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Everything posted by Bucky92

  1. So I guess I have to keep Tommy...he came home from work and plopped down the brand new starter ...there was only one in the area and luckily it was in Danbury...so anyway...it is installed..Rocky is starting nicely..took him for a 10 mile loop trip to get his puter back in order since the battery was disconnected for a day....Going to take him to work tomorrow and then looks like Carlisle here we come! :banana:
  2. Paulyburger...I have been running Bucky...sometimes you have to do what you have to do...thats another reason why I will not pull parts from Buck..he isnt a parts car and I need him right now. I use Tommys truck on weekends if I have to go somewhere ...but during the week good old trusty Bucky has been my mode of transportation for the past 3 weeks
  3. I am not pulling Buckys and taking the chance of both cars being down...thats just stupid...I am about to say forget this whole thing..I am getting even more confused by the info I am getting
  4. This would be fine if the car didnt like to periodically stall when coming to stops. I still have Bucky ..if I have to I will bring him...
  5. If you can send me some pics I may be able to help you somehow...I have done a decent amount of body work...and I can also tell you how to repair your windshield temporily until you can figure out what exactly to do
  6. No go on the starter..couldnt get it to work..and really not in the budget for a new one and go to the show so its either try and bring Bucky down ..or skip the show and buy a starter
  7. The EA82 would work..if from a MT and then have to add longer wires...and the 2 spares I have are from AT...I took the starter out and had it tested..it is bad...but I took it apart and cleaned the brushes ( 2 were stuck) ..Right now its drying out ..then I will put back together and have it tested again...if its good it will go back in tonight...if not I actually locate one locally but it would have to wait till Thursday ( when I have money) and I will try and put it in that night or Friday morning.
  8. Rocky will most likely NOT be there...starter is fried and I can't get the old one out ...dont have a replacement and wont have the money for a new one till next week anyway...and then it will take another 3-5 days to get one..Wouldnt even be able to get a Garage to take care of it and have it done on time...So right now everything is officially up in the air.
  9. Dont worry about any money... I have a feeling we are going to be doing some work to Rocky while down there:rolleyes: I just picked up some paper plates and plastic silverware ..to bring down..
  10. Just curious...is the starter in Rocky ( XT6) the same as ones for EA82s? or can parts be interchanged? Just curious cause I have spare EA82 starters and I just had to beat Rocks with a hammer to get him to start...thinking I could swap ones out quick or scavenge parts. Thanks a Million
  11. We are airing out our small 2 man tent to bring down to carlisle...so there is going to be plenty of room for probably 2 other tents...Hatchsub...you already claimed a spot with us:) so Paul ..if you have a tent and want to ..there is room...so you dont have to sleep in a car.
  12. Matt I PMed you...I should be there Friday early afternoon...Think I got Rockys ignition switch problem pin pointed..not fixed but I believe I got the right wiggle thing down.....Just look for the ugly fat chick with the yellow and black XT6 ...if you miss it you are blind:grin: Getting very very excited...working tomorrow morning for some extra cash and then going to have my friend at Advanced Auto ( he has an SVX ) do some tests... Got someone to watch my dog..going to pull out the camping stuff and air it all out... :banana:
  13. Mary..it shows too ...your cars have that "Pride in Ownership" look all about them..I am just about as bad...Rocky..perfect example...can't take him to Carlisle looking like the crapheap that he is.. ...so right now he is a polished turd lawn ornament till if figure out his new starting issue.. I am thinking on bringing him up to your Wicked Big Meet..if funds allow
  14. NICE!! She sure is pretty!!! Now take good care of her and she will take good care of you...Congrats on the new family member
  15. Well the way its looking right now it looks like the car I will be bringing is Bucky my Loyale...Rocky has desided that he doesnt want to start now...took him for a run last night parked him in his usual spot and not no start...starter isnt engaging..well isnt doing anything..its not consistant but its enough that I dont want to be stuck somewhere on the rad and he pulls one of his fits.. And people wonder why I love my basic FWD SPFI EA82 ...dont think there is a more dependable car out there...even though he has tons of problems he always starts and always gets you to where you have to go...guess i will start cleaning him up tonight ..and touching up the winter rust that has crept in from him being parked.
  16. Alot of the rust issues with east coast rust belt cars also does rely on the owner....If you keep your car ..from day one...well waxed...and wash the salt off and inspect them regularly...you can keep the rust under control. I grew up in the car capital of the country ( for shows /restoration..etc etc) Carlisle PA....and you wouldnt believe the amount of non-rusted cars there...I worked part time in a junk yard and I know what was up on the hill...the badly rusted ones were the completely neglected ones. You just have to keep up with them..and check those un-expected parts...like where Mary stated on her 78 and keep up with everything. You bring western cars over here and the rust will catch up if you dont take care of everything regularly.Perfect example is Bucky....how can this car be in the condition that its in?? I take time to keep up with it..and fix it as needed...believe me .if I owned it from day one I would have had to fix next to nothing on it ( rust)...but then again I am fanatical about my cars apperience...I wont drive it with big dents etc unless I have too
  17. Plus it is finished for now LOL..clear coated...pin-stripped...badges back on..etc etc....Now just trying to figure out a new starter issue ( Like starter kicks on sometimes...sometimes it doesnt..but all lights and everything stays nice and bright...when it doesnt ..it doesnt even click..and sometimes it turns slow...probably just needs some new battery terminals since I have removed them so many times resetting the ECU.
  18. My XT6 looks like that too...gonna try and have a new frame made and put under it...now my 92 Loyale....he is sweet underneith..one of the pluses of just letting them leak..
  19. I soooooo wish I could go and bring out my newly repainted XT6....but its right between the Carlisle show and the Dragone meet...and alittle bit far to drive...maybe I will have to get someone to get me a window decal though;)
  20. I dont think there is a good reliable AT tranny out there anymore...The C6 was an amazing tranny....nothing is made like it used to be..shame too...Its bad when you see one of your friends have to have the tranny replaced in his 06 Leg GT wagon ...after less then 20K miles
  21. I will be heading down sometime Friday...hopefully...to help Matt get stuff set up etc. We will see how the yellow cop magnet runs...right now he is blowing raw fuel out the exhaust but once the clear coat is on and baked I should be handing him over to Rory for a quick once over before the trip down
  22. You revived an old thread ...Let me tell you from experience...check the white plug that goes into the alt...they like to crumble apart..super easy fix and easy to replace...also...ALSO:lol: listen to what we all tell you about the crank pulley seperating...I didnt at first...needless to say I toasted the alt then had ti come completely apart and had to have the car towed...This seperating crank pulley is also an easy fix...get it welded..and you will never have problems again...also remember..the fan belt tensioner is...Lefty tighty righty loosey..and it can be a pain to get the belt on tight enough..
  23. Less then 2 weeks to go..is everyone ready??? Do we all know what we are bringing or what we need to bring yet? I am bringing this....Rocky!!!!!
  24. I think that was the whole idea... Bucky is so gorgous...just a simple beautiful white EA82 wagon...the good son...Rocky is a demon...PIA...drives me nuts..demands a ton of attention...yet he was hidden under that plain boring ugly dark grey with rust paint...He is already getting the attention he wants..by passer-bys on the road...we watched probably 20 people about break their necks turning to look.
  25. I bet that patch will last the life of the car now...seems when we do these patches they hold up better then original anyway...and it sure beats the cost of a new exhaust when you dont have the money;) Looks Good!
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