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Everything posted by northguy

  1. Isn't thee just a fuse that controls the deployment of the airbag?
  2. Don't know where you are, but the Leanordtown, Lexington Park, St. Mary's area is good.
  3. Try using a helicoil to repair the plug hole. Clean the carb to see if that improves the stall problem, and see whan the timing belt was changed last. (I assume yours is an ea82.)
  4. Kelly, I'll get you the stickers this Sat. Are we still on for putting in Jon's lift kit?
  5. Better yet, fix it up, put it on ebay and don't put a reserve on it.
  6. You could have been that stuck in my driveway. We got 8" yesterday.
  7. Board name is rinatm. There is also a guy called israbrat. Good luck finding them.
  8. All you're missing is the girl from thee with the Brat. She's a board member.
  9. It shouldn't be that big of a deal with the screws. Mine broke loose just fine. If not, you might try an impact driver, or soak them a bit first with P B Blaster, or Yield, or some other product like those.
  10. Get what you're comfortable with. There are enough members with enough know-how in your imediate area that a complete rebuild could be an afternoon's work, if you made the offer tempting enough.
  11. You have to pull the door panel off to get access to the bolts, which means that you have to pull the arm rest off, and all of the other parts. But it really is pretty simple. Take your time and reason through those hitches that you'd otherwise break if you were frustrated and ina hurry/ impatient.
  12. You're kidding. There was a beautiful Legacy for sale in Kansas posted in the Marketplace about a month ago. I'd pay no more than $3500, but Lagacies go for pretty reasonable here.
  13. A heat gun will remove most stickers, but you've got to keep it moving or you'll bubble the paint. Try denatured alcohol first. It's much easier on the paint.
  14. Welcome to the board. Just keep it changed regularly and you should have few problems. Watch the quality of filters you use.
  15. Your new ride must be uglier than a mud fence, but I'll bet it goes like hell. Take the amount of surface contact with the ground (let's say 2" x 7" per tire - that's 14" x 4 = 56 square inches. Divide by number of pounds. For grins let's say 2240 lbs. That's 40 psi).
  16. I'm sitting on the box of stickers right now. Float Kelly the cash and the info and I'll drop off the coolest sticker in AK at your doorstep.
  17. Jzab, welcome to the board. You'll find a bunch of your countrymen on this board.
  18. If you're looking at toying with mods, you might consider a 2.2 Legacy motor and a 5spd d/r tranny. You can buy an adaptor from Mudrat79 and you'll have an rump roast kicking ride - go anywhere and fast to boot.
  19. Thanks for the correction. Hate to not credit the correct source.
  20. You could use your 3.9 tranny and just do the swap with the internals of the 3.7 and your existing 3.9 differential. There is an excellent write up in the USRM (I think it was Turbone who wrote it - please excuse me if I gave credit to the wrong author). If you switch transmissions you might have to look at different driveshafts also. So, if you're grabbing one thing you might as well grab it all. Be aware that tranny change mat require a clutch/flywheel change also. So grab that too.
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