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Everything posted by Dinky26

  1. Congrats Alex, ENJOY, I have driven my moms and yeah they are nice.!!
  2. Sounds like there is something worn in the steering rack, it should not have that much play in it .
  3. How do you like this tool?
  4. It's actually not that bright at nite, green seems to easier on my eyes to, which are sensitive to extra lite anyway.
  5. Here is my LED change Almost thinking that I should go completly green, & replace the 2 red ones in the middle.
  6. I think that would look sharpe. Making me want to repaint mine now.
  7. Under the dash close to the fuse box, it is a little blue box.
  8. Which is also going to pull moisture out, thus why you are getting water draining out. Defroster also uses the AC system, other half of the reason I'm putting AC in my Brat.
  9. These days I can so see that one would want to be pretty selective on what they advertise/hang in clear view. Businesses can and will get persecuted for the smallest things anytime any day. I remember years ago when I was 10 years old and younger, I would always like to go with my dad to the filling station in town, cause there were scantily clad women portrayed on calendars on the walls there. Of course these were the days long, LONG before the internet where you can see anything anytime, boy those sure were different days and times, I was slightly sheltered too.
  10. Replaced right side CV axel in Brat, also replaced steering gear boot on same side. Never did quite get the inner side of the gear boot to where it should have been????. I must do it a little different every time, this time I had a huge PITA getting a couple of bolts in and getting the tie rod off the attachment.
  11. +1 on this question, I received on of these from a fellow member here, there was this same stuff that just fell off from that exact place/hole. So I am also wondering if this hole needs to be plugged and if so what alternative item/compound can be used?
  12. Maybe this is my problem too, been having the no start issue off and on over the past year or so, I jump it and no more problems for a while, 2 to 6 months just depends.
  13. Check your grounding points, not sure that is going to be it, could be possible though.
  14. Should have mentioned, doing HGs so pistons are still in never pulled them. Easy goes from here, till I hit something else I've forgotten. Thanks for your input, ALL.
  15. Not sure how to get it viewable, won't let me post more than 32MB, keeps saying Error this upload failed.
  16. My impression is that the key should be pointing down, or am I wrong on this?
  17. Just now saw this I will be going that way today.
  18. Well, 2 plus years ago when I took this engine out, apparently I had my head somewhere else, cause looking at my crank IT AIN'T right. So any help here would be greatly appreciated. Apparently I am not allowed to up load pics now will try to add a link, don't know how that is going to go since I am not good at that either..... http://1drv.ms/1FIFSna Tester Looks like it is viewable to me anyway. Anybody see it??
  19. Pics would be awesome here, any at all. Since I did something nearly as stupid AND probably what you did as well, knowing how my brain farts go. See this thread also. THANK YOU for any assistance you may provide me. http://www.ultimatesubaru.org/forum/topic/154333-tdc-missed-by-my-stupid-brain-ea82-mpfi/
  20. Nice thanks for sharing, I noticed this one posted, someone here posted the listing for all to see, glad it's found a good home. I will look into what you requested, seeing your pics helps.
  21. I did get the 83 Brat today, once I get it situated and ect. the right hand side is yours, make me an offer. & .
  22. Hey, no problem here, I was just saying crazy in the aspect of I figured there would be more, guess everything comes to an end. No looking real promising on the 83, have yet to hear anything from the guy. Keep hoping though.
  23. Less then 6 months ago it was not a problem, they did have it shipped over from Japan, so maybe that was one of the last available. If I can ever get the dingus to call me back, I plan to have an 83 to part out, both rear lenses were good on it.
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