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Everything posted by benebob

  1. If these Philly boys are brave enough to venture into "our neighborhood alone" that's fine. I can still meet up with ya Dave. I'm going that way anyways. What's a little exit ramp?
  2. Funny you should ask. My tape player went out tonight and I was wondering the same:D . Did you post over on the XT6.org site yet? I was gonna do it but it won't let me post. i have something wrong with my computer.
  3. Definately not mine. I currently don't have any seats in her and she's up on ramps in the garage. Hey its better than in the front yard. . Something else huh? You gonna race that legacy?
  4. Let me know about meeting. Harrisburg sounds fine w/ me to that way Dave and I can meet up with everyone. Dennis for some stupid reason I can't get the XT6.org to let me post so congrats on the new wedge. Mine will still kick your butt in a race:banana: .l Anyway there's an XT6 up at Harry's that has a panel or did a couple weeks ago. I'm going up there the day after the drag race. I can pick it up if you want. Back to cleaning the SVXs carpets.
  5. Took my Brat to get the key pulled out today and when I picked it up the one guy asked me if I wanted to buy another one. Its a 78 White Brat (was repainted as a work truck for a company he worked for). It has "very little rust", 78k original miles!, and is basically well a work truck. Some dings and dents and all that junk. It needs a water pump and a rotor from what he says. What'cha think I should offer him?
  6. My wife used the wrong key in the Brat yesterday. It is now stuck in the on position and won't come out. Any thoughts out there on what to do. I don't quite understand how to take off the lock. Would a locksmith be able to get the key out or would they just replace the whole ignition lock set. I have it torn apart enough now I can start it but I really need to get it fixed tomorrow.
  7. I thought if you broke 14 seconds you needed a cage. Helmets are usually mandatory for everyone who goes down the track. Too bad there isn't a Subaru truck catagory.
  8. I'd really like to win that $$$ Just not sure if the SVX or XT6 will give me the better chance. I think the SVX is faster 1/4 mile but the XT is faster to 60 but thats just my thoughts. Anyone wanna meet me and take the other car so I can find out? Oh yeah, is anyone planning on bringing a legal helmet? Mine isn't Snell approved.
  9. Good choice staying with the older subies. We just got a 03 GT and I'm quite disappointed in the build quality. Unless the little issues lessen over the next couple of months it will be the last Subie I buy made in the US. I hate to knock on my fellow Americans (esp since SIA was nice enough to provide a great tour last year for the SVXers) but it has many of the same quality control issues that led to the demise of the British car industry here.
  10. 4 to 5 lug swap? I'm confused. I have a 6 with a 5 lug it was a 6 as well. Just swaping the tranny and maybe the 4wd stuff.
  11. I should be able to make it. It is in Lewistown PA right? an hour north of H-burg?
  12. Yeah its at Harry's. Why you know that car? I didn't get a good look at it just in passing. Got there at 6:15 and had to get a hatch for an EA82, and mirror by 7.
  13. I was at the junkyard yesterday and came across a XT6 with a 5 speed in it. I can get the thing for like $50 and with 170k on my auto am trying to figure out if I can use it. 1st The tranny is a 4wd while my car is FWD. I'm not planning on converting it to 4wd. I can just plug up the driveshaft area right? 2nd What else will I need other than the pedals and clutch cable/ power booster. Do I need the cross member? 3rd If I do decide to convert it to 4wd will the stuff simply bolt on?
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