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Everything posted by baccaruda

  1. no, the RX engine is in my secret hiding place, not in a car. If it is still good with a 220k mile block i might just reuse it.
  2. I'm trying to decide between rebuilding my RX engine or starting with another one. The RX engine has 220k miles on it, a melted timing belt cover case, and a hole in the crossover pipe. I'm guessing it overheated (duh) and someone replaced a head gasket or something. I'm OK with inspecting and perhaps replacing internals, but i'd like some opinions about using the block and rods and stuff as they're kind of high miles for a turbo, and it would be less work than shopping for a better EA82T engine first. I have some OK looking gen 3 heads I scored at they PY that would go on whatever I build. Plus, if I start from scratch, I'd like an SPFI block for better compression .. won't that be nice under my garaged spider intake! finally got all the parts for the swap So I need to decide what to shop for and everything.. any help? thanks
  3. you might do a compression test every week or so to be sure..
  4. driving around with them adjusted up tended to spoil the camber on my car. be careful.
  5. hi Morgan.. thanks for calling him. He said he was too tired to remember what he said you you but he remembers telling you it was underway.. thanks again. I told Skeet to have them check the timing as my timing light turned out to have died in storage or something. i guess i had the distributor off by a tooth.. i tried that and didn't get it to work, but we got 30mpg for 725 miles with no overheating problems so it couldn't have been too bad He stopped at a hotel room in Missoula to catch up on sleep so no worries there.
  6. (1987 hitatchi carbed wagon, 5 speed) Well, I thought the high idle/no idle had been fixed by a few rounds with a can of carb cleaner.. last night I kicked Skeet out.. I mean, sent him off .. right before he left the engine started idling at THREE thousand, so I waved the carb cleaner at it again and it went back to 1500rpm, which we had decided would serve as "normal".. and I just got a call from him in Missoula. Seems the car quit and he had to tow it to a shop :eh: called Hellgate Conoco.. the car would only TRY and run if he was pumping the gas pedal like a sewing machine.. He looked into the carb at the primary while his travelling buddy tried to start it, and only a little gas would come out of the jet and then stop. I showed it to him when the car was running well so he knows what to compare it to. I suggested a new fuel filter, even though it has a new Napa filter.. last night we put a bottle of Gumout carb cleaner in the tank in addition to the half tank remaining of Seafoam treated gas.. maybe it's cleaning too well and blocked the filter? I told him to suggest the fuel filter to the mechanic (and to avoid Fram for just about everything..) other than changing the filter, maybe the fuel pump itself, or cleaning the carb out some more, i don't know what to suggest, and i can't poke at it myself if he's in montana and I have to work in an hour :moon: If anyone in/near Missoula can lend a hand here, it would be greatly appreciated.. he and I are both leery of a gas station repair shop especially since Skeet isn't local.. but he did call around and couldn't find a better place to go. Skeet's cell phone # is #########... posting here won't be too useful as I'll be gone for work in a few minutes and i doubt that Hellgate Conoco has internet access in the lobby... please please please and thank you. My cell phone # is ########## if anyone would rather call me for some reason.
  7. i know there's a diagram somewhere that allows you to bypass the original relay and have it function as if original.. someone's got to have it.. I used to edit your first post to "third eye wiring diagram wanted w/o relay" and see if you get a bite.. and it might take a day or two for the right person to see this too .. good luck!
  8. Just make her help you rebuild it that will teach her to listen next time... "this is called a head gasket, honey. now grab me the torque spec chart..."
  9. akira, try retitling your thread to something like "road dyno - .wav technique" or something..
  10. sounds like you lucked out getting it back in one piece. You should have it taken to a good shop and have them comprehensively test the engine, trans, and brakes, and make your insurance pay for it. no telling what they did to it.
  11. I remember some discussion about this or a similar product.. it was reasonably accurate as i recall. don't know if it was this exact product though.
  12. does this car have an ECU? it's a carb.. are ECUs FI specific or might i try checking trouble codes? The EGR light has been on since.. ever. We cleaned the EGR valve out, but isn't one of the electro/vacuum solenoids EGR related? And which one?
  13. Well, we've cleaned the hell out of the EGR valve, and it hasn't changed anything. I don't know where the idle solenoid is ... edit - logged in as andy again, man do I suck - skeet
  14. thanks to morgan, miles, and tony via email. we'll have enough people to hold skeet's little hand all the way home at this rate! this is one of the things i like about this board so much. thanks..
  15. Skeet's car has this issue where it will die with no load on the engine. It runs fine until you come to a stop, then it will try and die unless you gas it a little. sometimes instead it will idle at around 2000-1500 rpms regardless of what adjusments i do to the idle screw. Car is 1987 hitatchi carburetor with an SPFI long block underneath. Emissions stuff on the back of the engine was left off and all related hoses are stopped up. Today we got another choke from pull N save and swapped them. The one off of his car looked OK, as did the "new" one, and the problem is still there after the swap. Any ideas? and thanks...
  16. someone found a 110 amp alternator from a datsun or chevy luv or something, didn't they?
  17. I'm driving from Spokane to Green Bay tomorrow. If you see this between then, give a number and we'll see if I can stop by and help you out on the way. I'd never done an Axle swap either, until today. Its not hard. ack, this is skeet, on andy's account. i am suck
  18. THERE IS NO ESCAPE!!! Also, thanks again to everyone who helped with my numerous questions and crises during the reassembly process. WE HAVE THE TECHNOLOGY. WE CAN REBUILD HIM.
  19. well.. just rolled in from seattle at 4am with skeet and clay. had a fun but short trip over to the west side. skeet's new car did fine with the "new" engine ; got about 30mpg on the highway with the tuning not even quite done yet.. i'm rather pleased as this was the biggest project i've yet to undertake we hit the evan's creek meet for a bit.. missed Ken and Eric and whoever else was there, got to meet Rob (briefly), Chris, Jared, Austin (even more briefly ), Mike, the respective girlfriends, and maybe a couple other guys, can't recall (it's 4am after all).. next time i'd like to come over with my own car if i resolve the bad engine issue, and spend more than an hour driving around the mountain .. nice to meet you all nonetheless though.. time for bed now!
  20. Hi Tom. I am sure the timing belts are GTG. It runs smoothly except for this problem, and I was super paranoid about doing the belts right. thanks! your car sounds like it's been a project!
  21. Hi Caleb. correct about the compression; i forgot to mention that in my fatigue. What do you think about the power loss? thanks. others please feel free to reply.. not knocking yours, Caleb, but time is of the essence and I need as much feedback as possible here... this has very much been a learn-as-i-go thing. thanks again.
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