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Everything posted by benebob

  1. What you went out, took the blankets off your GL where you installed that digie dash to tell us. Better take a nap.
  2. I doubt that. The tranny I just put in my XT had a pull date of 98 (when the yard pulled it from the car before destroying it). I didn't change the gear oil for 2 weeks. That ea-81 had a recent inspection sticker on her.
  3. The synchros shouldn't be bad. The car only had like 60k on it or something outrageously low like that. Risolone should burn off at a pretty low temp. I'm personally not a fan of adding stuff that wasn't meant to go in there.
  4. Actually I wouldn't be running sythetic in there at all due to any issues with 25 year old seals but you'd need to define crunchy a little more. A 25 year old tranny isn't gonna be as easy to get into gear as a modern tranny, cold will make it a little worse. Glad ya got it in finally!
  5. Manual mode simply locks out 1st gear from what I recall. Haven't driven an early 90s Subie in a while though. I would suspect though you'd be getting a code if your clutch packs were gone. An auto from that era is 90-10 with up to 50-50
  6. It would fit but it won't fit well. Have seen one in an Imp before (not a running 33 though I might add). If nobody posts the actual measurements by tomorrow I'll take a look at mine.
  7. Sorry, won't fit, send them to me as my drivers seat in my 6 is well beyond hope! :banana: Will it fit, yes at least up front of course but it isn't a bolt in affair.
  8. I'm sorry, WHAT 03 do you own that makes you feel you have an answer. If you can't answer my question then shut your piehole. I love know it all MORONS!!!
  9. As I already said, if you read I really don't want to deal with another Subaru dealer issue. EVERY dealer sucks within an hour and a half drive of me. It would cost me $30 in gas to get there then an hour of my time wasted waiting for them to fix it. I'd simply rather send a complaint to Subaru about it so they can ignore it just as they ignore their head gasket failure issues. Mirror functions just fine as best I can tell, not sure on the heater issue though as that's a tough one to figure out.
  10. My wife's GT had a harness hanging out of the d-side door panel I noticed yesterday. The Crappyship must have not attached the harness when it was in for one of the many issues its had on that side door. Its a blue/red red/blue harness so I thought it was a speaker, however, both the tweeter and main speaker work just fine. Can't seem to figure out what wouldn't be working but I don't remember the Odo or the Temp being on when the car was off and no key in there before. Any ideas from 03 owners. Yes I could take it back to the Crappyship (which BTW is Cumberland Valley Motors Mechanicsburg, PA) but its an hour drive- the closer dealer is MUCH worse and the car isn't under the B2B warranty anymore. Just searching for what it might be before I'd even bother to yank the door panel off.
  11. Well for future ref. a Loyale/EA-82 gl starter won't work on an XT6 without some work as the cables won't reach to it and the neg bracket would be impossible to attach where it is supposed to go. The XT6 auto starter that I had is working just fine although its scary when the engine catches. Thanks again for the help!
  12. No I was just talking about 4 banger starters XT vs GL/Loyale, etc. They have different part numbered starters. The XT6 has one of its own as well. I was just checking if there was anything different between the xt (NOT XT6) and the other EA-82 starters but I think GD answered that one. Thanks guys!
  13. Anybody know what the dif is between the manual XT and manual Loyale/Gl ea-82 starters. Here's the part numbers XT 23300aa040 Loyale/gl/dl/rx 23300aa010 What I'm doing is putting an XT turbo 2wd tranny into my XT6 fwd auto, am using an RX flexplate. Will both starters work? I have the gl starter.
  14. Looking to see if its rust free or not. http://www.autotrader.com/fyc/vdp.jsp?car_id=210834158&dealer_id=599701&car_year=1991&model=XT&num_records=25&make2=&start_year=1981&keywordsrep=&keywordsfyc=&engine=&certified=&body_code=0&fuel=&search_type=both&distance=0&make=SUB&color=&min_price=&drive=&default_sort=priceDESC&max_mileage=&style_flag=1&sort_type=priceDESC&address=17601&advanced=&end_year=1999&doors=&transmission=&max_price=&cardist=65
  15. Now no need to get nasty about it as Subeman90 was just bring to your attention that you're the one who missed that it was a swap. No biggie though. The king who did the conversion seems to think he's using an xt6 cable in it so that's what I'll order. I'm still confused as to why they have like 6 different cables when there really isn't too much difference between the trannies but who knows. Appriciate all the help.
  16. I've known Ben at CVM for 15 years. Can't get a part that is discontinued though.
  17. They shouldn't be any different as the tranny is in the same place in relation to the pedal.
  18. FYI: Cheapest clutch cable for an XT was $65 at Lancaster County Motors this morning. Big difference between the $15 or so for a Brat or EA-82 hatch. Someone has to have a clue on these things out there!
  19. A couple o years back I paid $95 for the Duty C for an SVX in the US if that helps.
  20. The inpute shafts are different as well. I've also been told the stubs aren't the same as well. I don't have the tranny yet which is why I'm posting here looking for the differences and what will work.
  21. Hmmm. I still know it would work and work just fine. I just don't have any Impreza fwd 5 speed axles to use otherwise I would've already done it as no one provided any experience that it won't. I didn't say it will be the strongest set up but that isn't what I asked there now was it that is if you actually read and comprehended what I was asking? Remember, I'm also one of the owners of the fasted stock engined 1/4 mile SVX that isn't juiced at 14.2 in the quarter but its built with things that we were told wouldn't work either.
  22. 1. It isn't a carry -over from the EA81 as its a 25 spline larger shaft tranny like the 4wds. Only the non-turbos were carryovers 2. The tranny is on a shelf. The vin on my reg is for an 88 XT6 fwd auto. 3. According to my part number its a discontinued part 4. I've never had a non-subaru clutch cable break. Only Subaru cables have broken on me.
  23. That's the funniest thing I've heard all year!
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