30 am trying to make room in the garage..franticly..cause rain and thunderstorms are in the forcast over the next few days...But look..He is safe..this is where he will be snuggled during the salt season too: just barely fits with both bikes the tractor, my tools and stuff..and Tommys woodworking stuff. I PROMISE you West Coaster that I will NOT let the fate of so many cars on this side happen to LB...I felt honored in knowing that some of you felt I was worthy to bring this little guy here.. I wont let you down.
  15. OK I will order a case of the burgers. Timmy I have filter..500 of them:-\ Dont worry about them I will put them on my list of things to bring
  16. It has a leak around the rear widow..I think the drains for the sunroof..( It was dripping from both front pillars..behind the trim but the sunroof itself does not leak) and the around the one mount on the trunk rack...The trunk rack has some of the only rust on the car along with 2 MINOR spots on the front windshield and one on the back.. The car has around 234K leaks like a siv..need a new front main.( Ahhh I Missed that smell of leaky Subaru:)) Sounds like a sewing machine on crack:grin: and drives like a dream!!Best part..I am not afrain to get a jack under it in fear of it breaking apart:banana: I wish I could just flip this car upside down at Carlisle to show off that underside. Its not perfect..needs alot of work yet ..but worth it..I only paid $450 for it...Has some clunking in the front that needs addressed and the clutch or something needs adjusted cause it pops out of 3rd...and a working digi dash ( It kills me not knowing how much gas is in it..and I am keeping the GPS in it so I can tell how fast I am going). But he was already getting some head turns..especially from other Subaru drivers.. Cant wait to get him really shiney..and that funky smell out..to show him off at carlisle..not as nice as your Sedan ....yet. Thanks for all the comments..I am just so happy to have a coupe again..and even though this one has a million more miles then my last one..it puts it to shame big time.
  17. LOL jonas..Kids and dogs LOVE Brats and Baja... .Definately a sweet Brat thats for sure... I got my new Brat Friday..its in ear perfect shape..everything works..orange..fits oin the palm of your hand :lol::lol: But probably not nearly as fun as yours ( and my dog is afraid of it.)
  18. Its something that was in my XT6..kinda a sentimental thing
  19. Thanks Guys.. I dont think I could be happier ..This car is ..well..just awesome..We took him for a spin around town ..to Taco Bell..the Grocery Store..Stopped at the car wash to get an estimate for a clay bar and buff out..( The owner loves me and is doing full interior/exterior for $75..LB goes in Friday for Pampering) Brought him home and started to do some work..just alot of cleaning..i have removed the louvers..they are terribly fragile and just the trip on the truck caused the to crack in 2 places..Going to repair then I will put them back on. So anyway..Here he is...I think he looks pretty happy. Before the cleaning: Group Shot of my kids ( My Imppy and my Bike too): And now...the cleaned up shots: So there is a start...going to work on some of the water leaks tomorrow.. Geesh I think LB is a drop dead sexy little car.
  20. LB is home..and non the worse for wear..just timy annoyances from the trip..going out to start cleaning him up.. He is such a pleasure to drive .. But I think he is just happy to be off the truck and out of that Impound yard..
  21. OK guys I will put the order in for a case to bring.. My meat guys love me anyway ( I dont know why though LOL)
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