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Everything posted by 1990legacy

  1. I'm gonna go check around at some local junkyards and see what they've got and how much for it.
  2. I was wondering if wheels from another subaru, such an svx or wrx, would fit on a 90 legacy. The ol steelies are gettin, well, old. And if some better looking ones can be found on the cheap, all the better. I'm sure I can find the right lug pattern, but I'm wondering if there would be issues with backspacing and fender rubbing.
  3. Welcome! I think you should be able to find info here for just about anything with your car. Some of the people on this site know so much about Subarus that its almost scary. Oh, and I like the part of your signature about she who must be obeyed. I believe I read something like that in a book once.
  4. All of these sound like great ideas, I just wish I could do the same. But I lack the money and knowledge for anything the in-depth. I'd like to do something with an ea82 wagon and go for the solid axles and nissan t-case. But once again, the money and know-how kick my butt.
  5. I would like to put a roof rack on my 90 Legacy wagon, but it does not have rain gutters and didnt come with any factory mounts for said rack. So is there some way I can rig something to mount a rack on it, or am I just out of luck? :-\
  6. ok, I figured it had been done, I was just curious. And if anyone needs one, I know of one thats in a junkyard in TN near me.
  7. I have a 1990 fwd legacy and it has made the same type of noise in the past. It just happens randomly, no reason other than maybe there was something between the pad and rotor. I had them checked after I heard the noise, and they were still good. Had the rotors recently turned, that seems to have helped a bit.
  8. heck, I'm late too, but I thought I'd reply anyway
  9. just out of curiousity, has anyone ever put a saab 900 IC into a sube?
  10. Well, its a little of both forms of worn out...but more so just the springs getting compressed over time. The drivers side is the worst in terms of wear, because the fabric is worn through and the springs are shot
  11. Are there any cool looking seats out of another subaru (or any car for that matter) that would be easy to replace the worn out ones in my 90 legacy with? I dont care about colors matching really, just want an improvement over what I have now.
  12. Ok, thanks. Do you know if the 92 Loyale had the Dual Range? I thought only the 80's subies had the dual range...
  13. I'm going to look at a 1992 Loyale Wagon, with the intention of possibly modifying it for better off roading at some point. So really, I'm looking for some pointers here, any info would be appreciated. And one more thing, is there any lift I can put on that wont cause problems with cv angles?
  14. This is kinda along the same lines of the topic, so here goes...The other day when i was in Richmond VA, I saw a bumper on a Baja that looked like something mudrat made...I didnt know that those things were making it out to the east coast, or maybe I've just been under a rock for a while.
  15. I just recently watched that movie too, and I noticed the Brat. Kind of random, but it was a random sort of movie, so it just seems to fit. When I saw it, I laughed and my girlfriend couldnt understand what was so amusing about it. Oh well...
  16. hey everyone, just wanted to make my presence known...I think thats about all for now
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