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Everything posted by Bucky92

  1. A couple members showed interest in wanting to help finish stripping what we can from my XT6 before it goes to the squisher..The date in play is the weekend of May 3rd ...thats also so they can get a sneak peak before Carlisle of my West Coast coupe. The usual rule applies...Food is involved:grin:
  2. Just dawned on me. I leave for work in an hour and a half..come home in the morning..Take a nap finish packing ...and off to the airport at 3am Thursday morning for my6 am flight. ( Dont forget us night shifters have a wierd view of our days)So..to me in my own reality..tomorrow!! ( Thursday for the rest of the world..to me its wensday morning..think about it )
  3. I tried the mothball trick with my XT6..3 boxes of it to be exact..now the car had rodent droppings everywhere and smells like old people..thats about all that did
  4. No Biggie..Melis has un opened bottle plus we know where to get it filled for free. Heck..unless there is a problem with your system you shouldnt need to much of it anyway.Plus we just take a turkey baster and take it from the ones in the junk yard.
  5. No Need to get Grits or any Captains.. Its the final countdown ( doooodoododo dodododo ..ah heck...you know the song by Europe) 3 more days..
  6. Not cheap..but less then I was told to sell it for..$400 OBO...Taking a couple minute break from strpping out the interior..need to get back to work ( and my Captains and Coke is out there:rolleyes:)
  7. Less then 5 days away!!!! And Rob just had to inform me that the "dinner" we are going to is semi nicely dressed...CRAP!!! I had to go buy clothes yesterday...my most hated of all activities..especially since gaining so much wieght.. OMG:eek: Less then 5 days...OK I am starting to really freak out now. Nervous fat chick alone on a plane...sounds like something comedies are written about:lol:
  8. I am getting roughly 28 mpg with mixed driving..not babying it...But my last tank I wanted to see what I would get if I "stayed off the throttle" some ( taken the other night on the way to work.) 30.3 08 Impreza 2.5i 5 door 5 spd...11,000 miles mixed driving..just shy of 100 miles a day
  9. I would send him his ER27 back... I have will still have my 30K mile crate motor here.And dont forget..me Native American..we good at directions LOL
  10. Here is a link to the thread where the pic is...Wow! thats old..before my XT6 s frame took a nap:( http://subaruxt.com/forum/viewtopic....ht=cts&start=0
  11. CTS= Coolant Temp Sensor IAC = Idle Air Control Valve I belive on the XT board there is a picture of exactly where they are located..in the repair compilation thread.. I will look it up shortly and give you the link. These are the most common issues and the fixes are even easier...but they have given many extreme headaches ( Me included)
  12. Congrats..From experience ..they can be alittle quirlier then some...some things to also check: Front crank pulley likes to seperate..draw a white line across it and keep an eye on ig..when it stops lining up..get it welded. White connector to the alt gets corroded and eated away Also the CTS..does the same thing causeing irritating issues...direct wire solves that problem 98% of the time Clean the IAC check the intake snorkus for cracks at the flex point. Theres a good start for you. Nice that you live in the rustless zone
  13. You made out easy on the insurance...my payments are $375 for my 08 Imppy..and the insurance is $175 a month full coverage with glass. But all in all its still worth it..something happens to the car in anyway shape or form its covered...Plus the piece of mind of not having to worry about break downs ( even if it does I have roadside assistance) etc..is priceless. Plus ..its nice to know that right now..all but 80 miles on my car ( I have 11K on it already) I put on it..and wasnt someone else out beating it. That is still a gorgeous Forester
  14. Some 96 and early 97 Outbacks came with the 2.2..I think Gary knows the details on that ( grossgary) Yup 4 $800 why not..doesnt seem in bad shape the rest of the way around. And EJs are easier then EAs ( cept the EA81;))
  15. Nope..I wish it was too..But: And thats just partial..you know how hard it is to get pics under the car.... Plus the front wheels are fused on..I tried PB Blaster AND a sledge hammer and they wouldnt budge. Starting to laugh about it now..Lesson learned..look cars over much better and dont let anyone "talk" you into it.. and ..even sitting outside over pavement..they will still rot
  16. LOL Jess...I got mine to help with the XT6 LMAO ..guess I will have to find some rusty tools to play with it now
  17. 8 Days!!!!! So.. I know of the Sat plans... Still dont know anything else....Just praying for good weather and no flight delays And I had to laugh..my order of Rust Bullet and Metal Blast came today :lol::lol::lol::lol:
  18. I had to pick up some parts from the dealer the other day for my 08 Imppy...ended up talking to the Co-Owner/Salesman ( the one who sold me the car) ..and he said they are having a hard time keeping the 5 door Imps in stock and the demand for the 09 Forester is just amazing... Sales are through the roof with both models..So you defiantly made a good choice.. :banana: ( If the 09 Forester is anything like my 08 Imppy..I think you will be incredibly happy) I was the second person in my town to get the Imp..a week later my neighbor bought one ...now there are at least 20 of them rolling around....Enjoy being "The One" while you can:grin:
  19. Should have never tried working on my XT6 ..after finding what I did..seeing and hearing what I did..now the car terrifies me..and I am afraid to bring the coupe east...For it to meet the same fate in a couple years... Was getting all excited but that feeling has been crushed...Maybe I will take the loss..give the coupe to Psyko for his little brother and save it from the east coast rust monster.
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