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Everything posted by baccaruda

  1. Has anyone used the Hankook Aurora 403 tires? Whatchathink?
  2. The temp sounds fine. You may eventually end up R&Ring your heater but that's another post. (search and ye shall find!) Be sure you're using distilled water so you don't get (any more) mineral buildup in your car's cooling circuit. Your car may need its electrical grounding cleaned up. Search for "ground" in the older generation forum and you'll find lots. Good luck!
  3. great, this thread got me stuck looking at rally vids on youtube. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-QKQna6ouo&feature=related
  4. haha, yeah. I am driving my EJ-swapped wagon, I sold the EA81T intercooler and XT6 seats and I'm selling the turbo coupe very soon.
  5. how did you pay for it? if you financed it, the finance company or bank may be on your side. If you sold a kidney, try and get it back
  6. the wing lightens the back end so you're not weighed down as much.
  7. I usually do 65ish on the freeway in 5HI. 5LO feels luggy. When I hit the onramp, I can easily accelerate to cruising speed in 3rd and then skip 4th entirely and choose 5th for cruising. The EJ22 pulls rather nicely in the upper half of its powerband. Unfortunately, I've not yet gotten the tach to work (digidash). I have the correct wire (black with blue) connected to the dash from the ECU but it just reads 0. I'm planning to convert the dash to analog soonish so maybe that'll help.
  8. link to article? double the output is probably going to accelerate engine wear. I'm all for alternative fueling solutions, don't get me wrong. Something has to give somewhere....
  9. That guy swings like a total puss. I'm 5'5" and 140lbs. About the same size as Mr. Forget The Bull, if I'm not mistaken. I'd at least have gotten the axe through the hood on the first try. And I'm smart enough not to get "stung" by swinging an axe at something it's going to bounce off of instead of cut. He was also looking pretty tired of swinging that thing about 6 minutes in. Those screwballs didn't even take a swing at the grille or break all the windows. At least it wasn't an EA81 wagon or an EA82 GL10. Could have been worse
  10. heheh. if i pull the RX box out of the wagon I'll very possibly put it into the EA81T coupe, which you should buy from me. Thanks for the inputs, guys. I'll look into the individual gearboxes' final drive ratios for a while, I guess.
  11. My wagon runs an EJ22 in front of an RX 3.7 5MT tranny. I'm considering swapping in a Legacy 4.11 5MT transmission instead, as I don't really need the RX dual range, and I was thinking I might get better gas mileage - since the EJ22 has such great low-end torque, I was thinking that it wouldn't be hampered accelerating through the steeper gearing of a 4.11 and that way I could run the engine at lower RPMs than with the 3.7. If it matters, the car's tires are 215/75-R 15. Whatchathink????
  12. That looks awesome. I wonder if you could use a separate fuse for the adjustment power source and one for the heat?
  13. http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=seafoam&btnG=Google+Search
  14. the downpipe will fit if you change the flange.. and... I have a WRX downpipe in my EA81T. I had to change the flange over as well as elongate the top/front curve of the downpipe to meet the turbo. the WRX/STI turbos are larger so the front of the downpipe has to be brought forward a little bit. You also have the option of putting a WRX turbo on your EA82T but that opens up a whole other can of worms. I suggest that you maximize the intake and exhaust flow potential and leave the stock turbo on it, as you seem to be asking about doing anyway. If you want to commit to it, chop the flange off of the front of the STI downpipe and remove the stock one, see how it lines up. Put a brick or 2 under the car to hold it close to where it needs to go. It slightly reduced the ground clearance in my EA81T coupe but not badly. Speaking of all this, you *do* know the chop-out-the-bottom-of-the-air filter-box trick, right?
  15. the long block might be worth grabbing if it's fueled the same way that your car's is. Or to resell. 110k is low mileage for a 20+ year old car.
  16. I vote for the idler pulley as well, given that it's right next to the rubber plug that covers the port for adjusting the idler's tension. You got off easy!
  17. yeah, those are useful for someone who needs a replacement digidash or someone swapping to autos who needs the connector port chopped out of the mainboard. clip the dash end of the pigtails off too if you can if you get them to sell.
  18. funny that this thread should get bumped. I'm selling my EA81T coupe soon...
  19. nice! If you clearcoat them, POR-15 might be the best bet. They make it in clear...
  20. Man this thing sticks out a lot in the front! (EA wagon swap) Has anyone seriously looked at modifying the EJ22 oil pan for greater clearance, maybe making it a little wider or something?
  21. from gocms.com: Warning! Our Suspension System isn’t for Everyone. If any of the following factors apply to you, then we encourage you to stick with the rig you have now and leave our suspension system to your friends or competitors. <li type="circle">Don’t like to be noticed or have attention directed your way <li type="circle">Prefer to run in the pack rather than be a leader <li type="circle">Enjoy being the one being winched out of trouble <li type="circle">Are afraid of heights and prefer the smaller rigs <li type="circle">Doesn’t mind losing because you think it builds character they forgot "don't have a few rooms full of money laying around" looks neat otherwise.
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