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Bob E.

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Everything posted by Bob E.

  1. ...Right. Well I'll go ahead and throw out the last couple questions I had bouncing around my head. Along with the rocker arm question; what kind of different cam grinds were offered from the factory, and would an 81 cam fit a 71? Also has anyone ever tried to stroke a 71 with an 81 crank? are the main and rod journals the same size? in the same place? How 'bout clearances inside the block? any relieving needed? Where shorter rods used throughout production maybe from the smaller earlier engines? and lastly what about pistons? any with shorter lengths from the center of the pin to the top of the piston?
  2. how 'bout the rocker arms? Where any larger ratios made and would they fit?
  3. How different is the EA-71 block compared to the EA-81? I was under the impression the main difference was in a 7mm increase in stroke, and I would assume advances in the fuel/ignition system...but aside from the engine I have I'm a little low on the subaru knowledge...
  4. Those are shinny. Are there any heads from the factory on later model subarus I could use with benefit?
  5. I've gotta EA-71 with siamese ports. Are there any dual port heads that will work with this engine?
  6. When did subaru switch over from part time to full time 4wd?
  7. Mid engine would be sweet! If I was going mid engine weight wouldn't be much of a concern, so I would be lookin' at a 2.2 turbo or maybe even caddy northstar . But nah, http://www.kennedyeng.com makes adapter kits to hang just about all the Subaru engines off the back of a VW transaxle, plenty of other engines too. I'm interested in the EA-81 because its size, weight and power are very similar to an air-cooled VW engine, and I believe it may be cheaper(after initial adapter purchase anyway) & more reliable.
  8. Oh yeah, it's going in my sandrail It's rebuild time (again), and I'm exploring alternative options. NorthWet: pictures would be great! Thanks for all the responses by the way.
  9. I'm the same guy from GRM. I haven't really searched anything yet....I was feelin' lazy so I just through out some questions Would anyone happen to know how far the engine protrudes from the bottom of the bell housing?
  10. I'm looking for information on this engine(EA-81...I think) : a list of specifications model year changes & vehicles it can be found in ? common modifications ? how reliable are they? I've been told this engine weighs 188lb, has 72 hp and is 14" long. is this correct? Could 100hp be produced reliably? thanks
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