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Everything posted by Bucky92

  1. Timmy you are bringing the coffee maker right? The count down to Carlisle is on..My coupe is on the way ( delivery date changed till the 28th)..just hope I can get the smell out of it before then..:lol::-\ ( Has a nice damp..ewww smell in it.)
  2. Hey Mark..They do Rock..Thats why I love them so much. Without Rob and Briggs .I dont think finding a coupe in that good of condition would have been possible...and they gave me a reason to finally get to the West Coast. Its great out there. I was glad to come home..but sad to leave behind those I care so much for. They are my Family..hard for others to understand but thats what I consider them and thats how I feel about them:)
  3. I always have about 4 cans of the stuff laying around here:lol:( I have an adiction to it)
  4. Just got in..exhausted..want to go to sleep.. Will tell more stories tomorrow...Trying to figure out how I can bribe Rob and Briggs into coming to this side of the pond now...And to tell the truth..I was basically an emotional wreck till I got to Billings..Miss them both terribly
  5. I believe you 2 had your chances:grin:..But then again I think Rob was trying to ignore us most the time...acting as bad if not worse then his 2 ( pic added to my folder of incriminating pictures )
  6. Just got home..Looks great John..Yes I would have been freaking out even more if you even tried to pull that joke on me...Briggs..I would have flown right back out there just to ..do something to you;):-p ( *poke* *poke*)
  7. I AM bringing the HillBilly Golf game!!! Steve just get used to eating grits..thats all it will take
  8. Dont forget John..I got our campsight covered..we have to gang up on Steve for not being redneck enough;)
  9. In Billings right now..should be leaving here in about 45 minutes or so. Yup gots some stories. But am really sad to go. Take care of Little Blue and let me know when he makes it to the shipper.
  10. Thanks Timmy.. I did have a great time..Wish it could have been longer. I will greatly miss those I spent so much time with thats for sure....Maybe someday I can pursuade them to come to the east coast. Leaving shortly to go home...Then..the wait for LB and getting him ready for Carlisle!! Looking forward to seeing my East Coast buds next!!
  11. Its OK Spark..your reward will be coming in the mail..when you least expect it;)
  12. Who you callin Ma'am?? One of the great pictures of you I am talking about is one you sent me yesterday. So I head home early tomorrow morning with great memories but will definately miss you guys. You just dont know how much. I can't wait to be able to come out again...
  13. Here is a couple pics to start with from todays RallyX.. Great seeing everyone BTW!:
  14. Yup it was great meeting everyone!! I have just been overwhelmed by it all most of the time. We just got back from the RallyX Got some great pictures post the picks later. And Briggs!! You are going to make me strangle you!!! What did I tell you last night before you left ( Beside how much I am gonna miss you) I have some terrific pics of you.
  15. For those who wanted interior pics and shots of my louvers:
  16. Right now he is being called LB ( Lil Blue) ..my 08 is Holly..short for Hollister. We kinda missed the autoshipper so Rob and briggs will run him back up monday..BUT...he ran soooo nice..rode so nice..felt like he could run70 all day without breaking a sweat. I have to upload them quick but I have some interior shots..BTW still looking for a good digi dash..we couldnt get one working on him.
  17. Steve..it has some rust I discovered too..bu NOTHING to worry about and I can fix it in a day.. Your sedan is the hawtness!!! We told you what you have to do..
  18. Jerry the louvers were on it when it was bought.they are in pretty good shape but still need some repair and have had some previous repair work done. John..you should see some of the roads..and trails ..we need to get together and plan a week or 2 out here..Its our kind of country..
  19. The trunk rack is one of my favorite things..always loved the look John its really awesome being out here.. Last night we had a dinner..met Qman and family,Zap and some family, SubaruTex and Fsnidot ( spelling) ..who made me feel at home with his NY Islanders Hockey jersey:headbang: xoomer stopped out for a few...And,of course Turbone and the boys ..and Psyko ( who I only picked on..somewhat..not to bad..I dont think;)). John..their mountains out here are BIG and lots of cars and trucks you just dont see anymore our way. I so wish I had more time to spend out here. Today..we run my coupe to the auto shipper and then have some stuff to do..then tomorrow its off to the rallyX..then Monday its time to head home. How would you like to have this view everyday ( I wasnt fast enough with the camera for other shots): A taste of home: Hangin in the parking garage: What was going on in the garage...Qman was getting some new vinyl work done:
  20. Kyle..the interior is just...WOW! I will take some tomorrow before going to the shipper....we are getting ready to go out to dinner right now. And that cat is Harley..Robs cat..she is a sweety..Have pics of her inside the car.
  21. Starts its trip home tomorrow.We got his new suspension in and fixed a steering issue.. This car is amazing..drives smooth ..its just droolie:slobber:: Lookie at this...now thats a sweet underbody:
  22. Wow lappys are a wonderous thing..sitting at the airport just typing away.....wasteing time.Lalalalalala
  23. Yup..NW ..and leaving my house in 10 minutes!!!!!...where is the screaming emoticon???
  24. Couldnt sleep and woke up with a massive headache. Couple more hours ..bags packed sitting by the door..just need to drink a gallon of coffee and grab a shower and off we go. My nerves have officially disappeared and I am about 2 steps below going into panic mode. At least I know if I start to freak out at the airport ..Briggs is awake ..somewhat:-p ..if needed
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