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Everything posted by Bucky92

  1. I would almost bet money on this..if I didnt know for sure who the previous 2 owners of this car were...and they were NOT BDG! :lol:
  2. Thanks Shannon...at least its going to be in a hidden area..so the practice will be good before working on Pheebs ( going to try the glass instead of the bondo this time) Got too many parts laying around that need to get either into the appropriate car or chucked.
  3. Your guess is as good as mine...maybe to deflect the radar from the cops??? Or the aliens?
  4. This weekend I think I am going to finally button up Buckys wheel wells ...basically ..so if I need him and its raining there isnt a shower inside. Going to use glass ...any pointers since I usually use bondo? ( I also need to get his interior back in so I can have the garage back to get Pheebs in
  5. Hey my XT6s fuel pump is held on with a couple zip ties...not my doing..was there when I got it...along with some aluminum foil on some fuel lines:confused:
  6. You know ..after looking at all the pictures..I now remember why I usually avoid a camera like the plaque...Since quitting smoking and drinking...I am embarrassed by being the hippo that I am.. Actually..I am quite embarrassed and would like everyone to burn thier pics...OK now back to the corner to cry
  7. Tom..if you need some let me check around..I think I may have some from a dash I molested for sensors
  8. Hey now!! dont insult the Indians....I happen to be one...or mostly one...OK East coast Pennsylvania Indian..Susquahannok to be exact...mixed with some Dutch and grew up Italian..that makes me a Wop-a-ho:grin: And my Indian name is Runs With Scissors;) I have been to Long Island for Islander Hockey Games..and even super late at night there are just too many people out and on the road..CT is getting that bad too it seems ..specially Fairfeild County
  9. I think my longest solo drive was from Carlisle PA to Smackover Arkansas ( yes it is a real town and it is on the map..Southern Ark close to El Dorado) in my beat up 82 Toyota Truck..had my camper topper on it and my dirt bike hidden underneith.Truck was so beat it wouldnt pull the mountains..had to turn the OD off and you would still only be doing 30 by the top ..yes it was an AT..needless to say..the truck never made it back..broken crank..spent 2 days in a motel off exit 168 in Va ( Rt81) The trip took me something like 24 hours down..the next time I went..I flew:)
  10. Why you think I married Tommy:lol: He is the mullet master!
  11. So Steve..when you growing the Mullet ..sorry couldnt resist..just pickin...sweet IROC.. Glad you got another one....can't blame your mom though...we like your mom shes cool!
  12. No problem and thank Neo..it will probably be in the next couple weeks..starting my new job soon and want her to be my daily instead of the XT6...and I may have plans for Bucky;) involving swapping him to 4WD D/R 5 spd with lift and lights...unless I can find a nice nearly rust free one from the west coast.
  13. My Bag..its a Katydid.. ( Kay tee did) Heres some info: http://www.ivyhall.district96.k12.il.us/4th/kkhp/1insects/katydid.html I had it mixed up with a cicada ( pronounced like I spelled the other word LOL..I am such an idiot)
  14. I have her rear suspension in..need to put her front in yet ( the struts and springs are from an OBS wagon so it sits higher)..Then just the timing belt and a tune up and a patch on the gas tank and she should be good to go:) . I really want to try her out there...I have been busy getting the XT6 ready for the Dragon meet..now that its done I can concentrate of Pheebs
  15. Happy late B day Neo...18th is out for me and pheebie..have something else I have to do that Sat:(
  16. I have seen bugs like that ..they are cicada. And BTW..this is Bucksters cup holder..dont ask me where I got it though cause I think it was from moosens awhile back. And Rocky has this one..called the wedgie..HA a wedgie for the wedge car:) ( bad joke):
  17. WOW!! Its so ...Flat there..where was that?? ( I am used to this small mountainy stuff like around the Dragon)
  18. Good Luck!..Did you get any contact numbers for your trip if something happens?? I can PM you mine and cover this area of CT and parts of NY.
  19. Thanks Andrew..when are you going to be back this way?? ( just remembered I still have to get the rest of the keys for Rock from you:) ) Plus you are worrying some of us...all these milea ..in an escort:lol: I know..besides gettign hitched finally..the best part of the weekend was finally getting to meet one of my favorite west coasters. Yes..we did try to kidnap..sabotage the car..and bride him into staying. Some of us are already in the talks and though plans of getting out that way within the next few years ..to meet the rest of the west coast. I know some of us will really miss Rob..but at least we know he is just a phone call away now
  20. No problem..I have to take care of family you know;) He should be posting anytime now
  21. Basically he is home..has about 15 more minutes to go..stuck in traffic.
  22. :banana: Lets keep our fingers crossed it didnt cause any other issues;)
  23. Update on Robs journey back...It is now just shy of 4 pm EST,,and he is in Spokane..final stretch..Bet ya he is going to go straight to bed when he gets home: But it did look like he was enjoying himself yes.. I really appreciate everything he has done for me thats for sure.. Oh!! BTW We named your XT..her name is Roxanne.( you dont have to put on your red light!)
  24. I knew Austin could get this all straightened out ( he is one of the XT masters)
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