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Everything posted by Bucky92

  1. Umm..this is just an idea of something to check also since it was the culprit of alot of my headache with the XT6..but dont know if it would apply to an EA81...but the connector ( the white one)...how do the connectors look? If they are looking bad or the connector is starting to deteriorate .I know it causes many mant many issues with the ER27s...Like I said ...its just an idea
  2. Its looking great...cant wait to see it after its painted
  3. I finally finished fixing all of Rockys visable rust issues yesterday :banana: . I tell you what...he is looking like a new man... ( I also found out why he was stalling again Friday...fuel light doesnt work and when it gets that low when you come to a stop he will sputter out and die...note to self..keep gas in the darn thing stupid" I also started the serious repainting.Even though its just rattle canned its better then primer patches everywhere. I am working on the black parts ....Here is the scoop...roof hood bumpers and trunk lid will be black along with the lower portion ( rockers etc) and the indented "stripe" along the sides....the mirrors and rest of the sides will be yellow...similar to KingBobDoles XT6 but with a twist since I will not copy..just pull ideas from. I may toss up some teaser pics but I will keep y'all in suspense till after carlisle...unless i dont make it there..I am hoping for the reaction of " that can't be the same car":grin: . And I got a good compliment from an SVX owner yesterday.. I got the paint ( I like the Krylon Tough on Rust stuff) from the auto parts store) and the one guy who works there has an SVX and we always talk Subarus in there...He brought it in yesterday and had to run to a customers house to test something ...anyway..turned out he was going the same direction as me so I wanted to play and he did too...Long story short..when I had to go back to the store for something I forgot ..he told me that he couldnt keep up with me until I got behind a slow car and wanted to know what I did to the XT6...I just said 24K mile motor and its a 5 spd...he would have caught me and passed me easily if we were on a long enough open area. But its still gives me alittle bragging rights right?
  4. Are you taling before the resinator ?? On the straight pipe? Thats what it sounds like to me cause Bucky did the same thing once and I thought the same thing. Only cause the Cat is built into the Y pipe. I wish I had a pic of how I fixed mine for a few weeks until I had a new/used exhaust put on( 3 coat hangers:rolleyes: ) ...3 years later still going strong.
  5. My Loyale had TOD..but usually TOD is at start up and stops completely after 5-10 minutes...The cause is a stuck or worn HLA... hydrolic lash adjuster... another cause is the mickey mouse gasket on the oil pup sucks in one of the "ears"...then there is also a faulty oil pump....the fixes can be as simple as running some seafoam on the crank case and frequent oil changes until the system is cleaned out...also changing out that oil pump gasket ( make it a mandatory fix when changing timing belts ..along with the water pump)...then the worst case is having to replace the HLAs...I cant help you on that but many other members have done this easily...yours sounds like a more extreme case simce it is basically continuous. Just re read your post....change that oil and run some Marvels mystery oil or seafoam with fresh oil...you can also replace some ( about a quart) with ATF fluid...run it for a couple days then change it again...make sure you get a good filter to...I forget the brand..i am sure someone will chime in...many have had problems with
  6. Thats what I have been doing with the XT6...I have a garage but its kinda full with the dirt bikes and such....My Loyale is crying for some attention too but thats easy. I actually enjoy doing body work...isnt that sick?? LOL
  7. I am trying ..I sware... I am thinking on just driving down anyway...and if they toast they toast..
  8. I got an idea..if I make it to carlisle I will bring my power tools and body stuff and have a body work on a budget clinic
  9. This is how I spent the past 2 days after work...still needs alittle but these are teasers anyway since I dont want to reveal too much JUST in case Rocky actually makes it to Carlisle: Before ( pass side rear quarter) After.
  10. no fighting now kiddies;) Still dont know if I will be there..I hate this suspense...the thing that hurts the worst is missing out on the chance to actually be home again ( thats all my home town you know)
  11. I cant commit to anything yet..but since I know my way around that area ..it will be no trouble running out to grab something...IF and I stress IF I do get down there I can run to the farmers Market in Lemoyne and pick up some :slobber: apple sausage and other goodies
  12. Buckys ( my 92 Loyale) first one went at around 90K ( I had reciepts to prove that) ..not sure if it was changed again sometime in between but I change them a year and a half ago at 195K..and the cars at 203K now
  13. If I can get there I was going to bring the David Hassleholf Lawn Jart set for ya Matt.... Hummmm..people are going to start wondering about us...Bens big threaded rod and The Holf;)
  14. Matt give me an addy and I will send you some money for either another entry or towards the tent
  15. Bump...fpr show...and looks like its a definate..I am out...had car looked at..has bad wheel bearing..its tight just dry and is OK to run short runs ( story of my life) to work and back for now ..but no road trips or anything more then about 20 miles.. Priced new bearing:eek: and never did it before so its something I wont be trying myself so for now can't afford the repair.... I will leave my entries though. Sorry...Can't wait for the day I can actually have a car I can run more then 20 miles safely...I am tired of missing out on everything...and ..to me its no fun if I dont bring my own to show off all the work I have actually done.... Have Fun guys
  16. Well I tested it acording to the test proceedure..and its testing good..Gary as you said about maxed..actually after I repositioned it ..it was almost maxed..so anyway..I positioned it so it opens where it is supposed to ..we will see if it helped..cleaned the external contacts before putting back on...wont know till I take it out on a run..since I am in the middle of doing some more body work..that is out of the question for now...Thanks for pointing me to that fix though!
  17. I was wondering the same thing...and BTW if you need a radiator now that you are there..i have one..I couldnt mention it before cause there was no way I could ship it out to you in time
  18. I am looking for an opinion ASAP..so this is kinda posted both here and XT6.net..but usually I get answers quicker here....We are in belief that my stalling issue on my 88 XT6 is caused by something faulting my TPS..I pulled it to check it and also have a fix but before i break it open...would the fact that it was missing one of the screws that hold it on be causing Rockys irratic deceleration stalling? TIA
  19. Just giving a heads up....might have to pull out of Carlisle...Rockys having issues again...front wheel bearing went up in smoke on the way to work ( not completely ..I should be able to get him home but it is roaring) and his stalling issue has resurfaced ( I cleaned the IAC with no help yesterday)..and once again something is causing his charging issue to come back ( squealing belt ..tight..have to check if the welded pulley is seperating and if so have to figure out why)...Bucky is down too so ..since I am over my head and out of money ( can't afford to send either to a garage)..I am probably out.
  20. I have used them in about 3 of my various wagon when I was a delivery driver. I never liked the rubber ones cause they like to "shoot" out when you hit a hard bump. I like the ones that are actually reverse clamps that you screw in...these stay in better and you can also raise and lower them. These ..and they are cheap: http://www.partsamerica.com/ProductDetail.aspx?MfrCode=MWI&MfrPartNumber=18910&CategoryCode=3197 Just remember you will need 2 sets ..only bad thing is they amke the back ride alittle rough
  21. Just for this run you may also want to try and jump the one fan ( the primary) so it runs constantly. I am doing that now on my XT6 just by jumping the fan plug with a paper clip until I pick up a new thermosensor. You could also toss in a bottle of Watter Wetter ...it will help disapate the heat by as much as 20 degress..also running in my XT6 right now and is helping. Its alittle pricey specially for someone where money IS an object ( almost $8 a bottle)..But it is alittle added insurance...Plus if you take the time to pull and flush the radiator any little bit should help.
  22. UMMM 70-75 is what I ment by more managable speed:lol: ...My ER27 can do 115-125 all day and have had him up to 135...If I dont set the cruise on he creaps up and next thing you know you are doing 100+ on the highway. . So when are you putting this weber in anyway!? I have a big 8 person dome tent that I will be bringing...good for storing stuff in or if it rains or just hanging out iin...Almost wish Bucky was road worthy ..he is a awesome camp vehicle..nothing beats a wagon..always have a roof.
  23. Cool..I can help get things set up then...OH!! Do you want me to bring a framed Pic of "The Holf?":Flame:
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