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Tiny Clark

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Everything posted by Tiny Clark

  1. Ja, If you adjust the clutch cable to where it's like putting a little pressure on the pedal, you will most likely fry your throw-out bearing, as it will be spinning all the time.
  2. Chico, call these guys first... Rising Sun Engines, Inc 2695 Hwy 32 Chico, California 95973 Toll-Free Nationwide: 1-800-660-4664 </B>Local: (530) 895-0300 http://risingsunengines.com/
  3. Goo-Gone will not hurt the paint. Either will charcoal lighter fluid if you have some of that laying around.
  4. And take some lightweight sandpaper to your dipstick, it makes it easier to read.
  5. Pimp it and call it a SLUF= Souped-up Low Ugly Forrester. Of course, another f-word could be substituted.
  6. LMAO firstwagon. Might be a bit wet in the rain and snow as well. Maybe it comes with a gore-tex blanket.
  7. In the Air Force, we call this FM - frikkin' magic, or something very similar to that. The only diodes I know of that he may be talking about are the rectifryers in the alternator.
  8. No problem, people who drive XC90s are only pretending they will drive off-road.
  9. Don't they have Subaru engines at those used japanese engine places in CA? Maybe you could check out that possibilty.
  10. The fuse could be bad, but it could also be the relay (in the fuse box) that controls the defogger. The switch supplies a ground to the coil of the relay, which in turn supplies the 12 volts thru the fuse to the window grid. The 12 volts for the positive side of the relay coil comes from the ignition switch.
  11. Does it shift OK manually? If so, maybe the TCU or ECU. Sure would be nice to go back to the simple life of a vacuum modulator instead of an array of solenoids.
  12. Is this waht our high skools are produsing now? Oh wait, I have a senior in the house, and the answer is, like, yes!!
  13. Ditto, bullet, I'm having a hard time understanding what you are describing. You do want to have about a half inch of free play on the pedal, or you'll fry the throwout bearing and possibly smoke the clutch plate if it's too tight.
  14. Blitz, Seafoam's homepage doesn't say anything about changing the oil right away, even tho they mention using it in the crancase: When Added to Crankcase (Oil) Frees sticky lifters and rings Increases R.P.M.'s vacuum and compression Cleans dirty parts Removes moisture Cleans PCV valve systems One pint treats 10 quarts of oil (avg. 1 1/2 ounce per quart). I would think if this broke down the oil, it would be mentioned. But just like any other cleaner, it'd be a good idea to drain the oil and get all the crap outta the system.
  15. I din't know what the frikkin' clearance was, and didn't think it was as large as .010 either. I was just trying to 'splain it in some sort of relevant terms that would make sense to someone who doesn't know what a piston skirt looks like. Boddi, have a look at this: http://www.canadiandriver.com/articles/jk/020320.htm
  16. Agree with 7sis's, usually damp weather brings out the worse in the High Voltage area of the ignition system, usually attributed to plug wires. Seven sisters... sounds like a small convent.
  17. I'm sure all figures will be lower than you'd like. I just call it a performance toad and live with it.
  18. I'm not a subie motor head, but give me a chebby small block... I can't see any reason for this, unless the cams are on top of the head bolts. I don't know if I would go to the trouble of R-squaring the gaskets without having the heads shaved or checked for flatness tho. If shaved, the valve lash would need to be adjusted, and always go on the err side of loose.
  19. Pistons are slightly smalller than the cylinder bore, which is one of the reasons we have rings on the pistons. With even .010" of an inch clearance, which is ABOUT the thickness of a sheet of paper, a piston will wiggle, or slap, in the cylinder if it isn't long enough to keep it from cocking back and forth too much. huh, huh, he said "cocking", huh huh!!!!! The subie design of these pistons suck. Let's meet the engineer in a dark alley somewhere... Zappa also said, "The crux of the biscuit, is the apostrophe"
  20. The Subie engineers decided that in the best interest of public safety, they should remove just about all of the piston skirt (the two longish tangs at the bottom of the piston) that used to assist the piston in sliding back and forth in the cylinder.
  21. I was looking at the open engine picture displayed on the subaru.com last week. I don't understand what the bad significance of longer piston skirts would be. With an alloy material, the total mass can't be that much of a diff, and the friction would seem to be negligable. Of course, I'm not dining on raw fish and wine made out of rice... Maybe they should have taken the material saved on the pistons and used it for a different cup holder.
  22. Lot of ways to do it, but maybe it would be easiest to have a small flashlight handy!!
  23. What do you mean by every gear is like neutral? Can you put the car into first or reverse with it shut off and push it with no resistance?
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