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Everything posted by Bucky92

  1. I am getting ready to take a grinder to it..to clean it up..then use some aluminum sheeting I have and pop rivets..Only concern is on the pass side..where the seat belt would mount...I would need something stronger then aluminum to re-attach the mount too right?
  2. Other side..not much better..just that the seat belt mount didnt rip out of what was left of the inner wheel well..:-\ :( :( . I just want to curl up somewhere and cry right now....Well I guess Rocky is back into full service till I figure out what to do.
  3. It looks worse now..I started poking around and cleaning out the actual wheel well part...nothing ther..only thing holding it together was where the udercoating remained...everywhere it was wore off there is a complete hole through...looks like entire inner wheel well should be replaced....dont even want to pull the other side and see what that looks like. After poking and prodding:
  4. I started working on patching some of the rot on Buck I found while doing the brake swap...patched the one spot no problem.the other one I thought would do better from repairing it from the inside...so I took out most of the interior on the one side of the car. While taking out the seat belt the lower attachment desides it no longer wanted to stay attached to the car:( ...then after getting everything out and out of the way..this is what I found: . This ...I dont think can be fixed with so sheet metal and pop rivets can it??? I dont have a welder and dont know how to weld..and my welding friend sold everything and closed his shop ( due to a motorcycle injury ).. Is it time to just give up trying to keep my Loyale...let alone keep him in as nice a shape as possible?? I knew Rocky was a rot heap when I got him....he is just turning out nicer then planned...But Buck has always been my baby...So am I allowed to cry right now?
  5. Geee...that makes my 870 + or - mile trip look like a cake walk. ( still trying to figure out the $$ for getting there and back though
  6. I drove a 2007 Legacy Sedan down to Washington DC awhile back...nicely designed car!Very Comfortable car! I hated the fact it was an AT even though it had the sport shifter( not impressed)..The car felt heavy and had some major blind spots. I probably would have liked a wagon better..But I agree the power was disappointing...Compaired to my 92 Loyale..yup much better power ..but it still felt like I was dragging an anchor. My 20 Y/O XT6 could run circles around it and I felt handles better also...NOT saying if I could afford one I wouldnt by it..that is wrong..I would..in a wagon version..and 5 spd ( but I heard you cant get 5 spds any more in the US unless its an Imp..is that right???)
  7. Yup Tom..I once again agree with GD...just tear into it..you have what you need...you have the HTKYSA and the FSM pdf from Loyale 2.7 Turbo..and you have this board... If you can...once you get the timing covers off..snap a picture so you can see where everything was. The O ring I am talking about...follow your upper Rad hose towards the water pump...you will see a metal "extention" tube...where that tube connects to the water pump is where the O ring is located. Just a thought..do you have an engine hoist ?...you do NOT need to pull the motor..but it may be easier the first time... We did it with Bucky..whole reseal etc in about 5ish hours...but that was about 4 or 5 of us working on it..that was pulling the motor..reseal ..replaced the clutch ..I did some brake work...and putting it all back together
  8. Tom..I get seafoam at Advance Auto...its $5+ a bottle..it will be with the marvels Mystery Oil brake fluid etc etc...there is a couple different types..make sure you get just plain old seafoam...there is also a tranny version...its a generic looking white metal bottle.. Seafoam is a cleaner..you can run it in your crank case..your gas tank...good stuff..many of us sware by it. Read the bottle when you get some it will tell you all its uses Dont cheap out like me ..but the tentioners and pulley....that way when this is all done you have no worries...do it all ..everything GD and Miles are saying about the cams etc and if you have a new water pump...or you dont have complete faith in the one thats on your car...get a new one and put it on at this time..remember the O ring for the upper tube too...they like to leak over time.
  9. Thats it Cookouts off !!!! If Sparky cant come..not worth it :lol: And Andyjo is right ..this does seem to be turning into a smaller WCSS but the ECSS...too bad I dont have time to make up decals:-p But I am soooo looking forward to meeting Rob next month at the Dragon...Me and my bestest friend are working very hard at tryingto figure out how we are going to afford the trip
  10. Get new tensioners and idler pulley also when you go do the timing belt change...save yourself from having to pull it all back apart when one of them goes:-\ ( need to do that on Bucky..his Idler pulley is whats making the racket cause I cheaped out and didnt buy new ones) And like GD said...I dont use ATF but I usually run seafoam...That was something I learned years and years ago..replacing one quart oil with ATF
  11. After seeing that and hearing such good things..I am debating on saving up and getting a CCR EA82 motor for Bucky...so when his head gaskets finally deside to go caputski I an just drop in something that pretty.
  12. Is it the TOD tick??? I know my Loyale does the same thing right after an oil change.it will do it for about 10- 15 minutes for about a week...Does it go away after a few minutes? We have HLA and ticking is very very normal..its even in the owners manual. You know its probably an air bubble in the HLA and should work itself out..
  13. Welcome to your new obsession...Its starts with just one...then you have to add another to the family then another and another...you name them and start refering to them by that chosen name..everyone around you thinks you are insane or a freak....but not us cause we are all just like you:grin: . And heck you cant beat free!!
  14. awwwwwwwww:slobber: :slobber: :slobber: pretty....so clean...mmmmm could eat off it:slobber: :slobber: :slobber:
  15. Everything sounds harder on these cars then they actually are....I held off doing a rear disk swap on my Loyale ..because it sounded complicated....well a couple weeks ago a board member gave me no choice but to try it...3 hours later..I had fully funtional rear disk brakes ( on a car that before had NO brakes) ..And here is the kicker for you since you are a noob... I am a girl and do ALL the work on both my subarus by myself..with just the help of this board. Good Luck it really isnt that bad honest
  16. :banana: ...when you pull the old aftermarket out..match it up and you will see why OEM is the way to go:)
  17. I was told by my local Subaru Dealers Parts Department Manager...that I own the 2 worst Subarus ever made and both should be junked. This was after I tried to order the OEM T stat for my XT6...when I ordered it the counter guy got the part number and said they had to order it..it would be in in a few days...a week and a half later ...nothing..so I called and was told that they cant get them ( didnt even have the common desency to call me and tell me this sooner) BUT they had the gasket and I could come get that:-\ ..I asked about another part and thats when I got transfered to the manager and was told that I should junk the cars. I later then sent a nasty email to the owner stating all this and have heard nothing. I have just recently been told that the Subaru Dealer in Brewster NY is pretty good..I havent tried them yet. I varified that I could get the T stat by calling a friend who called her local dealer in PA ..and they told her no problem ..It just sucks that I have to order parts EVERYWHERE I go ( even the aftermarket places ) for both cars
  18. When I get home I will fill you in on what was said to me by my local dealer.
  19. Thanks..just my local dealer wont waste their time for older parts
  20. when you find a dealer that has them or will get some..get me one for each..my Loayle and my XT6;)
  21. Thats what Rocky used to do...and it was the bad T stat it was gummed up etc..when it crept up that hot it seemed to loosen whatever has doing that to the T stat.... Did you use OEM or aftermarket? I am holding out for OEM for both cars ..after seeing how different the aftermarket was...and I dont want to be doing head gaskets any time soon.
  22. LMAO ...I love it when you 2 fight..its entertaining:lol: ..We have a cam corder so we can film you kicking his rear:banana:
  23. I heard of rumors ...actually ..I know of someone who supercharged an EG33 SVX and know of I believe 2 others who may be in the processof doing it
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