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Everything posted by Bucky92

  1. I have probably put 10K miles on these bad tires...you know running the same snow tires all year long....for 5 years ...and the dry rotted worn out rears have been on for 3 or 4 years...and are so out of balance..flat spotted..etc.LOL..I had to run a friend to the Harley dealer when his bike broke the clutch cable a couple weeks ago ( when my XT6 was broke down in PA) and we took Bucky..my friend was watching the rear wheels through the holes and his reaction was:eek: good lord those tires are bad ..plus when it rains I get no grip..its like driving on ice on slicks
  2. I use seafoam religously...on all 3 of my cars..without ever having any issues what so ever..and my oldest is a 20 y/o also....yes it has a new motor but everything else on it is ..20 y/o. Having the car working better is alittle more important than that little oil leak that they all have anyway.
  3. Your both wrong..and I am the only one who is right:-p :Flame:
  4. Got to spend some quality time with Bucky today..have his wheel wells almost done ...just want to re-enforce where the seat belts will mount back up ( for my own sake..I still wont allow passangers there) and need to trim the insulation foam filler and one small part of glass needs done...then pull the rear wheels and undercoat the bajeebas out of the wells. There is one spot where I think the sheet metal sticks out to far for the interior panel to fit back on..I would have had it finished today but it started to pour again ( we had a heavy storm just sitting over here for a few hours now). I miss that car....still can't be on the road till he gets new axles and tires ( the tires are scarey bad and so is one of the axles).I was following the "cleaning the Maf" thread and might do that too since he has the symptoms of a dirty MAF..I so miss that car..I love that car. Getting the Imp legal within the next couple weeks so I can stop driving the XT6..but I have a feeling that once old Bucky is back up I will be wanting to use him all the time...Actually..I would do almost anything right now to have him back to at least 98%.
  5. Sorry..but everytime I read something like this I think of poor daerons spark plug incident;) :-p and I have to giggle...cause we all have done something stupid ( me in particular! ) Probably not much help..but when the fuel pump went out on my 88 GL wagon..I pulled one from a turbo car and it dumped WAY to much fuel for the regular EA82..I still remember that fiasco like it was yesterday..and that was back in 97 or 98
  6. Luigi..you will be super happy with that car...like I said to you in PM...when they run right...they are awesome..and they are attention grabbers ( even before painting them yellow:Flame: Shannon!:-p ) If there is even a speck of rust on it..fix it ASAP..once it gets in there it will be out of control in no time ( I know I am so tired of fixing rust on 2 of my 3 that I am about to give in and let the rust have them..the 3rd I havent started to fix yet)
  7. I should be out working on Buck right now but NOOOO it pouring down rain right now:rolleyes: ..at least I dont have to water the plants today...geesh..cant even give the Imp her tune up cause no room in the garage:Flame:
  8. Gary..if I thought you were that much of a schmuck..I would never tell anyone to listen to you
  9. Rob you definately look younger than your age..thats for sure....and you act younger yet :-p
  10. HEY!! Thomas!..No talking about booze for you! ..you are a minor! Gonna play mom right now:) You better behave yourself there wee one;)
  11. Its OK Tom..you are just lucky I like you;) :-p And I am with Turbone..I would just replace the door...mine are bad on the XT6 and when I find good ones I will just swap and repaint. As for shaping the metal...if it isnt anything structural ( meaning having a load on it) I use sheet aluminum..easy to form and doesnt rust.
  12. You know I hear this all the time from CT people..some of us arent into the hiking fishing thing..I used to come home from work..get my bike outta the basement ..warm it up while I put my gear on ..and go up in the woods for a hour or so...every day..I have 400 acres of trails right across the street from my house..then on weekends my friends would stop by with the trailer and we would load the bikes and quads up and off to Tower City Trail Riders for the weekend...then every other Sunday..I worked at Sleepy Hollow MX park in PA as head track official and first turn flagger.In the winter it was snow mobiling.. CT is boring for those who arent tree huggers or museum-a-holics..Thomaston Dam is a joke and the closest MX park to work at is in Walden( not worth the drive out for the little pay). When I say I need high energy stuff to do..I am talking about Xtreme sports energy. And I dont want to drive for hours just to get to any.
  13. Huck..if you want a shot of the Rock for it..give me an addy to send the good copy to
  14. I have been following this thread and I am wondering if your XT6 has been talking to mine:grin: They both seem to have the..anything that can go wrong will syndrome. Actually it really isnt that bad..just follow what gary is saying and you should be fine
  15. Huck..yup...3 pics were over 9 Mbs...I got this one cause I have plans ( the one of Turbones beautiful car) Like I said..I got an email from Killboy with the download in a zip file..said it was something they were trying out.
  16. I use that stuff all the time:grin: its almost like the greatest thing since sliced bread for body work
  17. I got an email after I ordered with the option to download the pics figured what the hey..I am inpatient: Then I put them in my photobucket account. Here ya go daddy:
  18. I have the one side almost done from the inside..just using the material and the long fiber glass.. All the big holes were done with sheet metal already so all that was left was the seam around the door opening and the seams in the metal..I also covered where the seat belt mounts to strengthen the metal ( not that I am going to allow passengers back there ..but for looks) One plus is ..I dont have to sand this down cause its going to be covered with the panel:) ugly is good! I plan on pulling the wheels and sealing the seams from the outside then with silicone then shooting the wells with a couple heavy layers of undercoating ..just to make sure no more water gets into the car and it should be good to go...then I have to do a few small things to Pheebs and she will be ready to be turned into the daily driver..I can gut Rockys interior and put the new carpet in ( thanks Daddy!) Then deside what exactly Buckys fate will be
  19. Here is one of my Killboy shots..its now my desktop background: Here is another one I bought..both from Killboy:
  20. Its not food thats my problem...I actually dont eat very much at all...its a combination of stress and boredom...I need LOTs of activities and CT is so boring.. I guess what hurts the most is I once lost well over 110 lbs..gained some but not all back from not being able to ride my dirt bike all the time..plus I dont work at the MX park..just nothing to do in CT
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