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Everything posted by Bucky92

  1. I talked to Andrew last night and should be seeing him tomorrow evening on his way through...If anyone has anything they want me to relay to him tomorrow ...let me know.... AND BTW I called him a lucky B for being able to go the WCSS9 ...maybe next year:-\
  2. +1000000000000000000 on the comments of the Prius...plus they are Ugly...I will keep my old Subaru any day FWD 4WD ..it doesnt matter they are still a much more versitile car anyway:grin:
  3. well..it might attract some of the neighbors( New Milford is called CTs land of lifted trucks...redneck country)
  4. My little FWD Loyale gets good enough gas mileage for me...gets as good if not better then most of the hybrids...and at the same time has super low emmissions.. Basically ..you want good gas mileage out of your older subaru...go with a 5 spd FWD and keep it tuned...we carry a good bit less weight..have a slightly different gear ratio ( I believe I read somewhere) and are still perfectly good in the snow with snow treads on....This is my main reason for keeping and loving my Loyale.. put $20 in this and my XT6 when they were both around empty.( $3.27 a gallon at the time) got 165 miles out of the XT6 and got 218 out of the Loyale..and I drive alot of stop and go so thats not all too bad..might put and electric fan in the Loyale someday but for now I am fine with what it has
  5. :lol: We are some sick puppies thats for sure:lol: :lol: OK 1 Rule...No Squealing like a Pig!!!
  6. Timing belts..see when they were done last or if at all..then put that on your first things to do list..if the engine is leaky ( which they almost all are) when doing timing belts its almost a ritual to reseal the engine AND either put a new old pump in or put new gaskets in the old one...they love to suck the micky mouse gasket in that leads to the HLA getting noisey.Also if that all needs done..toss in a new water pump cause if that goes you are in that same area you just pumlled apart. 120,000 ....that thing is still a baby so there should be tons of life left. the majority of EA82s around are way into the upper 100,000 miles - 200,000 + The biggest difference from the Loyale and your 82..your 84 EA81 ..push rod carbed...the Loyale EA82 SPFI ..non-interference ( always a plus)..the EA82 has alittle more power . Others will chime in also...
  7. Tommy read these posts and is mixing a CD just for the occasion...and right now he has me in tears OMG its too funny:lol: ( put it this way...classic rock song bone blue grass style)
  8. You say this happened suddenly right? First..dont trust the guage in the dash..Does it go up when you first start the car..you knowe when the engine is cold? Does it drop down to about 0 at idle? Is the motor making any unusual noises? I am thinking that maybe the sending unit went bad ( ? ) I mean my 203K mile Loyale runs 60+ at cold start then drops to around 25...35-40 when I am, doing 70+ and the rpms are in the 3500 range. Did you add some seafoam to your oil change..maybe something needs alittle clean out. Just a though Just saw what you wrote Skip..we are thinking alike about the sending unit
  9. Aww puddin...at least he didnt say he would tie u to the bumper:lol:
  10. Well gooly gee Verne..I sure hope summun knows how to play the spoons and summon else knows how to blow on them there hootch jugs:grin: Bless our hearts ..this is gittin bad;)
  11. LMAO I will PM y'all when I get home..I have a Bass guitar and amp we could have alittle Ho-Down now ..Y' all come back now ya hear?
  12. I know after my cookout we are in talks of having another one at Daves ( Hocrests) place ..to work on his and Melis' cars ..as a thank you for all the help they has given many of us. Dave just didnt know about this till the other day:grin: . That will be it for my travels.Bucky wont be up to road trip par for awhile and Rocky ..well..heck it cost me $25 to run to Bridgeport and back..and god forbid anything else happening to my crappy cars and I will never hear then end of it from Tommy.
  13. To those who are or believe they are coming..PM me and I will give you the addy and or directions.. mmmm junk yard dogs and bacon jalapeno cheddar burgers:slobber: Lucky I am having the store make up the burgers...cause we may be doing some axle swaps quick and some of you should remember what I said about getting grease off your hands:rolleyes: ( make a meat loaf or burgers hands come out clean!) OH Also ..cant forget to mention..besides food..we havin HillBilly Games!!!!
  14. I took Buck out today and kept checking the fluid and seems for now I have the leak nipped in the bud..I still want to replace that line at some point soon...next big thing is going to be axles and tires..and idler pully and new throw out bearing...and hope the head gaskets dont go anytime soon ( after lots of reading appears on average the gaskets go around the 200K mark:-\ ) I just dont need to hear any more whining about "whats next" from the other half.But I am sure when delving into the other problems I will find more
  15. The EA82s GL DL GL-10 and Loyale are all the same body styling...I have a 92 Loyale and they did not come with air bags Legacys and Imprezas have air bags..Loyales and GL do not...90 was the first year that an EA82 was called a Loyale...(90-94) 85-89 they were GL DL GL-10s RX ( not available in wagon) The steering wheel of a Loyale is bigger then the GL and could easily be mistaken by todays standard of having an air bag...but they do not. These guys here know alot...trust them.. If the steering wheel looks like this ..there is NO air bag ( this is mine)
  16. My Daddy always said...if you have parts left over you know you did it right...Also...did you check your Kanooter Valve??that goes with the blinker fliud and muffler bearings
  17. old enought to know better..young enough not to care:grin: ...Old lady staus...37
  18. If you really want another project I would say go for it!! add a roll bar then maybe ..just maybe..find one at a scrap yard..gank the roof and modify it all to make it a hard top..maybe a 2 piece so you can go targa style or take the whole thing off. That is depending on it the Captain will let you...by now though I am sure you are good a sweet talking her right?
  19. only the ones with no sence of adventure:grin: Come on Paul..you know we are fun ( and can be embarrassing to be around in public when put in large groups):-p
  20. If that was my kid...his next car would be a carbed EA82 AT ...no way he could pull a stunt like that with that car... crazy D I hope you learned something...next time one of your "friends" wants to do something so stupid..tell them you want to watch...from the outside of the car... Heck when I was that age I did some stupid stuff too...and believe me I had way more car than a WRX to play with ( 71 mach 1 Mustang 428 CJ with blower ..500+ hp 1/4 miles in 9 sec etc etc) but myself and my friends kept it to the track. I dont think anyone here is really yelling at you..but you are getting the brunt of it cause the your friend isnt here posting about it. Like I said..the most important thing right now is you are both basically OK ( I would still kick you both in the rear if you were my kid;) though)
  21. That Brumby is just plain awesome...I love the striping...reminds me of my 82 Toyota truck I had ..Big bold stripes..Lovin it..thanks for sharing them!
  22. Its that 10 inch piece of hard line that has the rounded off connector that wont allow it to tighten up to the hose to the caliper.. I have had that piece removed already ( I know about where it connects back behind the trailing arm)...Thats what I was talking about ..either replacing it or taking it odd ..cutting it adding a new connector and re flanging it. For now ..thanks to the help of trust vise grips I have the leak slowed drastically. My new concern is my drivers side axle and my engine knock :-\..and trying to make it so I dont have to hear Tommy asking whats going to be next on these cars ( got into it last night about them)
  23. When I came out from work today I noticed a puddle of brake fluid from one of Buckys rear wheels ( the infamous passanger side rear) ..I did notice that the brakes were alittle spongee this morning but I knew I needed to re-bleed anyway. Pulled my boy into the garage ( cause its raining) pulled that rear wheel and noticed that the leak is where the metal line meets the new hose to the caliper..I tried to re tighten but the metal line is just a bit too rounded now ..my question is..should I buy the tools to cut the line ..put a new connector on and re flare..or is it cheaper to just get new line OR does anyone have a good one they want to get rid of? Going to finishe bleeding the brakes and putting on Buckys new plug wires ( he got Beck Arnleys now) see if its a plug making the knocking sound. But my fear is idler pulley ...and I have to soon start worrying about head gaskets I think:-\
  24. Good So no one was hurt right?..does show what a good design Subaru does have when it involves wrecks sorry I just reveiled the mom in me
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