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Everything posted by Bucky92

  1. I have also owned well into the 30-40 vehicles of almost every make and model..and old Subarus...have personalities..everything else is just so boring. Plus they are 100 times easier to work on. Around here..I have one of 6 or 7 EA82 cars and the only XT6 ( the next closest one is an hour away and the owner is a friend of mine) Yet I cant drop kick a dead raccoon without bouncing it off a lifted Ford or Chevy or Toyota. I happen to be an old Ford Mustang freak ( only had 5 of them 66,70,71,79,81) and I like my Subarus so much better. I bought my 92 Loyale 5 years ago for $600..and it has been the most trouble free..dependable car..these things arent like american cars...oil leaks mean nothing...and can still be driven with issues. We arent a cult...this place is one big family...and I am serious..there are people on this board who will bend over backwards to help someone else out. We will drive hundreds of miles to give a fellow family member a hand. And for someone like myself who doesnt have family...this is mine. Once you drive a Subaru and the car bonds to you..you will understand;)
  2. LMAO Dearon..you have to understand...us XT6 fans are edgie right now with XT6.net down. And its sad to know that you may never see ..or yet....drive ...an EG33 powered anything. I have driven my friends enough to know WOW:eek: and am looking forward to taking a drive in the infamous Frankenwedge. And like Phil states..we can take many many cars off the line with out ER27s..I know I have without even trying with my bone stocker. The cybrid steering thing..awesome...Its so noticable that when I have to swap into my Loyale or even the Imp..its a whole new world. Come up to the Dragon meet in NC this weekend...I will let you take Rocky out for a spin:grin:
  3. Before we start and arguement about Er27 vs EJ whatever...let me just state..my ER27 is a great motor!..if you go back and note my complaints ..its been pretty much...everything else...with the exception of blowing an intake manifold gasket..which was actually cause by whoever installed this motor not tighening down the bolts to spec...and with old Rad caps the pressure never built up...new caps and a trickle leak turned into a mess..The motor is fine...the coil?? that can go on anything..the plugs wires etc..also can happen to anything. So lets not get into any fighting over swapping to an EJ..cause I have no plans of that anyway..want to keep my ER27..and save my EJ series for my Imp. and dearon..this quote: an EJ XT sounds like the most magical subaru of all, to me!! other than that, the JDM 2 door STI is the closest thing to a reliable subaru sports car there is!! almost makes you sound like our "friends" 3 main bearing love..LOL..J/k! winky crap
  4. And when you dont want that wagon any more..you know I have first dibs!!! ( I LOVE that wagon!)
  5. My plans are basically...leave sometime Thursday..the earlier the better..but still need to work some plans out with my travel partners ( Melis and Dave )..so it may be alittle later Thursday...just have to be at the courthouse before 5 on Friday to pick up the licence...Thats all I know for now..going to wing it from there. And I got the direct orders from Daddy that Rocky has to come...we must not anger Daddy:-p
  6. Well the crapheap..oops I mean Rocky made it home fine..even stopped at the little roadside farm stand to shoot the poo with the one girl who works there and get some veggies...left Rocky running..no problems...just wondering how log its going to take for the burning coolant smell to vacate..I have that smell..and its still lingering
  7. What brands are ok what brands do you stay away from...I know accell fits in the "stay away from" catagory...but what about the others..Since it does look like it was a coil failure that cause Rocky to backfire etc...will know after work when I take him for a long run..but so far so good...with an old used coil for my EA82. Debating on just putting a new new one in to be safe. OEM would probably be a small fortune and since I am at work I can't look it up.
  8. Well the crapheap made it to work no problems...even took it up above 95mph:eek: to try and heat up that coil ..basically trying to make it fail...so far no probs
  9. the temp on my 92 Loyale usually reads around 1/3 during the summer...creeps alittle closer to half with AC...and in the winter just barely gets off the C.... My XT6 reads about half to a tiny bit above..now with the new T stat..but we believe the guage is off ...and my Imp is about half to slightly above
  10. Huck...think we may have gotten it....put in a new(used) coil and ..so far seems ok.OH Rock needs 2 axles and a new clutch too. . I am just debating ..if it is this coil for sure..if I want to buy a new one or keep the old one I put in...in...I know the Accels have a terrible reputation..but what about other brands? And if it acts up on today ..since I am taking him to work..I am just going to pick up a new CTS and toss it in quick. And like mentioned...if worse comes to worse...we will just use the Toy ..at least we will be making it ..and I can make some Subaru badges for it
  11. HAHA I can see you now...PLEASE TAKE HER!!!! She's psyco..take her!!..ending with a swift kick in the pants.:-p Tommy aired the tent out today..and if worse comes to worse we will just have to bring his Toyota down ( which would help in the possible picking up of a new hood for Pheebie from Huck.)
  12. Thanks a Million...I wanted to make a post about in route contact numbers ..in case of emergecies I may pull Bucks coil ( I hate pulling any parts from him ) until I can get a couple back ups....I am taking Rock to work tomorrow and if he still acts up I am going to toss a new CTS in him and see how that does
  13. Looking Good!!!! .. I used to have a Toy truck like the one in the back ground..cept mine was blue..also with the long bed ( That truck broke the cam on me and thats how I ended up with Bucky). Nice job ..nice shine also!
  14. But I am not allowed to beat it when it acts up
  15. No codes...Dave and Ben were talking and said something about the coil..since I could let the car sit and idle for 15 minutes..get it up to temp ..then run it for about 10-15 miles before it would act up again..the more it was run the worse it got..I could stop turn the car off for 5 minutes and it would be good for a few more miles... So I swapped out my back up coil for Bucky ...took the crapheap on a 25 mile HARD run ..and no problems...not even a stall.....Dont trust it ...but I am going to take it to work tomorrow and see what it does....Still need to drain the coolant and refill with antifreeze ( it has straight water right now) and try to un clog the drain for the AC..would have started that right now but we are getting some nasty thunderstorms I already called the local Advanced..for that and a new coil...Heck they know me on a first name basis there...stopped in twice so far today....I think they have my car on a favorites on their puter
  16. I just added new plugs and since I couldnt get new wires I repaired the old one...Took the thing for a 20 mile spin..all was fine..until it got completely up to temp..tthen it was back to the backfire and no power...We did put a new T stat in it ( OEM Subaru)...Is it possible that my CTS is bad?? I am planning on pulling the T stat out once it cools off and trying it again.. But is it a possibility that ...that the CTS is failing and causing all this??Also..how hard is it going to be to find a new one?
  17. Its a no go..no one can get any plug wires in till MAYBE next friday.. Its done..I am tired of this whole thing. Like I said .. I checked the vaccuum...all lines are on..you want to know how much its producing then why dont you come and check it..I dont have the equiptment for all of this. The car is garbage.. and if I could have the money back I put into trying to save the thing maybe I would have a legal car to drive ..OH should I mention that besides Tommys truck the XT6 is the only legal car we have on the road..Bucky isnt...the Imp isnt...But hey..who cares right??
  18. Right now I dont know if I am even going to be able to make it now..cause the XT6 is down..again..I possibly could since I go right by your exit on the way back here
  19. I will trade you..I dont mind brakes ...you want to try and get my XT6 running right again?? I have had many moments like that with these cars..lucky enough..with the exception of the XT6..it hasnt been quite that bad. Good luck
  20. Bucky cannot go to the dragon..not till he gets new tires and both front axles..Believe me..I would drive that car across country without a second thought...my Imp still needs gas tank repair and registered...either one would take about all the money I have right now to do. If worse comes to worse we can bring the Toyota gas hog...Its just the point..right now its my daily driver and I cannot trust it. I cant even get to start working on the back-ups cause right now the main is always broke down. Its not sucking any water...and we checked all the vaccuum lines and we checked all the connections around the stack...Ditsy wasnt touched..Ben thinks the CTS cause thats what his does when he took his out..if thats the case then mine has to be bad casue I already did the fix...and what a joy thats going to be to find a new one around here or get one shipped in ..in time to take to work and solder wires on etc etc. I dont know what the feeling is that I am supposed to get when its running right ..cause it has broken down so much I never feel good running it. Also....when I get into a bind with it ..its not like I can make a phone call and have someone local give me some hands of help...I can get alot of help from here or from a couple people many many miles away. And you all know..half the time..without seeing it..all you can do is take guesses...and those guesses are what makes everything seem like a mountain. And Tommy IS NOT a car person. All this encourage ment and self experience is good...but non of you are talking about yours being your daily driver also....well maybe Jim with Molly cause Ruby Sue was getting rebuilt
  21. 2 Cats?? yes and no..you should have one on the stock Y pipe...the other on the straight pipe is a resonator ( bad spelling...and its kinda like a Cat) Many have replaced the res with just straight. I may be wrong but I believe if you were to go dual it will mess with back pressure You own an EA82..they leak..they leak usually from the valve covers ..the oil pan..the cam seals..anything that can leak usually does:) BUT! it helps keep the underside of the car from rotting;) . I usually say..a happy subaru is a leaking subaru... what alot of us do is just pull the motor quick..( its EASY!) put new timing belts on new tensioners and pulleys too...reseal the oil pump..( the mickey mouse gasket likes to suck in an ear causing the HLAs to tick) and reseal the motor...new valve cover,oil pan,rear main .and dont forget the cam seals ..they are big culprits of oil leaks..also replace the water pump. Unlike your chevs..you are not going to get much if any more performance from an EA82..but I still love mine..And you will find that even though it looks weird ( I used to work on old Ford ..289s 429cjs.mmm) It is cake compaired to those.
  22. My Loyale has been amazing..and has never let me sit..this XT6 has kept me in the poor house...I am into the $2500 range for repairs on it..and now tomorrow I will be dishing out another $50-$60 for ...what I hope..fixes the problem...This car has some demon possessing it ..all I know is I never want another one when this one goes. OH.. should I mention to you...that it has a new motor in it also...and its still garbage
  23. .. After its latest adventure..I have come to the conclusion I hate this car...Wensday..while 150 miles from home .Rock desides that he wants to blow an intake manifold gasket...spewing antifreeze all over the motor..fouling out plugs..etc etc.. Come to find that the bolts were loose but because the Rad caps were garbage it never built up pressure..I added new caps and what started as basically an un-noticeable leak turns into a major mess. We ( Melis Dave and Myself) try to fix it but no good...so I get stuck in PA overnight...Its was cool cause I called Turbone just to have someone to harrass( instead of going into my usual panick mode)..The next day Tommy takes off work and comes down and gets me...So today..we leave early to run back to PA to fix the car..Dave already has the old gasket out and the new ones are supposed to be there...well they didnt make it..but we were able to get the old one from Melis spare motor to work... .water leak fixed...but not until after having one spark plug wire fall apart...and having to get water out of the cylinders.( It shot about 5 feet from the car)..get the wire back together..whole car together ..take it for a spin..OK air bubble..fix..car runs fine and head for home...first 40 miles no problem..stop for gas..getting back on the highway...sputters a bit . well the longer I drove the worse the it got..to the point it was backfiring..stop at a rest stop..check all wires and vac lines..all good..get back on the highway..all is good...for about 10 minutes then its back to backfiring. Anytime I put the clutch in it shuts off...and if it was below 70mph it had even less power then my EA82:eek: .Go through a toll booth and it took a mile and a half to get it up to 60!..by this time I am soooo pissed. I finally limp the car home..by getting off the highway and keeping it in 3rd gear the rest of the way home. When we got to the house tommy hops out of his truck and runs into the garage and hides the sledge hammer cause he knows I was heading for it. I am so tired of this car...everytime I have plans that require it something happens..and this time it will throw a major kink into thing since it has to be in NC by Friday...and if changing the plugs tomorrow and the plug wires as soon as I can get some shipped in... doesnt fix it..I am 100% done with it.. I absolutely HATE this car
  24. prep work and patience is the key to a decent rattle can...it took me almost 3 weeks to get my XT6 painted...and that was working on it almost every day!
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