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Everything posted by ShawnW

  1. can you get the axles to slide off at the brake drum ends of the axles? If so take the rear diff and rear axles out as 1 big piece. Then you can work on the whole assembly off the car where you can stand above it, really pound on it, etc. If you break something you have your LSD rear diff already and rear axles can be acquired.
  2. Usually you can get away with bending the prongs out a slight bit to make up for the center ring being smaller. I can get you the PN for the plastic insert if you don't have it already.
  3. Youre in about the worst possible place to find a car comperable to a twin turbo. California is just about as locked down as it gets when it comes to smog and vehicle regulations. Might be best to find yourself a really nice 80-89 Subaru Hatchback. One of the few cars they never imported to Australia. Build yourself an off road toy and bring it back to OZ.
  4. I too would like to see you try to fix it and keep the car from being parted out despite my ulterior motives.
  5. I have had pretty good results with foaming carpet cleaner spray and then pressure washing it at the car wash before. Just be careful not to tear the grommets out of the carpet and really let it dry thoroughly before installing it again.
  6. Meeky you have it backwards on the # of outlets... but yeah Advance sells them too.
  7. Final vote count was 3 for the 24th and 5 for any of the offered dates.
  8. Plasma cut a bracket to wrap around the strut caps and then weld it to the bar?
  9. That 91 looks sharp with those wheels. Also like the gauges, what are they from?
  10. Yeah, like I would tell you not to get a Turbo Wagon. Aren't those pretty rare in CA?
  11. Cool pics. Check out http://www.hatchpatrol.com if you haven't already. also check out the button at the top of this page that says photos and look around at all the offroad stuff.
  12. Who voted that they can't come? If you could vote and comment that would be great.
  13. Yeah they are different all right. I think you could take a piece of cardboard and trace the edge of your car and then adapt its shape and grind away metal on the mount if you wanted. Unless its the plastic "feet". Find the aluminum feet and you would be good.
  14. Hey Geoff, Glad to see another midwest guy. I hope you will come to our Subaru meet, its not going to be very far for you to drive to go to, just across the border and north a little bit. Details here: Midwest Meet Hopefully you have a spare driveshaft around like some people do. Then it would be easy. If you have another car you could take the driveshaft off, and then take it to someplace to have u joints put in the driveshaft. Rumors of Ford ones of some kind fitting come to mind. Did you take the transmission out to put the clutch in or did you take the engine out? Sounds like one of your mounts might be worn out too. Theres also a bushing on the top of the rear differential that might be worn out. I don't think it will hurt the vehicle too bad to drive it around with the clunk but its hard to tell from here.
  15. Oh and check ou the Meet/Greet forum here for details on the Midwest Meet. (Looks like its going to be April 24th in Western IA)
  16. Post in the marketplace what you need besides the door and we will try to help. Im down in Iowa with a lot of stuff but I have a "basement" part house. What color door do you need?
  17. Was the engine out of time? I assume the noise returned after you verified the timing was set timing properly and tightened the distributor again? Id say its the bearing in the distributor shaft like you are guessing too.
  18. Tim, I changed your vote to the 24th then since that won't rule Mick out. I assumed you would like to be able to go on the same date. Poll closes at the end of the weekend everybody and at that point we will pick the date...so far looking like Apr 24th.
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