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Everything posted by wtdash

  1. Please review the posts that you stated you read, " I read several times you can plumb the EGR tube into the IAC hose". It's basically: Run the EGR hard line/pipe into the IAC's hose or the Intake. And plug the HEAD's EGR port. Edit: Bottom end? I'm not sure what that is - except on traditional 4 cylinders the head is above the block /bottom end. On this forum it's usually 'short block' and 'long block'. Long block includes the cylinder heads; the short block does not. If you only replaced the Short block and re-used your heads, then the EGR port is still there as it's in the heads - not the block. But my guess is you meant Long block which includes the heads.
  2. '90 and '91 5-speeds used the metal MAF - like the '91-'94 EJ22T(urbos). '90-'94 Automatics and all '95-'98 (and '99 EJ25D) EJ Subarus used the same green label plastic JECS/AUTECS MAFs - only dif is whether they're Japan or USA-made. So, yeah - limited availability on your year. I'd check w/the used auto parts yards for one, too. And try Car-part.com. Lastly and this may not be a viable option, but do some research on swapping the ECU/ECM to a '92-'94 Legacy as the 5speed and Automatics used the same MAF. Per this pinout diagram the only diff is the 'barometric pressure sensor': https://www.surrealmirage.com/vrg3/ecupins/ But, IIRC, the IAC and injectors were also different on the '90-'91 model. But may still work w/the newer ECU? Just a (bad?) thought. For more old Legacy info check here: https://bbs.legacycentral.org/
  3. How much time/miles on the new struts, etc.? There is a settling period when you replace struts and springs. 2" does sound like a lot, but if your rears are sagging a bit due to age it'll magnify the front 'lift'. Verify the p/n on the strut? I confirmed those are the right KYB's per RA's site. Aftermarket axles are also 'suspect' - but if you bought OEM then I'd consider that a non-issue.
  4. I've not done this on the Phase 2 - '99+ engines - but if you can find a hose that is not directly carrying oil vapor it should work, in theory. If you use the PCV or breather tubes, my guess is you'll get (blue - oil) smoke out the exhaust like I did on my '96 when I did the workaround you're referring to (and I wrote up 🙂 ). But that may not matter for inspection - they don't care if it smokes, as long as there are no codes, correct? Found this other workaround: lmdew Posted October 25, 2016 This is what I did. Ran fine, no codes.
  5. If you're still working on this: That VIN is for '97. Also, if it has the screw-type valve adjusters (vs. HLA) it'll be the interference version. The valves are likely bent - even if there was no noise. I read that you're dependent on your mechanic friend - hopefully they know (or know of someone that does) about Subarus and the engine interchange options. Note: If s/he doesn't know how to put a Timing belt on a Subaru -please get another mechanic friend. The 'good' news is any '95-'98 EJ22/2.2 engine will work ('95 needs a dual-port exhaust header). Put on a new Aisin Timing belt kit and run it for another 100K. Also, that VIN shows it's an OB wagon w/the 5-speed. If you have to 'move on' to another car, your car is popular (and it's rare) w/the Subaru crowd - I don't know FL's Subaru scene - but if it's otherwise in good condition in/outside, it's likely worth as much with running engine as a non-running engine.
  6. Just a heads' up - if you ddin't already know: The '90-'91 harness has round plugs vs. '92-'94 square where they plug in by the battery. Also the cam/crank sensors don't have plugs at the sensor like the '95+ models. IIRC, they're hard wired into the harness. Can you retrofit the newer style? Been wondering that myself.
  7. Any of the '00-'04 seats will bolt up - nothing newer - from a used/salvage/auto parts yard. All OB driver seats were electric/powered. Those w/the cold weather package were heated. - Cars101.com - for reference. The GT and L models will also fit, but may not be powered, nor heated. You could likely - although it may be a lot of work - swap the cloth seat covers to yours -but no experience. Something to note: Your VDC (and LImited) model may have side airbags; non-VDC and/or non-Limited may not. If you swap seats and don't have a plug, you'll likely get an 'airbag' warning light. That may be tough to find - non-leather WITH airbags??? Can't help with part #'s but there are numerous online Subaru parts dealers that might - but also may be discontinued. Also, there was an OB sedan (VDC?). Front seats should swap, too.
  8. Is replacing the turn signal switch indicated (pun intended), too? Just had a similar issue - but on a Ford - resolved w/the switch.
  9. ^...I just saw this as my USMB notifcations haven't worked - in years. But not much help here...if you have 'high oil content' the CC isn't going to neutralize that, IMHO, and you may end up fouling a replacement O2 sensor.
  10. Be prepared for the stink of exhaust. My '98 runs no cats (turbocharged>>exhaust) and can't drive around w/the windows down b4 it gets too much. Thankfully the AC works.
  11. Yeah...used knuckle FTW, in my experience. And Subaru used the same one on many vehicles, esp. the front. There was change around '02 in how the ABS sensor was mounted (and the tone ring), and they're not easily interchangeable.
  12. Congrats! - I'd read up on other sites about other gotchas for the '05-'09s. I know the rear (?) suspension bushings wear out, the headlight bulbs like to burn out quickly, but nothing that would likely strand you...of course, AK is a big state. Hopefully they changed all the idlers/pulleys and water pump w/the belt. If not, I'd add that to your list. That's still an interference engine.
  13. AFAIK, that year still used the open loop/closed loop tuning in the ECU. Which means it's running off 'set values' 'til it warms up, then starts reading the sensors - such as O2. I don't want to be the one that suggests an O2 sensor - and it not fix the issue. If you do, it should be OEM or Denso quality. Also, the CTS/temp sensor can cause issues like you described. Ideally you'd have an OBD2 reader/scanner - even the low-end $ ones can read 'live data' for O2 voltage and CTS temps.
  14. Hi Larry, 99% sure they'll fit the front; 'might' work on the rear - or hit the bottom of the strut perch. Depends on the wheel's offset, too.
  15. Hi, Not my area of knowledge, but if you look up the parts on a Subaru site like parts.subaru.com, you can cross-reference part #. or like Rockauto. And Why are your swapping parts, rusty? Good luck
  16. Can't help w/the interior other than same years between Forester and Impreza may swap. Seats: For the front, your '02 has the same seat mounting points as all 1990-2004 Legacy, 1992-2007 Impreza and 1998-2008 Foresters. Some of the seats sit higher/lower than other models, but they bolt in. Rear seats are not my forte. Unlikely the Crosstrek seats will bolt up as is. If you're creative and can weld they could likely be made to fit, but the connectors for airbags, seat heaters, power seats, seatbelts may not interchange.
  17. Please post a pic of the 'original paperwork' (block out any personal info). Also a pic of the VIN/chassis tag by the USA/Canada driver's side (LEFT) front strut tower. Here:
  18. Legacy AT trans (4EAT) is most likely NOT compatible. The WRX Auto trans had a 'weird' gear ratio and likely had different electronics so the TCU/TCM wouldn't 'read' the other trans correctly. But according to online Subie parts sites the torque converter/TC MIGHT work, and double-check your Flex Plate will bolt-up before installing. Make Sure you know how to 'seat' the TC as it's a tricky part to install.
  19. Good job...I would have sworn the '96 was interference (1st year of the single-port exhaust heads), but maybe '97+ had the interference pistons w/its higher CR.
  20. HI, 'The 92-'94 (both turbo and non-turbo) were unfortunately 3.9 final drive ratio/FDR, which makes them a rare 4EAT. '90, '91 and '95-'98 EJ22E engines were 4.11. As far as the transmissions compatible w/your transmision control module/TCM/ trans computer, '90-'98 EJ22 (and maybe EJ18) cars will work , but you'll need the matching rear diff and the flex plate for the torque converter/TC. The '96-'98 Auto EJ25D cars will have a 4.44 FDR and require a matching diff - Legacy OB/GT/LSi/SUS, '98 Forester and Impreza RS, and will also work.
  21. Hey...I don't get notifications so didn's see your responese (Yes, I have them turned on). Flexplate must match the transmision's torque converter. The 2.2 was different than the 2.5, in my experience (IIRC the '91-'94 EJ22T turbo was different too, but that's a tangent.) Per 'Idosubaru' from 2013: "been a little while but flexplate stays with the trans - so typically - install EJ25 flexplate on EJ22engine going into EJ25 vehicle." So, The flexplate has to match the torque converter's 4 bolt holes alignment (the 8 center crank bolts are all the same on EJ engines - Auto and 5-speeds). Per another quote on here: "2.2l torque converter is smaller, so it uses a "deep dish" flexplate. 2.5l torque converter is bigger, so it uses a flatter flexplate. Put the 2.5l flexplate with a 2.2l converter and it will pull the converter back too far out of the trans. "
  22. Hi, I'm probably less 'electrically inclined' than you, but my understanding is the crank and cam sensors only monitor the magnetic pulse as the cam and crank's triggers spin by. There's no voltage involved, I believe. The ONLY codes (CEL) now are for the camshaft, correct? Older Subies have a bad habit of spitting out unrelated codes when something fails. Like the CTS you got above when the fuel pump failed. Probably due to how little the ECU actually monitored back then vs. some of today's cars tell you when you take your eyes off the road. As you've likely discovered, the '90-'94 engine harness that connects to all the sensors on the top of the engine and the intake manifold/IM are hard wired end-to-end. So, I'd think you'd need to find the complete wiring harness off another '90-'91. The IM harness connectors at the battery differ based on years '90-'91 were either round or square and '92-'94 were the other style (Thanks! Subaru 😞 ), so not easily swappable. For the '95-'98 models the Crank/Cam sensors have plug connectors at the sensors and wiring for the TPS is different, so that makes them unusable, AFAIK. But you might be able to retrofit the sensors and wiring for just the Cam and Crank, if you have a PullNSave-type lot in your area*. I think (!) the wiring to the cam/crank sensors has two wires, but one is actually just 'shielding' which isn't needed (as long as you're not running a bare wire end-to-end), so should just be able to replace that section with one wire. FWIW, on a previous project I bought some wiring at Home depot that was composed of approx. 4-6 wires in the loom(?) - not sure what the term is - that I then used to extend from the ECU to the sensors I was using. Worked fine for years. You could do something similar, but accessing the ECU/computer under the dash is a real PITA. Been there didn't like it. Here's a link to the ECU pinout - if you get that motivated: https://www.surrealmirage.com/vrg3/ecupins/ *Portland area should be 'Subaru Central', right? 🙂
  23. -Battery? verify no corrosion on terminals. -Check grounds - Subarus have them in multiple places around the engine. And on my Forester, w/the same CS sensor and same code - P0335- I had a loose connector that caused a no start one day...but likely just forgot to 'click it' when I last worked on the engine.
  24. Not sure how cold it gets in MD, but in north ID (below 0° F in winter on occasion), I've had no issues bypassing the hoses that go to the TB/throttle body. My understanding is those help warm the TB in colder weather. "the compromise is the chance of a stuck throttle when, say coming off the highway after a long drive in arctic conditions" I just connected the two that go to the TB with a splice or cap them off if easier. Also, I've never had to replace a TB gasket in the many times I've removed the TB - do it carefully and it hasn't ripped/torn in my experience. If you remove the locking nuts to hold the throttle/cruise cables to the TB note the cables' location b4 removal - or your idle may be off.
  25. Hey...'98 OB Automatic/4EAT had the 4.44 FDR/Final drive. Only the '96-'98 Auto EJ25D cars will match up directly - Legacy OB/GT/LSi/SUS, '98 Forester and Impreza RS. '90-'98 EJ22 (and maybe EJ18) cars will work, but you'll need the matching rear diff (3.9 and 4.11 were mixed in) and the flex plate for the TC.
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