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Everything posted by Bucky92

  1. Gallager was not invited John...so you are safe...no one will attack you with watermelon..I promise;) puters screwed at work today..network acting funny..now I am really bored
  2. Watermelon sounds great!! BTW where are you going in Albany?? I lived there for a few years
  3. OK here is my dumb question...since I am really new to the EJ line...what is this OBDI and OBDII things??
  4. I need to get busy getting stuff ready...been spending all my time with Bucky lately
  5. you guys are doing more then enough!!! How long is it supposed to take you BTW??
  6. I wubs you:-p :-p ..yup..that Old man is a partier!!!!! Then up the street is where we have keg bombs
  7. well if it involves bodily harm ..no behaving allowed..cause you all know ...its all fun and games till someone gets hurt....then its hysterical...and you better have it on video:) Everyone have directions?? Lets see if I got the food thing going Burgers ..me potatoe salad and stuff...Matt Junkyard dogs...Melis and Dave Corn...I am being brain dead. something unexpected...moosens B day cake for the biggest Hillbilly of the bunch...Jess Have to get paper plates and stuff...rolls and condiments yet...chips or whatever...and probably one of those Veggie platter thingys. Tommy has burnt a disk of proper music:lol: And drinks..who wants what?? OH John and Jess..since you are bringing the welder you can come whenever you want( earlier that is only if you want) and I will check about local fireworks tonight All I ask is that no table scraps be given to my dog ( Tommy will have a fit..doesnt believe in it). And keep it somewhat under control ( my neighbor is the police commish LOL)
  8. there has been some rot there for awhile... was poking at that last night too. I have a 93 Impreza coming this weekend that i plan on turning into the daily driver..then i will deside if its time to retire old Buck ( he does have other issues) or what.
  9. Thanks Ed...and for the price ( free) I will be able to put alittle time and effort into it...plus with my Loyales days being numbered:-\ along with my XT6 having plans of spending some time with a body shop or fabricator ( new frame rails)..I just culd really use something dependable again.
  10. Actually I think there is...right down at the ball fields. sorry guys for my lack of enthusiasim..really upset about poor Bucky
  11. I dont know... I worked on cleaning everything out some more tonight..and while poking with the screw driver...the other side seat belt mount came out...Not looking too good for my old boy:(
  12. So far weather looks to be about perfect...77 and sunny..no rain!
  13. Yup this is a 5 spd..( i dont drive ATs:) ) Hey! i drive an EA82...its gots to have alittle more power than that shouldnt it?? ( cause my ER27 is going to get me in trouble)
  14. So I am picking up a 93 Impreza on Sunday and I am curious what should I expect..concerns...differences..between my 92 EA82 Loyale and the EJ18 of the Imp. The Impreza will probably be turned into a daily driver once a few small issues are address. What are they prone too..common issues??? I know the EA82 pretty darn well and I am getting pretty good with my ER27. Wow!! Looks like I am finally moving into the New Gen crowd!
  15. lmao ..I agree..well maybe a yellow Baja would ease the pain..now how can I blame them for Buckys wheel wells:rolleyes:
  16. I took you guys advise and emailed SOA about my local dealers parts managers comments about both my cars needing junked and not wanting to waste their time to order parts...this is the reply:) : Thank you for visiting the Subaru Web site and for taking the time to contact us. I am sorry to hear of your negative Subaru dealership experience at Colonial Subaru. On behalf of Subaru of America, I would like to apologize for your experience. We are sincerely interested in assuring that our customers receive the best possible service from all Subaru dealers. I am glad to hear that you are receiving good customer service by Minooka Subaru. Thank you for bringing this incident to our attention so that we can document your concerns. I hope that we can restore your faith in Subaru and our products so that you can enjoy a positive Subaru relationship. Please let me know how I can be of assistance. Best wishes,
  17. So much to do...and no time to do it..hope the hillbilly golf gets here in time
  18. backwoodboy is bringing a welder over on sat to see what he can do ...I need to grab a new grinding wheel cause I finished mine off yesterday..judt been peeling back and cutting with tin snips the bad..coated the one sid ewith cheap rust converter for now..check this morning and it was all turned to black.
  19. I dont know what to say..but I am not ready to give up on my wagon...I dont think anyone can understand the sentimental attachment I have to it..and I am not completely ready to explain it all. I will try to find some way of fixing it...even if it means taking it to a body shop and having them do it. And I highly doubt I got that better job...so I cannot afford ...Yes I have a 93 Impreza coming but I think (if she wants it) I am going to give that to LeakingOils daughter for a first car. If I have to sell my XT6 to get Bucky fixed I will do it..plain and simple
  20. :lol: I was thinking the same thing:lol: :lol: ..I was actually wondering..by grinding all this out ..will my alt fail now????maybe when I do fix it and paint over..should I use yellow and add 10 hp? Will this throw the perfect balance of my 3 main bearings off??
  21. Some states do some dont..Pennsylvania ( where I am from and where I bought the car 4 and a half years ago) yes...Connecticut ( where I live now) doesnt. Old Buck passed PA inspections with flying colors..and he still passes emmissions with flying colors..Plus...from an inspectors point..that would be very hard to spot. I only found it when I was doing my brake swap and started poking at another spot....Plus the undercoating in the wheel well hid this all. The other side..from the outside looked fine..it wasnt until you pulled the interior out that you could see what the damage actually is. The structural parts are still good and very very solid.if I could roll Buck over and take a pic of the underside of him...y'all would be impressed especially in the front. Shame was..befor I went out to start this whole project I told Tommy that I think Buckys days are becoming numbered.But since he isnt a car guy he doesnt understand or even care( he still hasn't even gone out to look at what I found..just kinda shrugged when I told him and said So?)..as far as he is concerned drive it till it dies ...dont fix what aint broke... and will probably be happy when my Loyale goes.
  22. Yup..figured around 1ish..that way no one had to get up at the a$$crack of dawn... OH! I ordered the burgers today!!! Then I came home and started to work on Bucky ..and found some bad cancer:( so my baby boy wont be up to his beautiful showy self..half his interior is in the garage and he has gapping holes in this inner fender wells....Oh well..guess he will fit in well for a Redneck Hillbilly Cookout!!
  23. Yes it is very possible and others have done it plenty of times:)
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