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Everything posted by Bucky92

  1. If you were not from CT but from a more laid back area..CT sucks..Its not so bad if you live in the right town..My town is actually really cool. Carlisle Rocks!! Hey..those who were at my cookout last year..you want me to bring some of those Bacon Jalapeno Cheddar Burgers..they also have Pepper and onion ones too..awesome..I can order some if you want me too
  2. I saw the commercial last night..It made me wonder..if that was what the one guy in historic..was looking for old junk Subes..it was supposed to be for a commercial
  3. Congrats jonas...your deal worked out! Couldnt have gotten one much nicer thats for sure!
  4. We talked via chat room yesterday..you know if we can get it off..its yours. I want to follow this abit too cause I may want to do something similar to my coupe
  5. Thanks for the link..I found the ones I want for my Imp..just need a second job to afford:-\.. Cant wait to see the pics Chris ..of them on your XT The ones I want: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/17-ADR-SZ1-RIMS-SILVER-WHEELS-5-LUG-5x100-5x114-3-NEW_W0QQitemZ140226622678QQihZ004QQcategoryZ43957QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  6. Happy B day Ed!!! Living proof that RallyX keeps you young!!!
  7. Called where he is at...its a towing company..hours for pick up are Monday through Friday 8-4 :-\ Sat 8-11..and he isnt going to charge me storage if it is Picked up by Sat!!
  8. Update:.. My coupe is here!!!!!! ready for pick-up..going to try for Sat!! unless they have evening hours..I will call tomorrow:banana::banana::banana::banana::banana: ( just a wee bit excited)
  9. U know you are going to have Backwoodsboy,darlingchip ,tommy and me fighting you for the grits:lol: I am putting a brand new bat in the coupe ( the one from my XT6.) ..if someone has a power inverter..we can bring the coffee maker!!. OH does anyone know...does Carlisle have Wifi service?? I can bring my lappy..( hey its a new thing to me) I am actually outside right now at the picnic table)
  10. I am wondering if we should start our cCarlisle Food thread thingy soon??
  11. The 08 5 door is an extremely useful functional vehicle.. I drove it from CT to FL back in dec and..I drove the majority of the way there and all the way back ..usually for 14+ hours at a shot ..and had no issues with back problems etc..the redesign on the 5 door actually gives it more width in the rear cargo area..the rear seats also fold flat ..and if needed the passanger seat will lay flat to the rear for even more space. The rear seat leg room is unreal..it has to be the best of any Subaru I have owned ( 10 to date). And with the easily removble roof rack available..well..its uses are unlimited ..geesh..I sound like a car salesman:rolleyes:.. Plus I am getting 28 mpg average. 12K miles trouble free so far too. For me ..the 08 Imp fits what I ask from a car perfectly..but it may not be right for everyone. I have interior pics of mine if you want to see what its like
  12. I am not compairing this sedan to the ElCamo.. I was compairing it to your 3 door. What I am saying is..if you are panning this for a DD..maybe just hang in there for alittle while longer.Besides it not running..how do you know the tranny isnt toast? Or some electrical nightmare isnt going on somewhere. I know you are trying to find something better with better gas mileage..But dont get too anxious. If this was going to be for a project and not a DD right away I would say jump on it..But between the 2 cars ..there's $500 .then there is the other items that you know you should do ..Timing belts etc. then your labor..Its gonna add up quick to..coulda bought something better.. ( I hope you know I have been in your same shoes not to long ago ..I know exactly what you are feeling..I am only saying this cause I care) Have you even thought about looking for something New gen ..like a Gen 1 lego..they can be had on the cheap. Just dont want to see you jump into something and regret it thats all
  13. Remember how much you hated the AT in your 3 door?? Why do you think this is going to be any better? Just hang in there until a running driving one..without as many issues comes along..we all know they do. There is always the "it could just be this" thing...but because its not running there could be many more things wrong..and you could end up dumping more money ito it then you can really afford. Just my cent and a half:grin:
  14. I am curious...will we be getting a sneak peak in 2 weeks?? If you still planning on keeping some of us in the dark..I might just have to "hide" the coupe:-p;)
  15. My ( now backwoodsboys) 92 Loyale Bucky..would get 40+ on long highway runs FWD 5spd. I dont think I ever saw less then 30 with him..maybe John will say what he is getting now adays . My 08 Impreza 5 door 5 spd AWD has gotten 28 steady out of past 2 tanks. I know I can get it up into the 30 range..did that when it went to FL 31.3 mpg
  16. LB is in Linden New Jersey!!!! He has made it from one coast to the other..My baby is almost home! Maybe he will be in CT later today or tomorrow:banana:
  17. What I mean is I hate CT..there is nothing here..I can't even get anyone to give me a ride to go pick up the car. My husband cant even leave work early on one day to run up and get it ( actually if it was up to him it could stay at the terminal forever..he so HATES my Subarus) It becomes depressing..actually..the only time I havent been depressed in a long time was when I was in Seattle around others like me. I just hate CT and am growing to hate it more and more every day.
  18. Toledo Ohio...might be here as early as tomorrow:-\ Dang..wont be able to pick up till Sat..this just sucks.. I so hate this place
  19. Look in the For Sale section http://www.ultimatesubaru.org/forum/showthread.php?t=87325 should be it
  20. 2 Dirty Old Men?? You need me back out there to keep you in line:-p:grin:
  21. Ben... I wouldnt be too suprised if he isnt rolling now...seems they only update the tracking when it gets to the next terminal. Looks to be here duringt he week..to bad I wont be able to go pick him up cause by the time Tommy gets home from work its too late:-\ ... I just so love being alone out here
  22. I have Travis's car as my desk top on my PC.. ( geesh I remember watching Travis grow up in the MX world..watching him race at 14/15..Geesh I am getting old)
  23. CCR FTW!! I am planning on saving the money and when its time for my coupe to get a new power plant..that is the only company I would even consider
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