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Everything posted by baccaruda

  1. i know on mopar 905 auto trannys you can turn up the hydraulic pressure. any way to target that with a subie auto?
  2. i have a source for anyone near spokane for new 2 core modine radiators for $100
  3. maybe you should flush it all with dexron to be safe, and bleed the PS by turning the wheel lock to lock several times, holding it for a second at each lock. don't overfill it either
  4. either it's an automatic and you mistook the FW for the torque converter or it's a manual with a stripped out crankshaft?
  5. NOOOOOOOOOOO CLR the label says not to use it with anything copper or aluminum. that would be what radiators are made out of!! use radiator flush from the parts store OR use white vinegar. you know the trick of cleaing the mineral deposits out of the coffeepot with white vinegar? works in radiators too.
  6. F&L is one of the best movies ever! uncommon in that it is EACTLY like the book, too. Every time I watch it I want to go on a bender with a convertible
  7. you are my new hero! you know, if an EA82T will work in there, odds are an EJ20T will as well...
  8. ladies and germs, miles fox played by the one and only johnny depp! give it up! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO http://usmb.net/gallery/albun92/sep30_20
  9. my car's almost alive again too! it's a great feeling you should take the time to port & polish the heads.. it'll be worth it when you drive the car! your sig says 88 hatchback? i thought 87 was the last year?
  10. if it were anyone else, maybe on skeet's first trip to WA, he was in my other identical-to-this-one turbowagon when it LOST A WHEEL. I'd felt it coming loose but thought it was an axle. the car had been to discount tire 2 weeks prior and i think they must have tightened the lugs halfassed, but at the time it didn't occur to me to check the lugs because they had just been PROFESSIONALLY tightened recently. guess again!!
  11. hah. i knew lug nuts would be the first thing you checked. can you tell what side of the car or front/back it's coming from? it might be the electrostatic thermobalancer on the emergency brake desynchronizer. but you already checked that too, right? RIGHT?
  12. I'm using my 86 GL10 vacuum advance disty in the 87 XT engine I'm putting in my car. Do I need to choose a specific source for the vacuum or will anyplace I can tap into be OK?? thanks
  13. cool, someone from hong kong.. welcome! adam, i have an uneducated guess regarding O rings in the heads/ head gaskets... has this been done? might help? good luck.
  14. skeet, i have an XT power steering pump left over from my engine switcheroo. its tank has a lower clearance. want it?
  15. yeah, the guy who changed the heater core on my mom's 87 chevy celebrity wagon skipped the flow restrictor so it's super noisy now. jerk. when you're filling up your coolant, start with a cool engine. take off the cap and start the car and add coolant as the level goes down. you are waiting for the thermostat to open and allow the coolant you're adding to the radiator to get into the rest of the system, including the heater core.
  16. I want some plain center caps for my 15" alloy pugs instead of the stock plastic ones. ick. does anyone know of a source for something in the correct size? I've looked a little and found nothing...
  17. 300-325 hp in an EA82T? keep in mind it's only got three main bearings instead of 5.. you might consider adding a way to squirt oil onto the underside of the piston to help with cooling. and definitely use gen 3 EA82T heads as they handle heat the best. good luck!
  18. i've heard that water to air ICs are more efficient at cooling UNTIL they get heat soaked, and then they take longer to cool down than air to air ICs??
  19. that engine looks GOOD. 'specially with an IC and you're welcome. that there throttle position sensor came from my soon-to-be-installed engine which used to be tyrel neufeld's which used to be rguyver's. i love how parts and things get reused and recirculated on this board..
  20. my temp gauge reads higher with the headlights on. must be that high friction headlight bearing lube i put in there.
  21. problems? scores of kentucky redneck chicks lining up to have your children now that you have such an uber ride. I'd recommend that you keep not-bathing and not-wearing-deodorant in an effort to scare them off. And by no means should you put an air mattress and ceiling mirrors in the back of your wagon like you discussed in spokane, that will only encourage them.
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