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Everything posted by Bucky92

  1. Worked didnt it?? hey we wanted to go to Waffle House and you were still sleeping...you know Jess,John,Tommy and Me get cranky without out grits.
  2. Sure Steve..thats fine with us...Just remember "Thats how we wake them up around these here parts boy!" As we threaten to flip the tent:grin::grin::grin:
  3. I plan on taking lots of pics...and just today I bought a laptop ( Tommy is working his magic with it right now) to take along.. Word of advice..start pricing the plane fair early..I mean real early..I watched mine go up on almost a daily basis. and shop around..at first Priceline was the cheapest..then when I had the money and was ready to by Orbits was the cheapest and had a pretty accommodation schedule. I want to start packing and stuff now..but 42 days..I hope it comes fast..can't wait to see my Pimp Daddy:-p :lol: ( inside joke)
  4. Welcome!! I am heading out your way in April ..will be at one of your fellow Hatch Patrols place for a few days getting my 83 GL-10 coupe ready to be shipped cross country. You guys are soo lucky out there.. Oh! First rule...pictures are required!!
  5. Everything is coming together nicely now .... Plane ticket..check Vacation sceduled at work...check Booked the Auto Shipper....check :banana::banana: Got it through DAS top load..for $795!!! Have to drop my sweet baby Lil Blue at the terminal on April 12th...estimated time of arrival is April 26th...I am going to be a worry wort until it gets here 43 more days!!!!!!
  6. Steve..that thing has got to have only minor rot...dont make me stuff your tall rear under the XT6 and show you real rust :lol: And dont you worry..we will get that Sedan taken care of. John is a wiz with his welder...look what he did for Bucky..gave him not only a new home but a new lease of life. I am booking the autoshipper today for the coupe..should be here around the end of April..got an awesome quote of $795..top load :banana:If we drop it off April 12th..then they estimated 14 days till it gets here.
  7. backwoodsboy is familiar with the wheel well rot ( the car he drives is my beloved 92 Loyale Bucky that he himself did the repair on last year). Hatchsubs EA81 Sedan is in amazingly good shape especially for being a NE car.In a few weeks we are going to be addressing some minor rust issues with it and get it all under control. I wouldnt be suprised if its just caused by the "wet" inside the car from out lousy weather..snow,rain,snow,rain,melt,flood,rain,rain,snow,melt,fog. I actually have a ton of moisture built up in the Imp right now.We need a good dry warm sunny day to open the cars up and let them air.
  8. So GD..this is the welder set up I have: http://www.homedepot.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?storeId=10051&langId=-1&catalogId=10053&productId=100031840&N=10000003+90401+527842 do you think it will be enough??
  9. Gary..I never said I hated the car..I did mention on the XT board that I will never own another one.. Yup I have a 30K crate motor..long block..just everything else attached is the 178K mile old stuff. I learned alot from the car..I just have yet to see the "awesomeness" of them that I hear so much about..Yup its awesome that it came home twice by way of tow truck..let me sit in for a few days with a blown intake minifold gasket. It is in now way a good DD and that is why I bought the brand new Imp..I put 100 miles a day on a car and the XT just cant handle it...Not saying it couldnt be a good project.Like others have stated..I can use it to learn on ( welding) and if it helps it..then great if it ruins it..not a huge loss. I mean you keep saying that they show up all the time on the cheap yet I have yet to see one locally here that is in any better shape then this one. I have more sweat hours into this car then probably anyone else has in thiers..especially in the short time I had it and the limited funds I had to start out with...so is there a sentimental value to the car...yup.Do I see what the other members with "nice" ones are doing or have done to theirs and get envious..you betcha.I definately dont want to see it crushed. It just seems like you got alittle offended by my comment on the XT board.Sorry.Just cause its the only one I will ever own doesnt mean that I hate it either..If I hated it ..it would have been long gone a long time ago.
  10. :slobber::slobber: My little blue coupe:slobber::slobber: I cant wait!!!!43 more days ..till I see it.That car WILL be garage kept in the winter ..and a car cover on it in the summer.It is going to be my little vintage gem..I really dont want to do any mods to it except we are discussing putting a Weber on it. Its one of my dream Subarus ( we all know the other is a lifted EA82 wagon:grin:)My XT6 was just supposed to be a winter beater..Its just hard to let it go cause of the work I have into it..But this is taking priority for me cause it is and will just be worth more in the long run: and lookie how cute it is: and its got louvers!!:slobber:
  11. So where are the pics..I want to see pics!!!:popcorn:
  12. Thanks for sharing..it was awesome and tearful at the same time.But hopefully it is in good hands and you will find another deserving candidate
  13. WOW GD..your reply actually shocked me...even though I was actually waiting for a reply from you. I felt for sure I would get the "get what you can and run" from you..wow:eek: ( not thats its a bad thing..cause even though you are openly opinionated..9 times out of 10 your right) This gas bottle you talk about...my Lincoln Electric isnt set up to take gas..so how would that work?? Plus even though its says for up to 1/8th inch..if the bead is done right it can do 1/2? I need to find a source for scrap metal...I have welded some stainless together so far and fixed the wire reindeer ..and need to weld the exhaust on my dirt bike. I would just have to find a way to get it high enough in the air to work on it.:-\. Hummmm maybe I will try this...whats the worst that can happen..screw up and the car gets junked?? Its heading that way if something isnt done soon anyway.
  14. Paul..that would be all fine if the car was reliable..but .hate to say it...it has been one of the worst cars I have ever owned..next to my Ford EXP.I barely trust running it the 10 miles round trip into town. And when I do take it out..if its running good I will just keep running it in a loop just to run it. Its not alot of fun driving a car when you are constantly afraid its going to let you sit. I mean I like the car and I hate it at the same time..I hate to say it ..but it has left a bad taste in my mouth towards them..dont know if I would really want another..its like the SVXs..after all the major issues I see that owners have with them...makes me never ever want one. And now my husband is pulling his " Its in my name and its not for sale" crap..so I handed it over to him..its his problem..so that means its going to sit and be the rodent motel it already is. I cant see why I am not allowed to recoupe some of the money I am out from the bad sale of a car and all I have invested into the XT6 ..why should I get anything back.♠
  15. Steve..anything thats been sitting in weeds for any length of time is going to have issues..rodents etc..If I transplant its going to be into something cherry. I have learned my lesson..No East Coast cars for projects. ( And so the west coasters know..the coupe is going to be garage kept;))
  16. That is such a clean straight sweet wagon ..just makes me :slobber::slobber:
  17. LOL Thanks Frank..and the Isles are gonna give us a heart attack here..loose 11 in a row..win 6..1 point out GRRRR!!! I just cant wait to get out there and see and bond with my coupe..you say its nice:grin: ( 45 days!!) Turbone keeps teasing me..sends me pics of the little bad things..All I can say is..nobody better touch my louvers!!!:grin::slobber::slobber::slobber:EA81 cope louvers...now how rare is that??
  18. LOL Kyle...jacking up that car is a trick in itself..non of the jack points will carry its wieght..you have to use the A arms...and ramps.Regular body work ..everyone knows I wont shy away from..but structural I will. I mean I have seen far worse still being driven...I know mine probably has a few more years left in it...I just dont want to invest too much more effort into a lost cause. Last time I drove it ( last week) it felt like it was dragging an anchor..the clutch has about had it...and the lovely mystery stalling issue that we cannot solve..just drove me nuts. I have this pretty little Cosmic Blue Coupe coming from out west that is going to be taking my time and efforts:):):) and I really just dont want to be bothing someone else. There is one member who has successfully repaired these frames but he is oober oober busy and I dont want to bother anyone with the problem.The car was intended to be a winter beater when I got it..I made the mistake of actually growing to like the thing ( I hated it at first if y'all remember:lol:)
  19. I keep going back and forth about keep trying to fix my XT6 or just part it out Issues: Frame rot ..front..both sides Its really due for a clutch..even though I have a new/lightly used set up and new flywheel ready for it passenger door shot..pass fender shot...lots of ugly going on under it..needs at least 2 axles..has a stalling problem that just wont go away..pass side seat belt ( on the floor ) is only there for show. Basically the only thing it has going for it is the super low mileage SOA crate motor sitting under the hood..and we all know those ER27s are about worthless. Yes the car runs great..handles good..Has ALOT of new parts in it ..brand new starter,windshield, alt, battery tires plety of extras..spare ditsy another alt..extra pods ..like mentioned extra clutch set up. Heres the scoop..I pretty much gave my 93 Imp to someone and in return they were supposed to take the XT6 to the body shop..get it on the lift and fix the frame...well that was in Nov ..its now the end of Feb and I still have nothing ..I have marked it in my book of being screwed..AGAIN..so now I am out the 93 Imp ( which I sold for basically $700 ..the peron I sold it too gave me $200 so there is still $500 outstanding) . Then this person gets fired from body shop..and say opening thier own..this was in early Jan.. Now I did have another member offer to look at the frame and see about repairing in..but in all honesty..There is no way of getting the car off the ground high enough here to repir a frame...and I know this person has the same basic welder set up I do and I dont think its strong enough for a structural repair. So here is the reality check... Give up on this POS XT6 and part it out and junk whats left? I want honest opinions..not the whole "You have so much work into it" etc. I am willing to cut my losses ..and then when the 83 coupe gets here I can concentrate efforts into that.
  20. I dont know whats going on BBQ or whatever Rob wants...he is in charge..I just want to get out there and see my coupe..I am really in the need for some car working on therapy..too cold here ( Its 11 degrees right now.) So for now I am in this mode:
  21. The layovers are in Detroit on the way out ..and montana and minneapolis on the way back
  22. What Kyle says^ and the more you run with a bad alt..the more stress you putting on the battery and shortening the life of that..Its been proven that usually shortly after an alt change..the battery takes a crapper too.
  23. Thats funny though cause the hatch is outselling the sedan by a ton...and the hatch costs more..but thats cause its a much more functional vehicle. Just today while out playing in the snow..I counted 7 other 08s..and only 1 was a sedan:rolleyes: And just for all the ugly comments..I am definately bringing it to Carlisle so you will be forced to be in the presence of its ugliness..
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