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Everything posted by baccaruda

  1. later-model like that should be single port but a quick glance at the y-pipe will reveal all... good luck! you can always put OBD-1 wiring on it..
  2. I prefer to run my cars with no clutch fans (they rob horsepower) and with two electric fans. My EA81T coupe is receiving its second electric fan today. I found a small electric fan in some EA81 that BARELY, and I mean "3mm barely" clears the A/C compressor clutch, after I pounded on the vertical bracket a little (the length of it was shaped like a < for rigidity.. I made it shaped like a | for clearance .. it was overengineered anyway!). I've wired it to kick on with an EA82 A/C relay (designed for underhood use!) and it will be grounded when the new thermoswitch I installed grounds the stock electric fan's relay. Something else I always do with my cars' electric fans is to notch out the bottoms of the bottom mounting holes, to speed installation and removal. At most, all you have to do is crack the bottom bolts loose (and remove the top bolts) and the fan pulls right out.
  3. let's hope there's no boom though if I turbo it, it will be a while before I do. It's not yet roadworthy as an N/A car...
  4. maybe this http://www.jelmar.com/CLRMetal.htm not that that's NOT the standard CLR product which isn't aluminum-friendly.
  5. someone ought to flag that thing as a fraudulent product so we don't get someone posting here about how to get their new silicone-clogged SPFI intake to work right.
  6. so if I snagged Monstaru's unused EJ22T crossover pipe, put it in my wagon under my N/A EJ22, and threw an RHB5 on top of it, I'd not really have anything to worry about?
  7. Nug, great write-up. People are only criticizing because they're jealous of your write-upification skillz. This especially was enjoyed:
  8. lol. real men also don't drive cars with squishy brakes but I forgot to bleed the hillholder when I was bleeding the rest of the brake system. I had thought to blame the xT6 flywheel as maybe it wasn't light enough to keep the engine spinning... but I'll go unhook the battery now. thanks!
  9. Thanks Noah. 91Loyale, it doesn't do it all the time. I think it's related to the lighter flywheel because if I let the engine slow down slowly it is less likely to die, and it won't die all the time if I let the RPMs drop quickly.
  10. when will the campground area be open? Thursday night? Friday night?
  11. I've searched, found little. I had a 2" exhaust put on the wagon yesterday, no muffler yet, just straight pipe. Yes, it's a lot louder than I thought it would be - but that's not the issue here, I'll have a muffler put in soon. I'm wondering if I should have gone with 2.25" instead. Dave (exhaust guy) recommended the 2" to me based on the horsepower output of the engine and on my indicating that the wagon would be driven normally most of the time. He said that larger than 2" would not provide enough backpressure. Is it possible that the 2" has too much backpressure? Given that the EJ22 has so much low-range torque, I'm wondering if I should have gone with a larger size of exhaust. Granted, I'm not used to the way the car feels yet, but thought I'd get this straightened out.
  12. you have a coupl of other options: swap in a carby EA82 (carb = simple wiring) or an SPFI EA82 (wiring similar to an EJ swap but cheaper) swap in an N/A EJ22 - cheaper than an EJ-anythingturboed, almost-ready for an EJ turbo later.
  13. get a stock air compressor from a GL10 that had air struts, or same from a Cadillac or Lincoln or somesuch.
  14. ohhhhhhhkay. anyway, it runs, and except for the driver's seat, the bumpers, and some interior plastic, it's in one piece!
  15. wow, I started this project a while ago! Now why on earth would I be bumping this old thread? :grin:
  16. I just tossed my first harness and grabbed another one last weekend - after having done it once this second one was EASY. The original got moved in a box a couple of times and I had to "reinstall" wires I'd removed accidentally... this second harness is so much cleaner - not only because it's a manual. If you guys have any trepidation at all, go hang out and let Noah make amends for neglecting the board - it'd be the next best thing to your own "practice harness"
  17. Keeping your car washed and waxed (like I always do ) cuts wind resistance.. a note about the Prius: Another factor to consider besides the financial cost to you is the environmental impact of manufacture. Think of it this way: When you buy something new, you are responsible for that item's manufacture and the inherent impact of such on the planet's ecology. Buy a Prius and you just pulled 2890lbs of metal and petroleum products out of the ground. The batteries constitute several hundred pounds of comparatively rarer metals which are harder to obtain, so a Prius is cleaner to operate than a traditional 4-stroke equipped car, but dirtier to manufacture than such. A Prius would have to last longer than a traditional car in order for its environmental impact to be negated by virtue of its longevity. By owning and responsibly maintaining an older car, you're in essence recycling an old car. The cost and impact of spark plugs and maintenance parts are much less than anything associated with a new car. There's no perfect solution with cars -that discussion leads to mass transit and voluntary population moderation - but there's a LOT of marketing hype and such that is behind the Prius and Insights and such. Ultimately the goal is to make sure the auto industry remains important.
  18. I'm not an expert on accessories - but I am the first respondent! I think it's NOT factory but it looks to be of good quality, and if it would be an easy install, then $50 would still be a reasonable price.
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