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Everything posted by Dinky26

  1. I'm at a point where I am not able to do any of the work needed. My? is I've got a 1999 Forester with 252K with leaking HGs. Should I get a New used 2.5L with 59K have the shop replace the HGs and timing belt before installing? Or just have the shop replace the HGs on the engine in the car presently? Thanks in advance.
  2. I did a HG job on a 1999 Forester engine in, since my stroke I won't be doing that again. We are paying a shop to do it now.
  3. Going to need a set for the bed trim when I get set to paint.
  4. Once you get the axel you can rotate it to where needed, I go down coming out then down going back in too.
  5. For the little extra I'd do it when you got it apart.
  6. Yeah, if the boots didn't fail I do believe the axles would last a bunch longer. I've read that the OEM boots last much better. Have yet to actually try one, have one on hand for when it's time. I've seen them listed on eBay, still available through dealerships too.
  7. Do you still need this fork? I'm checking with the buyer of the transmission to see if he needs it.
  8. It is a good thing to become versed with, owning one of these cars you'll put the skill to use in the future, more than likely anyway.
  9. I use photo Bucket seems to work well. http://www.ultimatesubaru.org/forum/topic/146748-why-can-i-not-post-photos-anymore/
  10. Can you get it started by jumping it? How old is your starter?
  11. You should have called their customer service I bet they would have worked with you given your location.
  12. Not sure if this is the right place for this. Mods feel free to move it if it's not. Found somebody that wants my trans out of my donor car. Anybody have suggestions for shipping to California, Eldorado to be exact?
  13. Replaced my starter this evening after I couldn't get it jumped this morning. What a difference that made, been going out for a while.
  14. When I changed mine over it was like night and day, much quicker off the line, more getup getting on the highway + faster top end, I've had it up to 90mph on occasion, I do love it. Did you get your Weber on Belacane?
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