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Everything posted by Bucky92

  1. I dont know if I first should be happy everyone is OK and no one was hurt ( were they??) and second want to give you the MOM lecture for doing something so stupid.Looks like you Buddys parents will be paying for his stupidity:mad:
  2. Thank you!! I just checked on Ebay and you can get already made sets on the cheap ..around $30..so if we dont make a set I am buying a set...can't have a cookout without games ( also makes good embarrassing photo moments:grin: )
  3. Hi new legacy owner.... welcome to the land of the crazy people and welcome to your new obsession...OK so where are the pics..noobs have to post pics;)
  4. Just toss one in and find that snotty foofy haired Datsun Lady...and run her car over...whichever one does it best is the one you want:lol: :lol: ( was waiting for the real answers before posting my smartarsh comment )
  5. I want to make a set ..just dowels a couple golf balls and some rope right? PM me the rules cause I am being brain dead right now ..oh thats right..I am always brain dead We might put in horse show pits before then ..we were looking at stuff last night at Wally World
  6. We got a great deal on a screen room/tent thingy..fits perfect over our picnic table. I also gave the meat department guy the heads up on the bacon jalapeno cheddar burgers.. Also planning on having some activities..such a David Hasselholf lawn jarts..maybe badmiten .and jon ..jess..that redneck game we saw at carlisle??what was it called ? Not sure if Tommy is going to have a batch or 2 of beer brewed since our local store for his supplies doesnt carry it anymore..so we would have to order. Just giving a heads up and if anyone has any suggestions or wants to bring something
  7. I called it yesterday but 86BRATMAN PMed me..so I editted my post to play along...always out for alittle fun:)
  8. I love the Brumble Bee..saving that picture to my puter. If it means anything to ya..I am looking for a design for my XT6..since everyone says it looks like a hornet or bumble bee..want to design an angry bee ( make that a queen bee since I did the work myself ) for it. Love those retro 80s decals.Do you have a complete side shot of them?
  9. those are some ugly Subarus..scarey at what we all will be driving soon
  10. well said Mary...Like I love to say..Subaru...bringing the WORLD together...one boxer at a time. Funny you mentioned the Asian gentleman..we ordered Chinese food last night cause I was lazy ( and needed to go grocery shopping) Had it delivered and the driver ( Asian in his late 30s ) commented on my " Nice Subarus" I gave him a $7 tip on our $16 bill for that one:grin:
  11. LMAO!!!! Then we have me bestest friend: meetings of the minds: Hi Paul and Jessie! And visitors: And usually if Paul is able to make it...he is the one who gets the butt shot
  12. I cant tell the story cause I wasnt there...I think it happened when Dave and me headed around the corner to pick up some ice cream....But I have seen the pics. Matt can tell the story
  13. No wont take credit for someone being killed ( some one died in the keg bomb incedent). But I didnt mention that all the happenings at mine have happened while everyone was sober:rolleyes:
  14. Sure!!!! Just have to warn the newbies about someone always gets a pic or their rear taken..then put on the internet...we have almost set my old porch on fire before with bananas set ablaze on the grill. Broken toilets held together with vice grips....am I missing anything??
  15. Tommy needs asked this question ..I keep asking him why he hasnt ran away screaming yet ( my fiance is NOT the car person) yet he stays around...and normally doesnt complain too much... And subyrally...you need to update us on whats going on with you...you promised at carlisle:grin: :-p I hope you didnt think we forgot now did you?
  16. heat sheilds are gone yanked years ago. I know rod knock...I was thinking bearing self destructing in one of the tensioners. you know how wierd sometimes these sounds seem to travel..
  17. I have to rule out exhaust..since the heat sheilds were ripped off years ago:) .. and the plugs are tight ( hand tight then 1 1/2 twist with the wrench snug but not cranked down) I am leaning toward a tensioner or a bearing in the front...thats where the sound is coming from..front left side. changed the timing belts a year and a half ago but not the tensioners.. I have also been told I have one of the quietest EA82s at idle ..my one friend owned 4 of them....the noise just sounded deeper in the motor then at the timing belt area...its just move orer protectiveness of my Loyale probably..
  18. For Bucky:confused: I changed out his plugs last night and reved him up to see if he still had his little miss and heard something I didnt like...in neutral at around 3300 RMP I am hearing what sounds like an internal rattle..I am hoping its just my toasted throw out bearing but sounded more like bottom end. I will try to get a video with sound ..but it has me scared that my boy is getting tired...maybe EJ22 swap? OH! is it better to use OEM cap rotor and plug wires and if so who wants to order me some since my local dealer wont waste their time....I had a plug wire fall apart yesterday ( cheap Auto Zone crap)...got it back together but its time for new anyway. I am hopiing its just something simple..the noise...may pull the timing belt covers this weekend and see if something is loose there. TIA
  19. Just a bump and reminder...I also invited one person from work..our new maintanence guy Radek..he is cool and doesnt find me to be a freak of nature...also works part time at a beer distributor and gets it wholesale . I am also going to have my friend at the grocery make up some frsh burgers for this..not the frozen ones...bacon jalapeno cheddar burgers..awesome ..I get them all the time so I am going to have them make up enough...as soon as I get a head count. OH and we just had our pooper problem fixed so no breaking of the toilet..
  20. WOW!!! I wish my XT6 looked like that underneith. What a pretty sight that is...Hold it..something is missing....where is the coat hanger and tin can to hold the rusted exhaust together?? How come I dont see daylight threw the floors... OH! I keep forgetting thats from the non rusty area.. What a tough car..not even any glass broke...well there is always a plus to everything:)
  21. What is it about Subarus...not only do they usually bring out the best in people ...but draw animals to them also...specially birds...The canadian Geese My bab y Blue Jay..Not to mention when we did the clutch and reseal in Buck the pigeon who just wouldnt leave..hung out under the engine hoist or on the roof rack. Then today at work i get another nice box from Skip! With brand new drums ( we have to figure out what to do with them now:-\ ) and something very near and dear to me now...an instructional video on how to WELD:banana: :banana: I was a giddy little school girl at work finding that tape. Another one of these moments where if Skip was in front of me at the time he would have gotten a big kiss:grin:
  22. Under your steering column is your ECU..plug the test connectors in under the hood...( another board member will tell you which ones cause I get confused when not under the hood of mine) turn the key to start but dont start the car and it will flash you the codes....we also have somewhere on this board what the codes are..not too much help cause I am at work...but Welcome to the board!!!
  23. :lol: I love reading this...you sound just like me..we just can't let these things die.. I think I have become the master of the pop-rivet ( since i dont have a welder or know how too..thinking on taking a course). And you are right..it doesnt take much money..just time and patience and tools and a creative mind if you dont have the tools. But from the sound of it ..at least Dragonfly is going to get fixed...we hope..if not looks like heartless will take her in a heartbeat ( OMG I made a funny...kinda )
  24. No problem Steve...I tell it like I see you..OH..I got 2 coils for you to try ..I hope to get them shipped out tomorrow but we kinda had a septic disaster happen tonight and who knows when they will be coming tomorrow to try and fix it.( one of the down falls of home ownership) Here is a pic of what was mine but is now moosens EA81 super low mileage coupe..since you said you have only seen wagons: Dont mind the crazy lady in the middle ..thats just me and the white wagon in my Loyale
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