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Everything posted by Bucky92

  1. I am starting Bucksters revamp this weekend...I am going to grab some new rear shoes and tune- up stuff...wondering..since I havent done rear drum brakes on anything ( cept my dirt bike) are there any special tools I need.....before I get him torn down. Any other pointers..want to bring my baby boy back to his former glory..TIA
  2. I will talk to wood guy and ask for no keg bombings this year:lol:
  3. OK so how does the last weekend/first weekend in July sound..either June 30th ( Sat ) or July 1 ( Sun)????? I have about an acre of land so if people want to crash and bring a tent ..I have room....and cool nieghbors ( Hey they have ducks they have to be cool!)
  4. Seems only 2 days after Carlisle...a bunch of us are missing each other already. . I have to say...what a great group we have here:banana: SOOOOO..lets start playing with dates for a cookout...I offered my place where if you need to crash you can crash or camp in the yard.We can start planning how we can torment that foofy haired Datsun Lady next year at Carlisle:lol: . I know there is the Dragon meet in July so lets play with dates...whats everyone schedules for racing or whatever..This group MUST hang out again!
  5. How did I end up with Matts job anyway????? So when and where are we having a cookout...this was too good of a group to have to wait till next year...My house is available...also...any other suggestions???
  6. Lisa (?) .....my fingers are crossed for you guys on the tip from backwoodsboy:banana: :banana: And next year I am hoping to bring the Buckster too...he loves showing...too bad this year his brakes and winter neglect kept him from being there
  7. LOL..dont forget that foofy haired Datsun Lady saying Subarus shouldnt even be there:lol: Next year lets run her over with your Brat!
  8. Forgot to mention how wonderful Jess's birthday cake was..yummmmmy
  9. Hey Jon..here is what the weather was like all weekend :lol: you should have came:
  10. Here are some pics plus I will post the link to all of them.. Matts Baja: Jons WRX: moosens new 79 brought up from FL by Andrew: Rocky:) Princess..Daves SVX: Mr Whirlys GL-10 Turbo Wagon: Mrs Whirlys hatch: subyrallys RX : Subyrallys muffer..when the car starts it really sayss Folgers! ( just had to pick on ya sweety!): moosens 2 Gen 1s making friends: Backwoodsboys Brat...( these 2 are a blast to hang out with..we love you 2 !!) The Whole Gang..minus me since I am taking the pic: hatchsubs Sedan ( OMG I realized I never got a pic of Matts!) and the nice Carlise Guys who thought us Subaru owners were crazy!: you can link to all 54 pics here: http://s50.photobucket.com/albums/f335/Bucky92/Carlisle2007 I still have to add captions but you will get the hint
  11. I just got home...going to upload the pics later tonight..great turn out..well worth the 4 hour road trip...MrsWhirly makes AWESOME bean dip!!!! ( vodka was involved:lol: :lol: )...Rocky made the trip with flying colors..over 600 miles and nothing caught on fire!..Beautiful cars and even better company,,,It was my idea to put backwoodsboys Brat up on the tires...warned that datsun lady that next time she makes a comment like Subarus shouldnt be at the show..we will and CAN run over her car with a Brat.
  12. With the design of the XT6 to the design of my Loyale wagon...you cant fit shizzola in an XT6!!!! I am packing for the car show and am wondering where everything is going to go in the XT6....what were they smoking when they designed "trunks" ...Cant fit nothing in them:lol: between the tool boxes ( never leave home without at least one)camping stuff ( and I am bringing the small 2 man tent)2 chairs..food ..extra clothes...and the jack and stands the trunk is full...now I have to shove the cooler plus pillows and somehow shove a medium sized Aussie Cattle Dog ..her stuff..plus us into the inside of the 6...geesh!!!! Now I know why I have always loved wagons!! OH! Lordy Bee!!! I have to shove my detailing stuff in yet:banghead:
  13. I will be hitting Daves around 1 ish ..dont know how long it will take us to swap out the hubs.. I would leave earlier but I cant drop my dog at the boarding place until 10...OMG I think Tommy is actually going to drive a Subaru...he said he might drive Rocky part way:eek: ..he wont drive Bucky cause he says if somethign breaks he couldnt live with himself..( Ha with Bucky if it breaks it was probably already broke) ..So he want to drive the moody one..go figure:rolleyes:
  14. We will look into this while at carlisle...maybe figure it out and resolve it:)
  15. Bucky has a tendency to go through plugs..have never checked into why ..but cylinder 3 likes to burn out....I have never done a compression test ( cause I dont have a tester) I just replace the plugs at least once a year. I know when money is tight it is hard to spend it...but to me its cheap insurance ..plus now with Rocky taking the same plugs...I should by them in bulk:grin: . Dhawn...I know how it feels to be toying with a repair for months and finally come to find out it was something dumb...my first Subaru ( 88 GL wagon)did that to me..took it to 4 garages and even broke down and took it to the dealer...no one could figureout why it would blow smoke when turning left and usually shut off and not want to restart for 10-15 minutes.....turns out a friend at the junk yard told me it was a clogged breather line and replaced it...no problems after that...definately a beat head on wall moment:banghead: . Sorry it cost you your job...but now you can find a better one ( always look on the bright side of things) and it could have been alot worse.
  16. Going to arrive alittle later then planned..but its all good..going to swing by Daves and swap out the front hubs quick before going to the fairgrounds..air tools and such;)
  17. :banana: for subyrally!!!!! I just picked up some Tostitos and Salsa and a veggie and dip platter to bring...and I am making broccoli bacon salad ( its really good!! ) also have some paper plate and plastic ware....going to go out and clean out Rocky and pack some essentials into him ( jack..stands ..etc tools )then pack clothes and we are hoping to be on the road by 10-10:30 so we should be there around 2ish:headbang:
  18. show your mom these replys so she knows we are truely going to take care of you while you would be in Carlisle
  19. Hey this trip will be good for you..get your mind off things for awhile...you have alot on your plate right now and need some enjoyment time. I will chip in on a fuel fund for you
  20. I hope Rocky isn't spreading his bad JuJu to any other Subies...all that just sounds so Rocky...well at least you have the bike:grin:
  21. I bought Buck for $600 4 years ago...best investment I ever made... I like the off road lights..am thinking on adding a set of the round ones to Rock...I think operose has them on his XT6 and it looks sweet. Hey..this chick digs subaru wagons!!
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