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Everything posted by Bucky92

  1. We will get in touch closer and travel down together if you want...Plus I have the camp sight so let me know if you need a tent ( we have a spare 2 man ) I promise to keep Rockys cruise set at a more managable speed;)
  2. I second what dearon said..specially checking the bearings..my 92 EA82 SPFI FWD 5 spd...can get into the high 30s-low40s highway..but as his rear wheel bearings started to go that dropped drastically. A friend of mines Legacy did the same thing when the wheel bearings went.Just a thought.....also my XT6 ER27 5 spd Full time 4WD gets 26 highway...so something is definatly off.
  3. I plan on getting there sometime friday and camping...too long a drive for me to want to get up super early to meet at a diner so leaving Friday camping then meeting up.
  4. I am sure I will bring something down..mayby something veggie ( broccoli,bacon,onion salad.mmmm)..Funds have become even tighter so who knows whats up...still have to find a kennel for my dog for the weekend ( I am super picky too)..Still dont know if Tommy is coming ..I may be solo-ing it ...all depends what is going on with Hockey play-offs..yes he is that addicted. All I can say is..have big tent and 2 coolers.
  5. You checked your fuse box? Just stabbing at things now to try and get you going...Can you push it somewhere where it wont get towed?
  6. I hear you Steve..I actually didnt want to but basically have very little choice to get home. Lucky for Rocky is he hasnt any carpet( waiting to go pull interior from a local parts car ) Planning on taking the blow dryer to him later ..if this rain stops...He has enough rust of him . Rocky has grown on me ALOT ..as much as Bucky has..I try my best to take care of them to the best of my ability...My fiance even says ..sometimes I send to much time and money one/with my cars;)
  7. Double check all your electrical connections..make sure nothing came loose..check your grounds.. specially to that coil..it good juice is going to that coil but not from the coil..swap it out..plus ( this is going to sound stupid) make sure the plug wire from the coil to the ditsy is in the whole way.
  8. We are having ...basically...2 days of heavy heavy rain..and flooding has become an issue..Long story short..headed out to work..heard on the radio about roads closed everywhere..but deside to try it anyway..after many detours I get close to work...road has at least a foot maybe a foot and a half of water across it for about a 50 ft span..The only thing making it through are the big trucks and SUVs..the cars couldnt do it.So I do the not so smart thing...and go for it in Rocky ( my work parking lot is right on the other side of this mess.) I take it slow and he makes it through no problem. Get into the parking lot and deside this wasnt a good idea because we havent peaked at flood stage yet...and I may never be able to get back out...plus the parking lot is flooding and I dont want my car under water. So I head home...back through the flooded road I just came through (to a thumbs up from another Subaru owner who made it through) Follow all the detours back and the road to my house..which was fine an hour before..was now covered and rushing. I see my Fiance Tommy ( who I had called and warned about the flooding) coming down in his Toyota Tacoma 4X4..he crosses and the water was almost touching his floor pans ..and as we all know Toys sit high. I think great..I dont know about this? I ask Rocky if he wanted to go for it ( yes I talk to him and Bucky all the time)...we both deside ..what the hey..I keep him in first and start creeping actross..water is coming in through the doors and bubbling through some of the other holes in the floor. This stretch seemed to be forever till we got out ( it was about 100 ft) but we made it. Bucky would have never gotten across either of those ..he is too light and FWD but Rocky went through like a champ. +1 for my heavy 4WD XT6:banana:
  9. If you have a socket,wrench and big breaker bar you can CAREFULLY do it the way I did my XT6. remember to unplug the coil wire first!.. put the socket and wrench on the bolt and then align the breaker bar on the handle facing down and wedge it into the floor..then bump the motor..carefully and remember to have the coil wire unplugged..you do not want the car to start.. works like a charm but just be careful hope it makes sence..sometimes I have trouble getting my point across
  10. :slobber: MMMMMM Gravy :slobber: Hey...you 2 know you are in my group of favorite USMBers right... And JesZek....tossing in something extra in your CT care package..hand made by me
  11. Reason number 1 for me to run without a thermostat right now...the OEM one will not be in for about a week...only have 1 driveable car right now...drive without a thermostat and keep the car cool...or option 2 blow a head gasket..then i would have no driveable cars right now. I have been doing minor work on all my cars for at least 25 years now and know the pros and cons for running with/without a thermostat. I am the queen of redneck engineering because like others on this board...do not have alot of money so you have to make due with what you have. If this thread is going to turn into a major issue about to run or not to run then I will ask one of the mods to just close it and delete it... I was just trying to state that I finally got my XT6 to cool off before any major damage was done.My cooling fans are NOT working and that problem is still being looked into..I have tested the fans ...I have tried to see if they will come on BEFORE I removed the thermostat..AFTER flushing the system.. checking fuses and cleaning contacts. I would prefer to not be driving this car right now in this state but since I cannot get any help getting the major brake work done to my Loyale ( which is above my current ability since it is involving replacing the complete rear wheel assemblies) I am forced to run the XT6. I do find it funny though that on XT6.net I am being told I did the right thing...
  12. Actually from the research I have been doing ..1/4 or slightly below is normal.. Mine was running on the high side og half topping out about 1/8 inch below the hot....definately too hot for a head gaskety issue prone car. My Loyale runs barely off the cold and thats with a thermostat in itand is at 1/4 when its on the hot side. From talking to some of the XT6 experts out there I really dont have to worry about putting the thermostat back in till next winter when I want some heat...I want to replace my one thermo sensor and a relay yet..if that doesnt get the fans kicking on I will wire the main fan to a switch and manually turn it on....Just dont want to be doing head gaskets on a 23,000 motor yet
  13. Dont you dare back out now!! I am going to need as many witnesses to watch me make a fool outta myself on the autocross track...desided what the hey...might as well...since I finally got my XT6 to run much much cooler ( was out in the rain last night trying to get that problem fixed)...the object is to see how many cones yu knock over at high speeds right??
  14. :banana: And he is running much much cooler now :banana: ..Long short....he got way hotter then I was happy with coming home from work today..So I said there is no way I can keep running him like this...I stopped at the Subaru dealer and ordered a new OEM thermostat...wont be in for a few days ...so I came home tested the fans ..both work when jumped to the battery...cleaned the contacts on the sensor that tells the fans to turn on..drained,removed,flushed...flushed...flushed the radiator..wasnt dirty ar all and was in extremely good physical shape..then I desided to swap out the thermostats..I have an aftermarket one I was just going to run till the OEM one comes in..when I pulled out the old one some of the rubber didnt look the healthiest...and the aftermarket didnt match up to my likings. So I figure it wont hurt to run Rock for a couple days without a thermostat until the good one comes in. Buttoned him all back up...warmed him up for about 10 minutes then took him for a couple mile HARD drive ....WhoooooHooo..temp was at a hair less then 1/4!! And Rocky seemed to feel much much better. Anyway ..I am happy..Rocky is Happy and right now I love my XT6 again!
  15. OUCH!!!!!! I speak very very little Spanish ( just some of the bad words ) but we understod the Lunar thing...Got your message BTW and will be sending the "goods" to the addy you sent me by this weekend.. Glad everything is back in working order and no one was hurt...OUCH again
  16. any color but the ugly dark grey of my XT6..seems everyone I see in that color are the "parts" cars....I am partial to white and yellow...thats why Rocky is getting painted a twisted version of KBDs awesome yellow 6...mine is going to be flat black with basically 2 large yellow ( thanks to Loyale 2.7 Turbo ) stripes
  17. yup that be it...you are more then welcome to share the sight.and its right on the fair grounds...can't wait to hear what a difference the Webber makes
  18. Hey Chris ( Siper2) ..It doesnt matter what it is as long as its a Subaru...I happen to be bringing the Ugliest one on the road;) ..its a shame I cant bring my Loyale ...he loves to show and shows nicely...but ..If I can get around to it I hope to unvale the New and improved Rocky by then..if not its going to be this: The old and ugly Rocky
  19. I am hoping to be there Friday..Have to catch up on some old home town places and all...I am sooo home sick!! (Siper2..I lived 12 years in Shermansdale) I am doing Georges thats for sure. We have 2 big coolers and a camp sight if anyone wants to share the sight..Looks like only Rocky will be coming sionce there is no way I will have Buckys brakes and all fixed by myself by then.
  20. I seem to spend more time over there now then here..just post more here for some reason.I felt lost at break when I couldnt get in.
  21. If no one checks answers before..I will look when I get home from work and post 4 ya
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