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Everything posted by Bucky92

  1. All I have done lately to mine was wire in my new Sirius unit into my Impreza. And have been running the coupe every so often to keep the battery charged etc. Its been so cold here yet my old boy starts 3rd time every time ( Its usually a week between starts... not to shabby for a non-working choke .)
  2. Steve as in the other post.. if you need something let me know.. Waiting for pics ..hopefully we can bang it out... that car is too nice to let go of.
  3. Dang Steve!! I hope its OK..Let me know if you need anything. Its been coming along so nicely too.
  4. Congrats on the new Soob!!!! Nice way to bring in the New year!
  5. I have only driven true 4WD or FWD until recently..and one of my best bad weather cars was my 96 Ford Taurus wagon.. used it for a delivery car when I lived in upstate NY. That thing went through snow that was up over its hood without missing a beat. Nice thing though.. I have extensive hours behind the wheel in bad weather..between the mountains of PA and upstate NY. Like I said.. I know those here are opinionated..some just wear blinders more then others...Ben..you get what you want and dont let others talk you into something you wont be happy with. I learned this a long time ago. Between working on the 50+ cars..I also owned a towing company and worked in a JY, I have as many hours behind the wheel as most over the road truckers.... and this is whats important.. Its what you want. If that means fixing Guido..then do it.. or if it means selling him to get something else..then also do it.
  6. I have been in your same shoes Ben.. And I can say.. sometimes you have to do what you have to do. We all know this is a Subaru sight.. but I can also say...from owning the 50+ cars that I have..all makes and models.. that even though our roos are dependable.. they can become overwhelming quickly on the other stuff.. I drove an 89 Plymouth Acclaim for 3 years and all I ever did was change the oil.. NOTHING else.I had a 75 Silverado.. got it for $300 needed a driveshaft.. drove it for 2 years without anything but oil changes. I can not say that about any of the 12 Subarus I have had... except for my 08 and thats because.. well.. its new. They always seem to need an axle or a TB or a wheel bearing etc.. The only plus is they are the shade tree mechanics dream since they are so easy to work on. You will do what you know is right and do what you want. Like what I did.. selling my Legacy to someone who needed it more and liked it more then I did..and bought the Amigo..which was a great deal no matter how much this board wants to bash me about it. Dont forget.. no one here has seen what you looked at and can only go by opinions and assumptions.
  7. Brus.. that was Bucky..my Loyale..which backwoodsboy owns... This was a lego I picked up early in the year..needed a transmission.. drove it a good bit but just wasnt feeling the car so i thought it was best for it to go to someone else.
  8. I am so happy that you are happy with her.. and you can rename her if you like..she got called the lego more around here anyway. I told you that we dont have saftey inspections here just emmissions but had no doubt she would pass.. this makes me happy cause you know how I feel about selling cars.. I hate it...feel guilty if anything goes wrong...or if you find something I didnt know about..sometimes I am too honest. This just makes my day..and I still have no regrets and know I did the right thing..by letting her go to someone who would appreciate her more then me.
  9. Do you have a portable unit?? I use Sirius in my 08.. but I run it through the aux port in the center console and have my antenna stratigically placed in the back..cord hidden. To me it isnt worth the extra to have the factory installed.. I thought about it when I bought mine. I have multiple cars ..each set up with sat radio..but I dont want to pay extra subscriptions ..thats why I have the portable unit.. I even have my 83 GL-10 coupe set up..LOL
  10. I actually found a spot of rust on my Impreza... I will get it fixed this Spring.. have to have the hood repainted ( damn pearl paint) but it was caused by a rub spot from my bug and rock guard. Its also kinda pot luck with rust and cars.. I have seen ones that have never been garaged etc..and not get rust..and other do. Heck my husbands Toyota tacoma.. not a spot of rust on the body..not even underneith.. but the frame was swiss cheese ..Lucky us for the recall..now it has a beautifully treated new frame under it.
  11. Wash it once a week.. get the underside good.. and oil it .. One of the things that saved the front of backwoodsboys 92 Loyale was the oil leaks spraying the front half of the car.
  12. Scott.. I ran the car the other day and it was fine..But I am selling the it anyway.. look in the FS section..I am selling it cheap.
  13. I know that car..and it wouldnt be road ready right away..plus its too nice to be a winter beater.Oh and its turbo.. I avoid EA82ts like the plague
  14. I have been wanting to rid myself of this lego for awhile now..but havent found anything to replace it with.. I was looking for another XT6 or EA82 wagon..but there arent any..and like I said... I know how this Isuzu runs and has been taken care of. For what I am paying for it..if it last a couple months then its good.
  15. This is the Amigo: I have always liked them too.. it will be a better play toy anyway.
  16. The only thing I could find wrong with it was it was low on oil.. added a quart and it smoothed right out...Just ran it for a good half hour and also took it for a spin...seems OK.
  17. Before anyone goes off bashing the Amigo..let me say this.. the person who wants to sell it to me is one of my closest friends.. he has been working on cars since he was in diapers.. Right now he is in Cali making custom street rods etc.. I know this truck and it is 100% rust free.. runs perfect..has new exhaust low low mileage..tires have 4000K miles on them. Its already lifted..the right way. My friend would never sell me a headache. And for the price.. $250 just so he can recoupe the money he put into the exhaust... I dont think I can go wrong. I have never been happy with this Legacy.. Compared to my Impreza..and even my XT6..this thing is a slow dog. On top its an AT and I hate ATs. I only use it to keep mileage off my Impreza and so it can take the door dings from the work parking lot. So the Legacy is officially for sale.. I will post it later after I go over it for the issue it had yesterday. Either way its going to go cheap.
  18. I might just get rid of it.. I have a friend who wants to sell me his 94 Amigo with 104K miles on it. He is one of the best mechanics I know..though flighty. Moved to california and the Amigo just sits here in CT..wants to part with it cheap..might just do this.
  19. Oh the car is in great shape ..especially for being a NE car..any rust on it is trivial.... It has 196K miles on it..timing belt was done at 188K. I would probably think about fixing it if it was a 5 spd.. its an AT and we all know I hate ATs. I still havent looked at it due to rain and snow to determine what actually happened.But leaning towards selling it off cheap and finding something else..I dont want to go back to using my Impreza for everything. Plus this requires taking the coupe out of the garage..and he is in a billion pieces on flat tires. I should also say.. I didnt overheat it.. It was about a mile from my house..went to just under 3/4 on the gauge was plowing through some heavy wet snow on a barely plowed road...and it went back to normal temp once I pulled in the driveway..with no smell of coolant.
  20. Well.. I have never been really happy with it..but its officially on my hate list.. Blew a head gasket ( I believe) coming home today in the snow... started running hot and blowing white smoke out the exhaust...sounds like a head Gasket to me!! If so.. its junk yard bound..not messing with another one.
  21. I do business with the dealer in Danbury. I am am with the rest..the EJ25 is plenty motor..in fact I have been extremely impressed with it. Supposedly the newer versions have the dependability issues solved and so far mine has had not a single problem in 45K miles. Took it to Mass last weekend in those heavy winds and still got 31mpg at 80 mph.
  22. He is full of it...the dealer... Oh.. Hi from a fellow CT person. I can tell you right now.. I run an 08 Imreza 2.5i and that little 4 cyl has more then enough go go to it ( I took out an RX8 the other day getting on the Merritt) Granted the Imp is much lighter. I also only drive 5 spd ..but I can easily get 32-34 mpg out of it. IMO the 6 cyl isnt that big of a deal..probably most noted if its an AT. Also.. my local Subaru dealer has a few 6 cyl on the lot..thats why I say yours is talking poo.
  23. Thats what my payments are to BUY my Impreza..and that was with $500 down total. IMO thats high for a lease..I have seen them go for much much less.
  24. 83 GL-10 HT coupe. 240K when the motor was swapped...not sure what the mileage is on the new motor..but the car still has 240K ( hasnt been out of the garage since.) 95 Legacy 194K 08 Impreza 5 dr 42K
  25. Thats what cracks me up about these "more HP" people.. HP dont mean diddly in the rain, snow, or ice. Plus when the gas prices went sky high I used to love listening to them complain as they filled up. I would toss $20 in my tank as say...well I am good for the week.
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