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Everything posted by benebob

  1. Here's the scoop, Hocrest and myself are building an SVX E Prepared racer out of what was a parts car from what we were told was a bad tranny. We got her up and running today. It had the FWD fuse in so nothing happened when in gear (did make some not so nice noises in the front dif though). Took out the fuse, it drives in RWD just fine (noises stay up front though). We'd love to run it RWD for a spell to see how it handles and all. Maybe even for good. Now, if we take the front axles off there should be no real reason why we can't run it as is right? It'll do more damage to the front dif but that is gone anyways. Just doing the lazy man when it comes to dropping the tranny at this point. The time can be better spent accomplishing other stuff. Would like some thoughs about everything. Oh yeah, Pics are at http://photos.yahoo.com/blroth
  2. If moosens can't come up with your needs I got an EA-81 that blew. She's yours if you want it.
  3. Ah the tax thing. I've been trying to do the same with an F250 . Actual cost of our 03 was like $25???. I got a quote from another dealer with a same model (dealer driven car with almost 1k on the odo) took that to the closest place with a 5 speed GT and they matched it. I even went so far as to say the color wasn't quite as nice as the other one (which I never saw) and negotiated a hidden hitch installed plus a ski attachment. That said I'll never go back to that dealer (Matt Slap Subaru in Deleware) as their dealer prep of the car was non-existant and they were not the easiest to deal with when a couple issues came about from their prep or lack of. My advice get a quote from a dealer a little further away then use that as negotiating but buy it at a dealer you "trust".
  4. Russ is also there, he's the manager I think. Very good people. They do get backed up a bit when busy but you CAN'T beat their prices. Their online stuff is quite confusing for all the older stuff. Just easier to call anyways.
  5. My ignition assm. is shot. The piece that sticks into the switch is broken off. Going to the junk yard in the mornng and need to know how to remove one. Also would it be easier to just remove the whole steering column to the tilt? It looks like it just has 1 bolt holding it in.
  6. Not sure where your bubble burstint tool is but I realize they are different and you just said it yourself that the auto is better by explaining it. Granted if you wanna be an offroader, manual is better but not much when you compare it to a true high low old subie trannie. I own all the types of vehicles I have listed above and for a ROAD VECHICLE (which is what the Subaru is) by far my SVX has the best set up of all to get the power to the ground.
  7. Flat 6 all the way. Not sure why someone said the manual has a better awd system as it definately does not. The auto XTs I've driven have horrible turbo lag (i.e. mash the gas, go 50 feet like a normal Legacy then look out!!!). To me not a lot of fun, besides, in the long run the 6 will be cheaper to maintain and will always have tons of torque regardless of where you are in the power band. Then again, I'm slightly biased .
  8. Mr Pockets has one forsale over on the SVX site. It is in great shape too from what I understand. Zero rust. I miss my Justy as well. Wasn't a car for those with no self esteem but it was a hoot to beat the crap out of.
  9. On the way there saw a hatch on the side of 222. Hope it wasn't anybodies here!!! They have some new inventory at the yard here's a rundown. 2 RXs white, fairly complete but rusty. Both have 150k+ on 'em Couple new XTs but no 6s. No spider intakes either. TONS OF legacy gen Is 3 Imprezas all 1.8 autos 2 new EA81 wagons The usual dime a dozen EA-82 selection.
  10. Easy as pie. Follow the pos cable from the battery back to the d. side firewall tranny area. 2 or 3 bolts and your there. Unhook the battery cable first though. Probably just needs new brushes. About $20 from subaru and you should be able to do it yourself in about an hour.
  11. Also, the SVX was not sold until 92 so I'm assuming this one was made in 91 but is a 92. Going to a manual changes the whole car. IMO not for the better. It would cost probably about the same as a rebuilt tranny would but then the conversion would have been done for the future.
  12. I'm suprised your getting even that (assuming it was towed for being illegally parked or something like that). They have no responsiblity in PA if you are doing something illegal. Assuming that isn't the case here's your compromise. http://www.woodfins.com sells used trannys with up to a 3 year warranty (of course they'll pay more that way) but that way you get a longer warrany on the core. Installation isn't included but then if it fails alls you have to pay is the installation.
  13. My friends 93 Impreza 1.8 Manual is in need of a new starter (my mechanic tells me he can't get brushes for it as it is one of those unrebuildable ones). From best I can tell from my quick look up parts book the Imprezas have the same rebuilt # from like 93-97. Do ya think that any of the manual ones would work? What about a Legacy manual starter? Reason I ask is the 1.8 is a hard engine to come by in yards around here. There is one at Harry's but don't know if it has everything or not.
  14. Try Liberty Subaru out of NJ. Just got 2 front struts for my XT6 for $87 a piece and they weren't aftermarket crap! http://www.newsubaru.com
  15. Did it increase the power. In order to stay stock I need to keep the cats on so will it be a better set up than a cheap "turbo" muffler which I'm having trouble finding one that'll fit. I'm assuming the double backfire was w/o cats. The one I'm looking at is 31 inches.
  16. I'm thinking about putting on a Thrush Glasspack on my XT6 for autoxing. Has anyone put one on a Subie? How loud was it. Loud is okay but don't want anything that'll fart all the way around the course. Any better cheap suggestions? Don't wanna do to elaborate as I'd like to stick my stock muffler on when not autoxing.
  17. Did you call Subaru cust. service like I said 1800subaru3 or something like that. They will if they have one and you are nice to them send you one for free. A dealer of course will charge you. I've gotten manuals for all but 1 car for free from SOA.
  18. Go to my subaru at subaru.com register your vehicle (for recalls and such) and send them a message saying you just bought the car, you love it but you didn't get a manual with it. If they have some you'll get one free of charge.
  19. No problems fitting my nighthawk up there. I think I even got the back shut too.
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