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  1. The defective sensor was the one in front of the passenger side shock. My 97 MAP is inline with the air filter / intake. Local junk yard $25 + tax and a 10 day guarantee. The used part cleared the code and the car does seem to have more power. I didn't mean to imply that I could get a MAP sensor for $50, sorry. Frag & Nipper thanks for the help you sent me in the right direction. The solenoid is in line with the barometric pressure sensor.
  2. Subaru's-R-Us (828 669-1040) in Black Mountain, NC. I've been there many times. Independent shop but he did work for the local dealership for several years. There is another independent shop on NC-63 10 miles north of Asheville I've stopped by a couple of times but have not had my 97 worked on there. Charley
  3. I did get a manifold absolute pressure sensor failed code when I unpluged the solenoid. A couple of online part stores list it for $55 - $58. Ice storm today so I'll wait until it clears and dries up before I go junk yard hunting. Thanks for the info (nipper) Charley
  4. Thanks for the reply. I had to put it off for a couple of months. CV shafts had to be replaced and work picked up. I have isolated the code to the device you mentioned. After trying several changes and watching for new codes. It appears the device is stuck open. I've even applied 12vdc to the solenoid post but no change in the amount of vacuum that is able to pass thru it. After all that is said what is the part name or number for the dealership? I could just take the part off the car and show it to them, but I look rather "duh" to them anyway so why remove all doubt. Thanks, Charley
  5. After my last oil & air filter change the CEL comes on with P1143 Pressure Sensor Circuit Low Input. What Pressure Sensor is it talking about?? Charley
  6. Matt D You can find PB Blaster at Advance Auto parts and it is like acid to rust but stinks like 10 day old socks. Charley
  7. HELP!! I've found out what the codes mean, but what part needs to be tested/replaced? Haynes manual is no real help with this either. I did find a little info about P0446 on this forum. A web search gives several list of what the codes mean but how do you find what part the codes relate to. Using the OBDII adapter from http://obddiagnostics.com/ Thanks,
  8. Just a public thank you to Legacy777 For answering several emails about the binding problem and repair of my 97 Subaru. The rod, spring, and gear that fell out of the transfer case was the parking gear. I found this out when I had to put the transmission in neutral to reassemble the rear housing. Again many thanks to you and USMB. Not only did I save $200+ dollars I also gained a lot of knowledge of how the Subaru AWD system works. Now I have to find out why someone took out the Check engine bulb ----)))))) ((((((---- 2CheapCharley
  9. 1st Hello and I am very impressed with this message board. I've spent most of this week using your post to diagnose the binding trouble with my Subaru that started last weekend. Your post with pictures and wiring diagrams help me prove the coil on the Duty C solenoid is open and must be replaced. I've open the transmission and have retested and confirmed the solenoid is defective. Here is the problem! When I opened the rear case of the transmission a short pin/rod about 5/8 in diameter with a spring fell out. Where should it go. I think I've located the place for the pin/rod but how the spring should be placed is not so obvious. Looking from the rear of the open transmission case the clutch pack slides into a gear in the upper right. That gear is driven by another gear which is lower and to the left of the clutch gear. Just above the lower left gear is where the pin and spring seem to fit into end of what appears to be a short bar with a hole in the lower left and a gear tooth at the upper right. I'm leaving for the local dealership to get the new soleniod now ($90.00) and will be back in a couple of hours. Any suggestions?
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