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Everything posted by northguy

  1. I don't know if it's done, but given that it produces around 40,000 volts, I wouldn't play around with it, especially since you can replace it with an Accel Super Stock for less than $35.00. Better safe than sorry.
  2. Scott- "I'm just going to average about 500 miles a day." Ya, right! You drove the entire AlCan in just over 48 hours. I'm glad to hear you made it safely and that the car made the trip without a hitch. I knew you'd like the 2.2. Has anyone else made a long-distance dash to top that one - 2200 miles in just over 48 hours? (Leave it to a Finn to pull that off).
  3. That's for sure. Say, hw's the shipping on the FSM coming?
  4. It seems to have given new life to mine. I think the accel coil helps, too.
  5. Page around on the site. There are a number of things available besides good advice/information and fellowship( not sure what the feminine noun would be).
  6. PM McBrat. He had a thread a short time ago about windshield banners for really reasonable prices. You might ask Zapar if he's going to offer WSSC6 stickers. I recently put a new cd player in mine - made a world of difference. Matching or contrasting mats are good. Depending on the shape of your seats, those are popular things to swap out. But frankly, the biggest change that made the biggest difference for me was putting a lift kit and larger tires/wheels on it. That opened up a bunch of new territiry for me.
  7. Go for it. Look at the repair manual for a step-by-step process for the 4 to 5 speed swap.
  8. Here's the site: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=6783&item=2478160814&rd=1 You can get the whole car for a buck.
  9. She'd probably have to surface mountthem on the inside of the bed and then to the inside of the tailgate. Seems like a pain to close the gate.
  10. I just did a search on Peugeots on e-bay and saw a j/y in Nesa that has several cars for sale as parts cars. At least two had wheels - 1 set of steelies with the rectangular holes and another set of alloys. Could be a good snag for board members.
  11. I've put about 15K on my Brat since I bought it from down south (thanks again, Richie) 10 months ago. Put new plugs, dist cap and rotor, a new Accel coil, and new air filter in it yesterday. It purrs just like a contented kitten. Amazing what $70 in parts will do. I can hardly wait ti see what the gas mileage will look like.
  12. What about one of those nets that are popular in the states to reduce weight and air resistance/ improve gas mileage? Are those legal abroad?
  13. You're talking about the side support bracket, not the hinge at the bottom, right? Personally, although it might look nice when it's parked with the tailgate down, I think the clanging of the chainwould get to me, and the chain banging against the taillight, or inner walls of the bed would either rub paint off or break the lens cover. Why not just take the tailgate off completely, store it until everyone else's is bashed and rusted, then pull it out and have the only nice one on the block?
  14. You could look at Junkie's site. He has pics of an ea81, I believe. There shouldn't be too much difference. If I can pull it off with vewry few pproblems, you certainly can. If you run into problems, you may want to PM Zap. He's done a bunch of them.
  15. I just bought a set and they were the cheapest plug of all sold in the store. And they give me a military discount for time served (military time that is).
  16. A block and tackle is a series of pulleys to increase the pulling strength of your rope. A rope pulling a weight straight requires a force equal to the weight to move it. A simple pulley allows the puller to use only half of the force. Each time you add another pulley you cut the force in half again. So, a pulley chained to a tree with rope running to a pullet chained to your car would require one fourthof the effort to pull your car free. These are commonly refered to as a block and tackle system.
  17. I sometimes get a plastic type of squeaking (more like a squeal) noise from my steering column that's associated with an interior trim being out of alignment from bouncing around over a 21 year lifespan. No big deal.
  18. 100' of good stout rope and a block and tackle Don't forget tire repair, air compressor stuff \Basic tool kit
  19. Low on P/S fluid? Steering rack problems? (seems unlikely, but maybe?) A belt being bound up?
  20. You mean it happens when you're sitting still, motor running, with the steering wheel turning?
  21. Try this: turn the wheels completely in one direction and drive in a full circle. Listen for sounds. Then repeat in the other direction. If it happens in one direction but not the other, it's probably the cv axle/ doj. If it happens in both, it may be wheel bearings. If it happens when the car is sitting still, you have mice under the hood.
  22. You don't have much choice with wheels unless you're going to redrill. Puegot wheels come in 14 and 15 inch wheel sizes with the same bolt pattern as subbies. See the wheelpage for styles. As for tires, that is all dependent on type of terrain, daily driving...
  23. I stand corrected, Although I didn't mention anything about a lift. I'd just hate to see someone plop down a bunch of money for some tires and then be disappointed about having to do fender mods due to rubbing problems.
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