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Everything posted by baccaruda

  1. my bank account is SO lucky i didn't see that auction sooner
  2. take one turbowagon (mine for instance) with a crappy motor add one $450 legacy sedan smacked in the back end (103k miles!) what does that add up to? A whole lot of work for me to do!!!!! here come the questions. -Wiring: I need the engine wiring harness, (how much of the other engine bay electrical?) and everything under the dash that plugs into the ECU because I can cut the extra off later. am i missing anything or wrong about anything? fusebox?? etc -Exhaust: Can I expect the legacy Y-pipe to fit my EA82 crossmember and body? How about the rear exhaust (on my brat)? -Axles: Legacy is a 91 or 92 2WD auto. Will the axles fit on any other EJ (I'm thinking sell them to recoup some of the cost) Or will the legacy axles work OK on my wagon's EA trans if I do a 5 lug swap later? I know Impreza axles will... -clearance: I understand that the EJ22 will not give me frontal clearance problems in the wagon's engine bay, correct? -plumbing: Mating the EJ power steering lines to my EA system - any insights? I can come up with something, I'm sure... redoing the upper EJ lines to fit on an EA rack, most likely... also, I'm assuming that I will need custom lines made for the A/C? -has anyone done an EJ swap into an EA82 vehicle yet, or just EA81s? thanks! I owe beer to everyone who answers my questions.
  3. ugh. the NW USA has some of the worst mold species in the country, I've heard. I'd throw all of that crap away and get an interior out of a GL10. and WHAT HAPPENED?
  4. WWWWHHHHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! congrats! you officially have the SECOND lifted subaru in Spokane... the first (the only other one I know about) is an Outback wagon with a Scorpion kit.
  5. yeah, Will's not NEARLY as expensive as the dealer would be. He probably knows more about "old" subarus than whoever works at the dealer anyway.
  6. i've never taken apart a subie auto, but i think the flexplate bolts on the same way the flywheel does. that might mean that you could enlarge the holes on an EA flywheel matched to the trans of course.
  7. i couldn't believe how loud my wagon was after i put on the 2.5 freeflow setup. I'd had the airbox chopped for a while and I thought that was noticeable! even so I thought the exhaust was only moderately loud until I was downtown and heard something coming from about a block away.. i looked to see who the jerk was with the loud exhaust and it was MY car. (I had the wagon on loan to a friend for a few weeks) I was shocked at how much noise it made... and proud too
  8. here's something that may help http://www.westol.com/neper/ecucodes.html don't thank me, thank skip (that's his site) good luck. oh yeah. make sure your car's electrical grounds are good. do a search for "ground" and you'll find some good info there too.
  9. wow. i don't think anyone here would have passed on those. I'll give you $20 for them...
  10. I'm looking at getting an EJ22 setup off of ebay, http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=33615&item=7934233022&rd=1&ssPageName=WDVW from someone in Missoula. Is anyone able to do me a favor and check it out for me tomorrow or wednesday? If I get it I'll buy you a beer when i come over to get it 509-263-3853
  11. cool! can you take a picture of the cap itself to illustrate your desctiption?
  12. it sounds patterned like pinging, but the sound itself sounds different (possibly due to video) try driving up a hill a gear or two too high. that is a great way to artificially cause pinging.
  13. (pull n save snips all the soft lines)
  14. i don't know. i tried holding it steady at 2500 with the engine cold and it worked with no difficulty. i think this car is daring me to do an EJ swap
  15. well that did absolutely nothing. tried to do emissions yesterday, and it wouldn't idle steady above 2300rpms, just dropped. it's kind of choppy to drive, throttlewise. still does it no matter where the TPS is set at. i think it has something to do with no engine compression and the turbo kicking in around 2300 or so. *kick*
  16. can I get the hookup on the procedure to adjust the EA82T throttle position sensor please? BTW I searched and didn't find anything obvious... need to hold a steady idle to try emissions and it stumbles at about 2300 RPMs..
  17. nice... i recommend that you sticky this on every forum, it might cut down on the amount of newbies that ask about this every day..
  18. yeah, i tried to avoid giving that impression.. here: -engine has 12k on a rebuild by rguyver, his customer overheated it and had rguyver reseal it at one point during the 12k miles. -then the ba$tard ... confusion because rguyver was the last person i mentioned.. but i meant for it to read that "the customer had rguyver reseal it for him at one point and then the customer sold it to me without mentioning this occurrence." -I have absolute confidence in rguyver's quality of work this was there all along! no worries though.
  19. yeah, i need to come up with something. what's this about rguyver? i suspect the cause is the fact that rguyver's customer, tyrel, drove it at boost and overheated it once and didn't tell me. is there something about rguyver that i need to know here?
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