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Tiny Clark

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Everything posted by Tiny Clark

  1. Have the fluid changed or DIY. It won't hurt. If it seems to be shifting OK, I don't see a problem with the tranny. I have never had an automatic that "totally disengages" when you come to a stop. It should downshift into first gear, but still want to move.
  2. My guess is the piece that your caliper bolts on to is bent. This thing ever been in an accident? Maybe the part was machined improperly and has never been right. My son's Camry has the same problem, not quite as severe tho. The lady that owned it had a blow-out and went off the road. Tiny
  3. Why put an older CD player in your car when a new one doesn't cost that much, and will have more power and features? Tiny
  4. Maybe you had a good tail wind, Tepp. That will help considerably.
  5. The fill connectors for R134 are the large snap on type, and usually have red and blue plastic caps on them. R12 has small threaded connectors like tire valves.
  6. In the future, measure the circumference and divide by 3.14. By the way, in case ya didn't know, that's where hat sizes come from...
  7. I used two of those "used Japanese engines" and one tranny for Toyotas. Had to swap out intake manifolds becuase of emmision stuff, but that was easy. The junkyards in SoCal used to advertise them, since most go to ports on the west coast.
  8. I really don't think you could get "swirling action" from a drain tube that's small enough to go down on the dipstick tube, so to speak...
  9. Buy a fumoto valve at http://www.fumotovalve.com/ It makes oil changing simple. And it can't be that clean anyway, you still have to take off the filter. I wear latex gloves when I work on my cars. It makes for much easier cleanup.
  10. OK, someone strap a camcorder inside the engine bay and find out what happens!! I already did the intake temp experiment, so I'm through for the year!
  11. Yer lucky ya got a manual. Top gear (4th or OD, whatever ya wanna call it) of the Automatic is the HDG (hill deceleration gear).
  12. Damn, this is so simple... Why don't you get out and check??? That is one diagram I didn't download when I had my alldata account. But, I am relatively sure that the fan is turned on via the A/C or defroster switch. Good idea if you are stuck in traffic and it's hot out to turn on the A/C, which will keep the fan running.
  13. Drill some small holes large enough to use some nylon zip-ties.
  14. Sorry GreenGod, but I don't buy that. I've purchased quite a few tires over the last 30-some years of driving, and I rely on that treadwear number. I've never had a set of tires wear out quicker than they should have, but maybe I've just been lucky. For everyone's enjoyment... http://www.eurotire.com/body_utqgs.html
  15. From the NHTSA of the D.O.T., "To help consumers compare a passenger car tire's treadwear rate, traction performance, and temperature resistance, the federal government requires tire manufacturers to grade tires in these three areas. This grading system, known as the Uniform Tire Quality Grading System, provides guidelines for making relative comparisons when purchasing new tires. You also can use this information to inquire about the quality of tires placed on new vehicles. Although this rating system is very helpful when buying new tires, it is not a safety rating or guarantee of how well a tire will perform or how long it will last. Other factors such as personal driving style, type of car, quality of the roads, and tire maintenance habits have a significant influence on your tire's performance and longevity. Treadwear grades are an indication of a tire's relative wear rate. The higher the treadwear number is, the longer it should take for the tread to wear down. For example, a tire grade of 400 should wear twice as long as a tire grade of 200." I don't think tire manufacturers can make up their own grading criteria. Tiny
  16. It could still blow cold while the compressor is running, especially since you have an R12 system. There is a pressure switch that keeps the compressor from staying on so it doesn't toast without proper lubrication. Do you see any air bubbles in the sight glass?
  17. This has been around a long time, maybe they changed the numbers, but Permatex #1 was hardening, and #2 was non-hardening, but not by much. It is dark brown. Any NAPA should have it.
  18. My oil pump did not have a gasket. It was sealed with what seemed like silicone. There is a 3/4" o-ring between the pump and engine housing, most probably for the pump output, but I didn't look at it that close. The o-ring had sealant residue all the way around it on the main housing, so it appears even if the o-ring leaked, it would not make it past the housing. I didn't have a new o-ring, so I used the old one. If you don't want it to leak, I would suggest permatex #2. If you don't have latex gloves, don't worry, the stuff will eventually wear off your hands.
  19. Oh sure, bring up a new car... Although GT appears to have started with the Alfa Romeo 1931 two seat 1750. Not a lot of luggage space in the trunk, but with the luggage rack, yer good to go. Quoted from: http://www.pcug.org.au/~mstreet/cars/alfa/montreal/grand_touring.htm "The binomial speed-elegance lived its period of greatest splendour at the end of the 1920's when the great automobile companies provided to the carrozzeria chassis which were true [veri e propri] masterpieces of technology. The automobile was endowed with, finally, its own identity without any analogies to the horse-drawn carriage. In those same years the name "Grand Touring" was born in Italy. Initially it was given to cars that offered the maximum comfort and a high grade of mechanical reliability. Successively, the name GT itself changed meaning to indicate, instead, cars with a [prettamente] (decidedly?) sporting character. Very quickly this term was also adopted abroad, since it married to perfection with the image of fast and sporting cars. One of the first Italian cars to carry this acronym was the Alfa Romeo 1750 GT of 1931, bodied by Carrozzeria Touring. This car represented perfectly the new concept of grand touring; as well as on the road it was in fact used in competition, and brought back achievements of importance. After the second world war, the concept of GT, even if slowly, came to be transformed. In postwar Italy, the recognised homeland of the grand tourers, began the destiny of these cars, from the end of the 1950's to the first years of the 1970's, that is from the end of postwar reconstruction to the oil crisis. With the diffusion of a certain well being and with a higher purchasing power the number of sporting clients longing for fast cars, luxurious and comfortable, specialised for the new motorways, increased. In those years there emerged the image of the future GT in Italy: high speed, ability to maintain high averages under various types of journeys, given considerable ease of handling and roadholding. Alfa Romeo, already a protagonist in the sector with the 1900 Sprint, launched in 1954, surprised the international market with the Giulietta Sprint, a grand tourer of only 1290 cc. This car represented a new concept of GT: medium capacity, sophisticated mechanicals, excellent performance and great ease of handling. From this moment, capacity, power and, therefore, high speed no longer represented absolute criteria for qualifying as a grand tourer."
  20. I think most of the black plastic stuff on cars is ABS. You could try some ABS cement (for black sewage lines) from Home Depot or some other place like that.
  21. Geeze, you probably still have ice in the CV boot from driving the Glenn Hwy. Even without mud, the grease has probably pretty much been washed out of the joint (no - not the kind of joint you get in Wasilla). With all the nasty stuff on the streets during breakup, I'm surprised it isn't grinding. I would put a new CV on with a new boot!! No sense in doing the same job twice.
  22. I know it's an Italian phrase (Great Tourism), but I can't think of a single Italian car made that is "capable of driving at very high speeds, keeping occupants cocooned in leather and silence, and having room for a weekend's luggage"
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