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Everything posted by baccaruda

  1. Pics of the maiden voyage with rear discs and wheel spacers
  2. Yeah, you get points for that fix, man. I'm having computer issues but my photos are all safe. Hope to have them up by the weekend. Jeff, thanks to you and Tami a bunch for your hospitality! (did I spell her name right?)
  3. Not mine. Was on the front page of the Spokesman-Review last Friday.
  4. SO many people from high school I never hung out with, hitting me up..
  5. Thanks Jason, the auctions are back up!
  6. Next time use an office chair with wheels so if the car starts to tip, you can just roll backwards
  7. Hey, that's me! Click the link in my signature to find my listings for them on eBay. If you have forum signatures turned off, you're missing out but you can search eBay for Subaru 4WD Sticker and they'll magically appear. Thanks Doug
  8. I reprocessed mine to have a little more pop. Most noticeable is Rob's reflection in the pic of him polishing his RX.
  9. Putting a little pressure on the brakes should help recover traction with a wheel off the ground; the brakes are plumbed diagonalish. Phizinza and BeastIDrive have put a lot of work into similar transmissions.. basically, you have to match the pinion to the center diff because the pinion and shaft are once piece. There were locking center diffs made for 3.7 (RX) and 3.9 (XT6) and viscous diffs made for 3.9, 4.11, and 4.44 (EJ cars). Of course you could make a hybrid pinion shaft with 4.11 pinion and a locking diff's input end, but as Phizinza said, "you'd have to be a BLOODY good welder!"
  10. Thanks from me as well. Glad I could help keep order on Saturday night Zeno, those are some killer mods. Help me make my 86 look like a 2010 TDI and I'll send you whatever beer you want.. you get extra credit for being an out-of-towner and spelling Rosauers correctly! I think Old School had a very good turnout this year. You other Nevada/California people better show up next year though
  11. I'll post my pics tomorrow night, too tired to finish them tonight. Had a blast and got a few good shots too!
  12. I read a little about Smokey a while ago, including the hot vapor stuff. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smokey_Yunick One of the all-time greats
  13. Gloyale, I'll have a few of the 33004WD stickers at the show for $6 each!
  15. Hi, I will be there with stickers I have 2 of the 18004WDs left but am ordering some more. I didn't see your earlier post; I'm not planning to make a 33004WD sticker but I could make a one-off. Let me know if you're interested; it'd be $12bux shipped and I'd have Tex print it with the 1800s if he has time before the show.
  16. Thanks, everyone. LT, I've got plenty of badges in my stash so keep yours. Thanks though Basically I'm hoping to find a good pic to use in my ebay auctions for my repro stickers.
  17. Wow, that looks nice. So, in your first post, are you saying that you want to keep it, but he doesn't want to work on it? What kind of work does it need?
  18. upload the pictures to http://www.imageshack.us, then copy the "direct link." In a reply to this thread, click the little square icon in the middle of the icons and paste your direct link there.
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