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Everything posted by benebob

  1. Yes, yes you do. We need some competition in the mod 4wd class. Online is the best place/time to do it. Its $10 cheaper and you can pay through paypal.
  2. Hocrest's and my race car will make its dirt debut Nov 13 at Susquehanna Speedway. It'll be the first rallyx for the local SCCA. If your local and wanna play in the dirt (clay parking lot) follow the linkie below. You'll need to prereg and prepay to get it cheaper and you may need to register with myautoevents to view the info on this page but its free and easy. As for ground clearance, we'll have about 4 inches by then when we jack her up 2 inches so everyone else on this board should be fine. Would love to see some more locals out!!! http://www.myautoevents.com/pls/mae/frmEventDetail.Show?psevent_id=4307&psrnd=.44336001487457408364438597048941464609
  3. There is a 95 Impreza LX sedan at Harry's U Pull it in Hazelton with about 85k on the odo (rolled). I think it would have abs but not positive. There are usually a ton of subies there but less than 50k is asking a lot. www.car-part.com is a very good site too but don't email the places, call them!!!
  4. I think it looks better than the corbin sparrrow at least.
  5. The 6 is a sweet engine. Timing chain vs belt so your gonna end up cheaper in the long run that way. Not sure if the 3.0 requires premium but I know my 3.3 does which is a consideration. The 4 is a little underpowered but shouldn't have much issue with hills and the like unless you're always overloaded with 4 passangers etc. Did I mention the 6 sounds so much better??? Pricewise I don't know if it is worth the added cost. Any reason why you aren't looking at the Legacy instead of the outback?
  6. Not really over priced considering it was awd but bad timing (recession hit) and bad marketing (it isn't a sports car by any means).
  7. Yes and Yes he's right they are on backwards. FYI though even Subaru like'd 'em this was at a standstill. The photos from the release of the car had them on backwards too.
  8. Congrats on getting a real Subaru... Not this made in America crap. The quality of the Legacy just doesn't compare (coming from an owner of an 03 GT). Does it have a tranny cooler in it yet? If not get one and put a digital gauge in so you know when you're cooking fluids. My garage queen gets the tranny fluid changed 1x a year or about every 1.5k. I'd suggest changing it 2x (drain and fill then drive a day after each) at least now to clean it out. Maybe try some Seafoam tranny fix in there before the first one. Then use Mobil 1 if you're lazy about changing it religously (still should come out at least every 20k though).
  9. I doubt I'm going to renew my subscription. There isn't much of anything in it besides what you can get from Drive Mag and the content is rather lacking in anything technical. The first couple issues looked promising but since then it seems you can't turn a page without seeing a stinking Impreza riced out. I sent them a nice letter inviting them to attend the 5th annual SVX meet in Reading PA (which draws about 100 SVXers a year). Even offered them an SVX to drive for the weekend. Didn't hear a word back but they "edited" my letter and posted it in their feedback. Of course I didn't expect them to come since they're new and prefer the west coast but it was a shot. You'd figure they'd at least send a nice letter back with some stickers and subscription forms to put out for them. Heck, I know that if they showed up their plane ticket and hotel room would've been paid for by subscriptions from the group.
  10. Pretty sure it was a Subie but then again it has probably been 15 years since I saw it.
  11. Looks cool but I still want the hatchback that was in Cannonball Run or maybe Cball Run 2! Digital dash and the ability to spool the turbo up until you jump over things!!! Way cool!
  12. Gary beat me to it. I know the 6 has it as I just asked why I was eating belts a few weeks back. Took it off and the rubber between the two had split open and killed it. Put a spare one on and she's good as new. Cheaper than belts even!!!
  13. Is the power light flashing on start up. If so then its a sensor issue or worse. Torque binding is bad so yes you have been killing it. I would not powerflush it but rather drain and fill (I like Mobil 1 sythetic but that is probably overkill for your ride) then drive a day or 2 and drain and fill. Smell the fluid in there now though. If it smells like burnt toast you'll want to do the drain and fill at least 3 times. You'll get a different amount each time so just get some gallon jugs and fill 'em up to see how much to put in. Usually about 10-12 will cover 2 drains. If it is really nasty you may also want to drop the pan and replace the gasket and filter of course and also clean the bottom of the pan and magnet. If you do have the power light flashing there is a self diagnosis proceedure to find out what is the cause.
  14. Well it would just be the fwd XT6 springs and from driving both I think the 6s are weaker. Not by a whole lot maybe 145lbs vs 155 but noticable.
  15. Exactly my point. Running away from stock STis really isn't that hard to do even my 6 doesn't have much issue with it.
  16. If Subieman90s engine would fall through or be more than you wanna spend there is always Harry's U Pull it in Hazelton that by last count there had like 8 1.8s with all about 100k on them. I think they go for about $65 or so there but you'd have to yank it.
  17. Might want to add some Belgium in there too somewhere as I know Hocrest has one Belgium made Pug on his BRAT.
  18. Did I say that they are just for race use? For a pretty much stock RX though they would be overkill to say the least. There are much better things to spend money on. It'd be like putting coilovers on a BRAT in some respects it'll help but unless you can use the full capability some mildly stiffer springs and good struts/shocks will be just fine for street use. Now if he wanted to go with nice wide wheels and tires then I'd say spend the money but even for limited autoxing he'd be wasting his money until he catches up with new bushings all around, upgraded braking etc.. Take a look at our SVX racer. It doesn't have coil overs nor in my opinion is the car even remotely in need of 'em yet. The cobled together set up of WRX H&R 200lbs springs, SVX Konis up front and WRX stock front struts in rear work just fine. Only thing lacking is a decent camber (can't get more than 2 out of the front yet). Granted I wouldn't even want our set up on the street either.
  19. Then you should be set up nicely. Coilovers though would probably be overkill on that platform except for the true racecars that don't see street use.
  20. What you want it the rear to slide all over the place? It looks quite high to me if you want it to handle right.
  21. Try cutting the small coil if you want it lower. Will firm it up about 10% more and should work fine on XT struts. Could probably do the same with the rears.
  22. You beat me to it! Just came to post about it. Came with kids in the back to boot and the chick just kicked a Rancharo (or El)!!!
  23. Personally, I think the motion rims look the best as it is quite the angular car to begin with. Anything from a later subie fits except the Loyale and SVX of course.
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