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Everything posted by MorganM

  1. I know you wanna blame everyone else John but you are the one biting off more than you can chew.
  2. Love that shot of the water crossing. That orange muck sure is sweet.
  3. I would sheer off those front bolts first time on the rocks. Not a fan of the square stock used to drop it down; something to get hung up on. Nice job on the plate itself. The fact you did it yourself is good.
  4. yummy; BFG ATs Sorry; wont show a heep how anything is done with only AWD :-p
  5. mmhttp://www.mnchopshop.org/features/suparoo/fender_cuting.html Pics kinda suck but its a very clean method. Trying to cut an arch is hard to make it look good; 90% of the time its all wavy and off. Hammer was a bit crude; works for the unibody but the fender I wanted to look sharp. I think it turned out well. Oh here's where I cut in the rear; same deal I just used the grinder with the cutoff wheels. Door still seals properly.
  6. Liberator ATs arent MTs What are you getting quotes for on Super Swamper TSL bias ply? Kumhoe Venture MTs are cheap. General Grabber MTs are cheap but I dont think they come in the size you want.
  7. They are out there but you gotta convert either the rim to 4x140mm or your hubs to 6x140mm.
  8. I'm not bitter; but maybe it came accross that way. Not trying to punch anyone here; just seemed like your guys posts in here were pretty cocky. Yall have the footage to back it up but that doesnt mean everyone else with out pics and footage hasn't done any seriouse Subaru wheel'n. Some of us are too busy driving to shoot a lot of footage. I might have read to far into you and Zaps posts on here; its easy to do over the internet. I lifted my Subaru because I love offroading. I love it more than any brand of vehicle. I'll do it in a Subaru, Geo, Toyota, Jeep, and even a Ford. I really dont care as long as I'm on the trails having a blast.
  9. What year is the tracker? The early 90's ones are great for offroading. Wanna see what trackers cand do? Check out Real Performance Machines offroad club out of MN http://www.rpm4x4.com/members-rides.htm I also stoped and talked to a fella on base here who had a nice one. '91 Tracker, 6" suspension lift, 33X12 MT tires, stock engine, stock tranny, stock transfer case and he wheeled the piss out of it. Why am I advocating he get something other than a Subaru? Because he WANTED some advice beyond Subarus. Lets be realistic here; he's not going to spend the money and time to make that Forester into a REAL trail vehicle. If he wants to do some REAL offroading; get something that starts off a little more capable then you have to spend less time and money to get it REALLY capable. Building your daily driver into a seriouse trail vehicle isnt realistic, for most people, either. ============== Here comes the Hatch Patrol riding down on their white horses again. Yes you guys have been doing it longer but dont delude yourself for a second thinking yall are the only ones who go balls deep in Subarus. Sorry guys but yall rub me the wrong way with the whole 'we been doing it longer and harder than anyone' routine.
  10. I'm sure somebody still stocks them. That Uniroyal junk looks extra wussed out
  11. 1) There is no kit for it. A custom job was done in Austrailia. 2) TWB Fab makes a nice roof rack; his name is Soobme on here. Thule makes racks that fit on old Subarus. 3) Whatever local custom automotive shop is willing to take on the project. Cost would be at their mercy. Good luck.
  12. Use the whole trailing arm and make an independant suspension trailer
  13. Only seen one thrown rod on a junkyard EA82. The piston was literaly shoved through the block just under the intake manifold. Quite a site to see! Looking over the rest of the car, especially underneith, it was quite obviouse they had beat the piss out of it untill it blew up on purpose.
  14. Not everything back there is ridgid steel on steel conections. There are lots of rubber bushings. Factor in that + big rubber tires that flex and sway under force and things do shift side to side. When I had 30"x9.5" tires on it was really close up to the front strut seats. Did not rub when bouncing up and down straight. Same in the rear; before I had trimmed enough metal out of the way. I thought it was fine since it didnt rub bouncing straight up and down. However in turning situations it did indeed rub front and rear. Put some chalk or something that rubs off easy on those bolts. See if they do indeed rub anymore. Personally I think its a little scary having washers space your rim out; maybe that's just me. Better than your tires rubbing thugh right; but are they your permanent solution to the problem?
  15. If it aint leaking out somewhere then its going out your tail pipe from one of many locations. The amount you are loosing isn't significant. The fact that you check it and top it off regularly is good news. Keep up the good work
  16. http://www.intercotire.com/site62.php Punch in numbers, hit calculate.
  17. The explosion in the damn engine makes the sound. The exhuast changes that sound. Net result is the sound you hear. Different engines designs AND different exhaust designs systems = different sounds. End of debate.
  18. It's still going to rub on hard turns. Need less backspacing.
  19. Next time remember to shift out while you are still on a slippery surface
  20. False; your coolant system is always under pressure reguardless of headgasket problems or not. Your water pump generates water presure. Heat generates pressure because hotter liquids expand. HOpefully it's just your intake manifold gaskets. They can leak directly into your combustion chambers right where the intake manifold meets the heads.
  21. Ack; it looked that nasty and it was dry? Time for a new filter dude! Got that dizzy cap sealed up now?
  22. Choo Choo; ATV train hauling a subaru coming through Yep; nothing like a big splash of muddy water up into the air filter to liven up the day. Looked like it was pretty wet!
  23. It has nothing to do with the tires. Super Sweampers work great on the rocks too. I like driving on rocks more than mud; personal preference.
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