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Tiny Clark

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Everything posted by Tiny Clark

  1. Money is but one issue. Sometimes the satisfaction for me is fixing or repairing a part that isn't supposed to be fixed, like that little clock.
  2. I high centered in a drift on the road on Christmas day 4 years ago, heading to a dinner at a friend's house. A German farmer on a tractor pulled us back the few feet I needed to turn around. It doesn't make any difference what tires you have if they aren't in contact wth the surface.
  3. AAMCO, like all other national chain/whateveryouwannacall'em, is a transmission store. They sell transmissions so they can make a ton of money on parts markups. I made the mistake of going to MrTransmission in NC. After 1600 bucks, my tranny went out in less than 4 months (past the warranty of course). The guy came out and started talking to me like we were in a hospital and my child was dying and needed a new heart. I talked to a local shop guy, and he showed me a parts list book he got from a previous MrTranny employee that worked for him. It was sticker shock heaven. ALWAYS find a couple local ATRA certified shops and ask them for an estimate.
  4. My '96 has always had what I consider soft brakes, even with new rotors, pads and a good bleed (all old fluid out). If my wife steps on the brake, you can see the whole brake assembly move away from the firewall. There's just not enough support IMO. They should have installed a doubler plate. I know someone here mentioned putting a bracket in front of the master cylinder to keep it from moving, and he said it helps, but I can't remember who it was.
  5. Merry Christmas everyone!! For those of other beliefs, hope you have a wonderful time and a happy new year!! Got my TPS replaced, and as we say in the USAF, Op Chk Good! Thanks Larry!!!!
  6. Alway a good idea to replace the fluid in there once every couple of years. Suck out as much as possible with a turkey baster and refill.
  7. OK, I shoulda been mo pacific. Once at 60k, then again at 110,000 when I R2 the water pump as well. No signs of wear, looked new really. Who makes the subie belts? It's always easier to outsource supplies like that than to make them yourownself.
  8. Oops, had 96 legacy under my name the first post, but our server timed out, so I had to type it again and forgot it. It would be nice to have one on hand before I go crackin' it open. That Subie Genuine parts place has it for $80. I always get a kick out of fixing something that's not supposed to be fixed though! And now I see it doubleposted-detsopelbuod. Dammit, I hate the Base Network.
  9. Remove the radiator regardless. It makes it much easier to work in that area and doesn't really take that long.
  10. Has anyone here ever tried to pop open TPS? I am thinking it's nothing more than a rheostat. Price for one at Autozone is over 200 bucks. Danke, Tiny 96 Legacy
  11. Has anyone ever tried to pop open a TPS to clean it? I am thinking it is nothing but a rheostat. Danke, Tiny
  12. Wow, some things never change. The headlamp assembly has to come off. Some of them are behind the grill.
  13. I bought a year's subscription for my '96 at http://www.alldatadiy.com/ Then I downloaded all the wiring diagrams and printed up just about everything I could think of. The material was very specific for the year and engine.
  14. They do sell amps with speaker input connections for head units without preamp outputs. Crutchfield sells these converters... http://www.crutchfield.com/S-r5YlQdFQlEn/cgi-bin/ProdView.asp?g=721&I=142SLC4&search=speaker+output++converter http://www.crutchfield.com/S-r5YlQdFQlEn/cgi-bin/ProdView.asp?g=721&I=101PL2&search=speaker+output++converter
  15. The cassette adapter works much better than the 3 fm transmitters I've used for my ipod.
  16. Somebody help woody out. I told him to come here for Subie answers. I know my '96 doesn't have any RCA jacks on it.
  17. I have A/C on my wife's Legacy, and it keeps the fogging down unless there are 3 or more peeps in the car, or the frikkin' dog is in the back. Then I crack the window behind me. I crack the rear window on my Beemer, as the A/C doesn't work, and this works fairly well too.
  18. Stock units don't have line inputs. I'm sure someone could install one, but it would probably cost more to do that than buying a new CD receiver with a jack on the front panel.
  19. If the lights and digits are on in the radio, then an external wiring problem is pretty much out of the question, unless you are using an aftermarket amp. The chances of all speaker connections going bad at once are very, very limited. My money is on an internal failure, as a single cold solder joint can in the amp section can cause this problem. Or, the plug on the back of your unit, so to speak, is not all the way on.
  20. The rubber bellows on the brake fluid tank cap can pop out. It should be folded up toward the cap. If this happens, the bellows will push the low fluid float down.
  21. I know our 96 legacy has one, since my wife freaks out about gas the moment it pops on.
  22. They only had black at our parts store, and it stated 'Best for oil' or something like that. Hasn't leaked yet, so it must be a go.
  23. Hey y'all. I'm getting ready to replace my oil pump o-ring. I know I've seen it in posts in the past about tightening the bolts on the back of the pump, but I just want to be sure I'm on the same page. Are these bolts holding the oil pump assembly together? I am assuming they are allen heads. What does everyone use for sealant on the pump to engine contact area? Danke, Tiny
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