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Everything posted by Bucky92

  1. Trying to get some ideas and opinions for this for my XT6...After running the Dragon I found his weak points happen to be these areas..I am running some new but cheap champoro tires and who knows what the coilover conversion came from..Looking for something to stick to the sharp higher speed turns( without a ton of squealing ) and maybe something not so still on the suspension. Thanks
  2. Found one pic of Rocky from Dragonslayer photography..nothing posted yet from Sat on Killboy..Actually..this has alot of pics of us http://www.photoreflect.com/scripts/prsm.dll?eventorder?photo=0DAE009J010073&start=0&album=0&adjust=-1
  3. BTW..Just heard from Rob..having troubles staying awake.He pulled off 5 times to sleep and is just outside of Billings Mo ..He hit a big raccoon but doesnt think any damage to the car. Having trouble with air suspension since hitting the coon and will check things out when he stops for breakfast.Just probably knocked somethign loose
  4. Thanks guys..I personally cant justify spending all sorts of money on the formal thing..with 200 of you closet family members that you may only talk to once every 10 years..especially when ..like me..your friends are more family then the family is.. Plus .we are old..and this will be better remembered..and have a much better story to it.Its all about the meaning then the ceremony.
  5. JEFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 How was your trip back??? You at your finest: If you ever get the chance to hang out with this kid ..do it!! Love him..too much fun!
  6. you should be running somewhere in the range of 33-3500 rpm..maybe alittle higher..I think...I am trying to think what my EA82 runs..my XT6 was running 75 mph at 3200 RPMs
  7. Y'all know all the issues I have had with Rocky ( my XT6 ) and how I didnt trust him as far as I could push him....well..slightly over 2000 mile road trip and he made it back with no real issues!! I may have to admit to liking him again.. Ran him down to the Dragon meet..no issues...drove him alittle harder then I really wanted to down there ..he held up so well and handled fantastic for what he has...not the greatest tires and who knows what kind of suspension was put on when he was switched to coil overs.. He used about a quart and a half of oil on the whole trip..not bad considering..he hugged the turns held up to the heavy braking and stood up to the hard acceleration. I have a short video from inside the car and as soon as I can get it uploaded ( its 233 MB and photobucket wont allow that) I can show you. Basically..he made it home getting 29 mpg has a squeaky rear bushing and a very very clicky rear axle.. It was amazing putting this car through...what it was designed to do basically..I am still smiling when I think about the fun. So now Pheebs is priority ..Rocky is still going to be getting some work...like ..looking for suggestions on a better coil over system for him. and Bucky may be getting turned into a lifted D/R 4WD wagon...if I can get all the parts ..OR if I find a nice rust free lifted western one. I now see the why people love the XT6..you can't imagine until you drive it like we drove ours..what a truely amazing car they are
  8. Tommy and me are complete opposites..he is very quiet..I am a lunatic around people I am comfortable with. We enjoyed meeting you too! I am already making plans for WCSS10 next year...I am going to try my darnest to make it out there..we showed Rob our side and I want to see that side! ( I just hope we didnt scare Rob away from ever coming back.....We will miss you and are so happy you came out!)
  9. Hey Tim...thanks for taking care of Daddy I called him right after you posted that you were waiting to hear from him...I am happy he showed you the video of the wedding...was that not the quickest most un- formal wedding ever? No frills thats me
  10. I should have let you take Rocky for a spin...That would have definately put a huge smile on your face...even with his issues.
  11. Jeff got himself one heck of a deal on that SVX..and he is great to have around...not just to pick on either...keeps you laughing. Cant wait for Killboy to get Sat and Sundays pics up..want to see if they got us. Oh and Shannon..you wouldnt believe that horsepower...you yourself should have gained alot by being parked beside Rocky...then you touched him..you hatch can now hang with the big dogs :-p
  12. Thanks Jess..we talked about you guys down there..you would have LOVED it!! Here we all are...the Dragon Slayers: Daddy Rob Turbones reaction after his ride in Frankenwedge: Many more to be found here: http://s50.photobucket.com/albums/f335/Bucky92/Dragon%202007/ Still working on titles and all
  13. Was awesome!!!!! Got started traveling with Hocrest and Leaking Oil later in the afternoon thursday..Drove straight through cept for a 2 hour snoozer in S Virginia around 2 AM..Got into Fontana Village around 10ish ..( stopped at Shoneys from breakfast) went to the campground and set up camp...that place has the biggest campsights ever..we could have fit the enitire group up on our sight. And it was right at the foot of the Dam ( I will upload my pics and post them here after I go pick up my dog ) Beautiful!!!! Shortly after setting up camp..here comes jeffast:rolleyes: :-p in his SVX..he was booted from his room and was happy to see someone there for him to clown around with.Great kid..was the butt of all our jokes and if you ever get the chance to hang with him..do it..he will have you in tears. He was missing Phil but we kept him company. We headed off to Robbinsville to go to the courthouse and get the marraige licence Jeff road with Tommy and me in Rocky and cause Jeff was in the car....now my one rear bushing is making a terrible moaning groaning noise:-p ( its one of the shock bushings no biggy blaming jeff anyway) Get to the courthouse do what we had to ( I will let someone else tell the story at the courthouse..about whats on the door). But all I do have to say is.. Jeffs voice is loud when in small echoie areas!! Go back to the campground Jeff and Dave went off somewhere for ice..and we all ended up crashed inside the tents for a nap..Got woke up by this yellow SVX ...Huck and Jim (MoodyBluesr) found us!!!Talked for a bit then headed up to the resort to hang for a bit. Huck them took us all on Frankenwedge rides THAT was unbelieveable!! OH forgot to mention that coming into the resort you basically have to run part of the Dragon...I couldnt help it ..I played abit so I could learn what Rock can and cant do..Melis 2 ways me and asks me how I like...all I could do was laugh and giggle like a giddy little school girl Anyway..Got showers ( Thanks to Jim and Jeff letting us use their room) and go for dinner. Get back and do the usual camp thingy ..fire ...note to self..NEVER let jeff be the one to start the fire. Rob finally gets in late and gets set up with us in the campground..we all hang around talking and laughing at Jeff and Tommy doing the fire thing ..lets just say it included a WHOLE bottle of lighter fluid and the air pump for the air mattresses. Bed ..sleep..next morning get up and go wash the cars...and do what we have to do..Breakfast etc..them we go over to the cutest little church ever And had the most casual wedding off all time...it was perfect!!!What more could anyone ask for ..surrounded by great cars and some of the best people ever! OH!! I am now married and now Mrs Dragone...now you know why the Dragon meet was perfect for all this. We head to the Dam for the photo shoot..couldnt believe what a great batch of cars we had. Now the fun begins..the run....I tried to stay to the back of the pack at first cause Rocks suspension is making weird noises and his one axle was clicking pretty good.Plus with his cheap tires he doesnt want to stick to the road to well.OMG what fun..cept when you get behind someone doing 10 mph!!Huck and Jim would do a good job of holding us back to get a small space to get some runs in ..in the tight twisties...it wasnt until we got to another area ( right now the name elludes me) that we could get some good runs..this wasnt the super tight stuff but more higher speed sweeping turns through the most beautiful views I have ever seen..we were 5000-6000 ft up in the mountains Just spectacular!! Somehow I ended up towards the front of the pack behind 3 SVXs with very experienced drivers ( Huck Dave and I dont remember the other guys name) ..and the Ken ( won our nicest car award with his lagoona Blue SVX) behind..Great now I have to push Rock so not to hold anyone up..He did FANTASTIC! ALL in all it was the greatest experience..i could write all day about it. I think Rocky enjoyed it too..He is running near perfect right now..got 29mpg on the way home..and comes away with only a very clicky rear axle and a squeaky bushing..The Cars were beautiful..the company was the best...Loved the fact that Rob drove all the way out to hang with us..we tried to kidnap him and keep him on our coast. OK time to go get my dog...will post pics shortly. Teaser pic: Rocky and Princess at one of the lookouts..and Tommy and Dave and Melis too
  14. Melis and me were talking already about next year..possibly trying to make it a longer weekend or week thing.. I feel for Rob..and we are also working on more awards ( like the Box-O-Rocks award ..basically for Jeff:grin: )
  15. She is a queensland red aussie cattle dog...mixed with everything else out there..about a year and a half old ..got her at the pound.really a good dog.
  16. Just rolled in ..it 3:30 am...Rocky was absolutely amazing! ..I might have to admit to liking him again...plus that 29 mpg on the way home:banana: Will write more tomorrow after sleep
  17. We are leaving here in about a half hour..have to fuel up and drop the dog off. Its just about 10 am. See y'all after the dragon!
  18. Planning on leaving here around 10:30 to head to Daves ( get there around 1:30-2 ish..) go over the cars Then head out. Just hope Rock wants to at least make it to dDaves without any issues ( he hasnt been on a long run since his incident)
  19. Its almost 7:30 AM...They are about a half hour outside of Billings Montana. Will be stopping for coffee and breakfast them..found the problem with Andrews car ( besides it being a Ford Escort) was a loose plug wire. Had a few close call with deer but no casualties..was told that Rob doesnt want to show up in a wrecked car:grin:
  20. HAHAHAHA ..they think the O2 sensors out. what do you expect for a ford
  21. Last update before I go to bed..they are about 40 miles from Butte...Andrew ( wagonsonly) is having car troubles and they can't go over 70..that will teach him to take a Ford Escort cross country:-p Will check in in the morning
  22. See..Even my dog understands the appeal of the old Subarus. those are my XT6 FSMs too!
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