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Everything posted by benebob

  1. Yes, a defective batter can do that. Most cars don't need all the voltage to start it and make it run at all. Take it to Sears, Autozone, etc and have it charged and tested unless you have the equipment at home to do so.
  2. Even if it is your batteries fault like edrach says it is most likely the only damage would be the diode that was mentioned first. I doubt any shop would charge more than parts and labor to replace that one part on a good will basis as the rest of the alt should be tip top.
  3. Even if it is your batteries fault like edrach says it is most likely the only damage would be the diode that was mentioned first. I doubt any shop would charge more than parts and labor to replace that one part on a good will basis as the rest of the alt should be tip top.
  4. A bad battery can kill an alternator in a day for sure. Did you charge the battery up when you replaced the alternator as I'm sure it had been drained down. My guess is at 12 volts (Should be 13.2) you have a bad cell probably which means the alt was working overtime trying to meet the needs of the battery and burned itself out.
  5. Funny I just told ya that only the 92s and some 93s had a screen in their tranny cooler. I should know I've owned a 95 for oh 8 years or so now, race a 92 that weighs 2700lbs so your links mean absolutely nothing. I'll send ya a link for a site that says the sky is pink if you'd like! I know of no aftermarket cooler that has rectified the problem. It is heat that is the biggest issue and my 200 degree tranny temps show that. As for your external aftermarket filter is concerned. They came with them stock in 94 and up! As for the wheel bearings. I guess you don't read Car and Driver much? Their 05 Legacy had its rears replaced very early on! Mine lasted until 145k on my SVX. I've read no literature that says the 3.3 is a 2.5 with 2 extra cyliners and though I wasn't a math major 2.5 plus 1.25 doesn't equal 3.3 now does it. Show me a single part they share such as those pistons etc. Even the stroke is different! If you've been looking for an SVX for 2 years obviously you haven't been looking real hard then as they are very readily available.
  6. Wheel bearings aren't any more of an issue than with other Subies. They just need to be replaced properly otherwise you screw up the hub and then can never get bearings to seat properly. The problem with the tranny is excessive heat not that clutch material cloggs up the cooler. TSB was for the 92 radiator where they put a filter in the cooler which clogged 'em but after that they didn't clog and they still failed early. My 95 with both an aftermarket B&M cooler and the stock cooler runs about 100 degrees above outside temp in normal driving 115 in traffic and that is with my gauge in the pan. Not a clue what you're talking about a dif not being in a Legacy tranny but the SVX has an extra set of clutch packs in it (thought to be a little beefier that way. The SVX has absolutely nothing in common with the 2.5 (which didn't even exist at the time or even the 2.2 for that matter. Its unique onto its own. It does however share crappy aftermarket oil filters with the legacy so it must be the same right? Buy the best you can. Be prepared to put another tranny in it right away too. Don't pay extra for someone who claims to have just rebuilt the tranny as chances are it was a poor rebuild. Listen for rear wheel bearing noise and walk away if there is any as it means the hubs are probably toast. Defiately don't buy one if you can't afford to maintain it. Remember its a car that was 30k in 1992 so parts aren't exactly cheap.
  7. I'm assuming that it is how it was imported. Post 86s no seats so PA slapped me with a truck tag and reg fee but if it is 85 or older it gets a car tag just like an SUV does.
  8. I'd go with sticky lifter so change oil too (change it and add Valve medic to it). Could also be a sticky injector provided its fi but wouldn't look at that until the oil was clean and run for a couple days.
  9. You probably wouldn't be interested in it for a street car. My road SVX is currently w/o ps as I popped a hose at the dragon. It is not the nicest thing to drive in the current condition. Race car yes. Street car with parralel parking. You're kidding right!
  10. It isn't a street car by the least. As an autoxer now Yes PS is an advantage but when we go to climbing those hills (yes I know that's a foreign subject for you in Texas) it won't be nearly as vital as the extra 5 hp. Gosh I hate the blabber mouths on nasioc! They have way too much stuck up their butts 99% of the time. The other 1% they actually can be helpful.
  11. Having had an issue with my SVX PS and some pin holes at the dragon Hocrest and I are kinda liking the thought of putting a manual rack in our racer svx. Definately had more power with a belt just running the alternator. Has anybody tried to adapt a manual rack to a later subie? I'm guessing that the rack would be pretty similar up to the tie rods right?
  12. Not judging at all. It isn't you its someone else who drops the cmu or Concrete masonry unit/cinder block in there. I wouldn't even trust most places on dropping a bucket of 2b stone in there from a height w/o hurting it or the roof line. My brat was a pain and it was longer than the bucket too!
  13. Obviously you're not a working man. I used to drop literally a ton of stone in the back of my Brat when needed. There's a reason trucks are made with corrigated beds not flat steel. Go bend a piece of steel then see if its stronger than flat steel that is 5x as thick. Not saying they don't have purpose but not really as a truck.
  14. Funny but just shows how unpractical of a truck it is. Besides, I wouldn't drop a rock in it as the bed isn't corrigated steel like a truck should be. It is simply flat pressed panels. So what? Did they put 300lbs of stone in until it sat on its bump stops?
  15. Just buy yourself a folding trailer and you don't need a p/u 90% of the time. The Baja though is the perfect Home Depot shopper vehicle for bags of crap like soil and mulch but you can't get a scoop dropped in it and you'd be hard pressed to carry a 4x8 sheet of anything in it unfortunately.
  16. Probably sees it as a breeder buggy but in reality a 7 seat suv screams breeder buggie just as badly only it gets worse mileage and is not as safe overall to a minivan.
  17. Might want to send Hocrest a PM and maybe he'll look at it and give his opinion. He's not too far from Scranton.
  18. Not the same pistons. Wish they were b/c I could get some decently stronger ones made cheaply. As one who owns two SVXs and races one of them, I'm fairly familiar with the engine and what can be used and what can't. It was pretty much of a show piece engine of its day and shares virtually nothing (not even a oil filter according to Subaru) with the 2.2.
  19. Yeah, your right. There's a lot of ej22s out there with 4 cams aren't there. I think you're thinking of the 27 which wasn't much more than a EA82 with 2 extra cylinders. The SVX however, has virtually nothing in common with the 22.
  20. Yes the 3.0 is shorter but it doesn't have more power. Hp is higher. 250 vs 230 but Torque is weaker at 212 vs 230 for the SVX. By far the SVX engine is a better engine and making everything else equal it just as reliable if not more so than the 3.0. It is just not likely you'll find a 3 year old 20k SVX motor but you can find a 3 year old 20k 3.0. Not sure about the 3.0 logevity elsewhere but it isn't any older than the 3.3 yet here in the states as the SVX was made for 5 years and this is what the 4th for the 3.0? As for the chains vs belts. Personally I'd take the quieter belt over a chain which will only get ya about 1.5 times the life as a belt.
  21. Actually, the 3.3 will fit in an Impreza engine bay without any cutting or the like. Problem is you need to relocate the cooling system and air condensor just so you'd be able to change accessory belts.
  22. No I think that was closed down because of prositution a few years back. Was a great place though!
  23. There's a place on 74 south I think its like Little John's or something like that. It is usually one of the top rated local "family style" restaurants in central pa. John should know how to get there as it is right across from the mall there.
  24. More incentive? I think less. As soon as she comes down here, I'll go to CT!
  25. She's too late Keith! My daugther (who is a tade under 1 will be going up with me on friday from say 4-8ish or so) but Michelle is stealing her for Sunday. Saturday she'll be with the wife.
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